CNN.Com--Are "G" Rated Films Going Too Far?

Barry Lee

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2003
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Yea, these G rated films are getting a little too PG lol. Interesting very interesting... :smirk:

Barry Lee

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2003
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Plus Warner Brothers Animation was mainly made for adults but it has gotten a appeal to children.


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2004
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It's strange that I should come across this thread. I have just been visiting a Chirstian website and on that site there is a section about The Entertainment Industry. I have to admit, as a film and TV fan I do feel dismayed about the standards going down but I have to say, it may reflect the world in which we live. The truth is, at times the churches haven't been much better.
Mind you, when I was growing up, I heard people say what a bad influerence certain TV shows and movies were on young minds, but looking back, I don't feel that they did me as much harm as school or sport ever did.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Now that this thread has been bumped, I have one thing to say...

Since my original posts in this thread, I can actually see that "G-rated" movies and things ARE going a bit too far, even my mom complains about now all G-rated movies seem to have at LEAST ONE swear word in them.

I will say this though, once I'm in this industry professionally, I plan to try to bring back a level of innocence, naivete, and wholesomeness to television; the sitcom I'm developing is modeled after sitcoms my parents grew up with, and introduced me to all my life.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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does anyone else think that early disney movies even though rated G, were very violent? Seriously, elarly disney movies were just as bad as ones today. what about when Mufasa being treampled to death and Simba watching him fall into the stampeed, then, showing the dead lifeless body of Mufasa. Or how about the huntsman trying to kill snow white, chasing her in attempts to cut out her heart? Stromboli kidnapping Pinoccio and locking him in a birdcage, practically abused him. (oh, and the fact that they got away with saying the synonym for donkey in that movie?) I see the aliens in chicken little no more worse than that


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2003
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my opnion: honestly, I seen nothing wrong in children's movies of today, but I haven't seen chicken little. oh well.
DON'T youll be glad you have that hour or so of your life, that I will never get back

the SS old school got a PG rating, they changed it from a G

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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The stuff that's being nit-picked about in the article has been in G-rated films as long as I've been alive, and a lot of it has been in cartoons since they started! You cannot tell me that Finding Nemo is in anyway scarier than Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Or that Chicken Little was more violent than Beauty and the Beast or Mulan or even Sleeping Beauty. There have also been sexual references in older Disney movies. That's not to say that there aren't occasions where the G-rating hasn't been pushed a little too far, but it really isn't that often.

And, technically, the older cartoons weren't even rated G. They weren't rated anything. They've only been rated in the last 40 years, so, basically, the G-rating's meant the same for 40 years.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Now that this thread has been bumped, I have one thing to say...

Since my original posts in this thread, I can actually see that "G-rated" movies and things ARE going a bit too far, even my mom complains about now all G-rated movies seem to have at LEAST ONE swear word in them.

I will say this though, once I'm in this industry professionally, I plan to try to bring back a level of innocence, naivete, and wholesomeness to television; the sitcom I'm developing is modeled after sitcoms my parents grew up with, and introduced me to all my life.
I call Bull crap on this. I hate this whole "Movie ratings are going to far" bull crap. I hate to use a phrase twice, but there's no other word (that's G rated) for it.

If anything, G movies rarely exist, and everything is PG. And with the exception of Speed Racer (which had Spritle flip someone off), every single PG movie I have seen in the past couple years was nothing more than a G film with a souped up rating.

The real evidence lies in TMNT, which the ratings board dogged them every step of the way, causing it to be less violent and less adult than it could have been. And yet, looking at the original TMNT film, which was also PG, it was far more violent, and Raph swore a lot in it. There were even drug references. Of course, they followed the TMNT code of repeating the "say no to drugs" message. ("Question... do you like Penicillin on your pizza?")

Personally, I think this is all nonsense. As usual, kids learn more dangerous things on the play ground than they can ever learn watching a kid's film. When I was a kid, the other kids were making AIDS jokes. If that's not inappropriate behavior, I don't know what is.

Matt and Trey were right. I have seen more kids like Cartman and the South Park gang (mostly Cartman) in REAL life than kids straight out of a Barney the Dinosaur episode. Kids swear. Kids do bad things. Not in general, of course. But we should stop putting them on the cute and innocent platform like everyone seems to automatically do.

That said, I heard worse sexual innuendos in the 4kids dub of Ultimate Muscle. And for those who know 4kids, that's really saying something.

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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Matt and Trey were right. I have seen more kids like Cartman and the South Park gang (mostly Cartman) in REAL life than kids straight out of a Barney the Dinosaur episode. Kids swear. Kids do bad things. Not in general, of course. But we should stop putting them on the cute and innocent platform like everyone seems to automatically do.
There's another discussion all together. Kids are HORRENDOUS today, and I don't think I've seen characters in G-rated movies acting like some kids I've seen, so there's no way you can blame it on that. I've seen so many rotten kids that get away with anything and everything, and it's incredibly annoying. There's nothing wrong with punishing a child for doing something wrong. That doesn't mean hitting or abusing that kid, that's not what punishment is. But, you're right, I've seen a lot more "Cartmans" than I've seen "Gobo Fraggles" (a good kid).

And on "kids learn more dangerous things on the playground," I seem to recall getting pushed off the top of said playground when I was in kindergarten, so... yeah.

... Anyway, what were we talking about again? Oh, right. G-ratings.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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... Anyway, what were we talking about again? Oh, right. G-ratings.
And in the last few years I haven't seen any G film come out of anywhere but Pixar. Rat was a surprise G rating. There was nothing objectionable about it, but it really seemed like an adult film.

Not those kinds, of course. The arty, sophisticate ones.

Even the older Disney G rated films were pretty horrifying and violent. Look at Bambi. That would be an automatic PG these days. (unless it was slapped with one). And lemme tell you, horrifying things can warp a kid a lot more than hearing about adult situations.

A lot of people claim to be scarred for life from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory and even the Wizard of Oz.

Kids movies today are SOFT if anything.