Can we just sit down and make a promise? The promise to not compare this to MFC when it finally airs? That's pretty hard a comparison... I mean, MFC is one of the great Muppet projects, right up their with the first three movies. I mean, you wouldn't compare MFS with TMM or GMC.... All we can hope is we get some of the classic feel we find in MFC, but in an entirely new project. Something that won't be weighed down too much with odd pop culture digs (like VMX did).
Although MFC is enjoyable, it is not my favorite Christmas special. I suppose it is a fan choice due to the cross-over casts, but I still like the John Denver special the best. I'm not a big Denver fan, but there's just something so sweet and understated about the whole production. Both can easily make me cry.
Projects will always be compared and some fans will never be satisfied. I'm learning to tune out the negativity especially when concerning what hasn't even happened yet. To tell you the truth, I don't expect much more from this 46 minute special than some good songs, a few cameos, solid performances, holiday spirit and Scooter!
It would be nice, but I am not counting on this to be one of the greatest Muppet specials of all time. I'm going to love it for what it is and count it as an unexpected Christmas gift. I know it will get scrutinized to death, but barring a very unlikely complete disaster I will just be grinning from ear to ear. This has got to be cheerier than VMX.