Christmas: Are they shoving it down our throats too early?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Heh, would make more sense if they coated the chocolate eggs with a layer of white chocolate made to look like skulls, kind of like a Baskin-Robbins ice cream flavor I've never found the name of. It was basically two batches of vanilla, one mixed with green coloring and another with brownish coloring; and half-split dark chocolate orbs with white chocolate skulls over the darker core.

BTW: Nice that MCR's playing some New Year's tracks in the rotation.
*Hears one with Kermit and the Muppets counting down.
:smile: "Hey, does anybody have a watch? Oh well, it's bound to be midnight somewhere."
Aaaaaaaah! Gremlins! ! ! :scary:


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2012
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Oy. Yeah. I remember a time there where no matter what the medium was, be it TV, magazines, billboards, whatever, the promos for BBT always plastered Kaley Cuoco up front and center, with the so-called nerds relegated to the background, making it look like it's a show about a hot blonde that a bunch of nerds obsessively fawn over. Talk about false (somewhat) advertising... kinda like THIS little gem I whipped up last year:
If I may cut in (and not try to change the topic too much), TBBT is like the Killer Rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. While it has a cute and cuddly exterior, it has some pretty subversive motives. It claims that it has always used science as its foundation, but as the show continues and the characters progress, the topics strays toward romantic relationships. The level of innuendo on TBBT is at an all-time high. And to support D'Snowth, the original ads featured Leonard and Sheldon front and center, but it's really all about Penny now to draw in more viewers (particularly male).
That said, the show is funny as ****. And Kaley Cuoco is very VERY good looking.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Dumb Guy following Rachael Bitterman: "Inuendo." :smirk:
:rolleyes: Ju get out of here okay! I will no has ju stealing my womans okay!
*Flings Pepe away into some leftover Christmas decoratings.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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If I may cut in (and not try to change the topic too much), TBBT is like the Killer Rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. While it has a cute and cuddly exterior, it has some pretty subversive motives. It claims that it has always used science as its foundation, but as the show continues and the characters progress, the topics strays toward romantic relationships. The level of innuendo on TBBT is at an all-time high. And to support D'Snowth, the original ads featured Leonard and Sheldon front and center, but it's really all about Penny now to draw in more viewers (particularly male).
That said, the show is funny as ****. And Kaley Cuoco is very VERY good looking.
Which is pretty much why I don't watch Big Bang. If it could actually be a show about actual nerds, like it's supposedly supposed to be, I'd be interested in watching it, but like I said many times before, when you've got Chuck Lorre at the helm, of course it's going to be turned into a show about sex, and when I was growing up, sex wasn't even a concern for nerds, but then again again, back in mah day, nerds weren't deranged psychos either (yeah, I'm still talking about those crazy cosplayers that have too much freetime in their lives to make costumes for themselves and attend a hundred cons in a single year).


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Oh boy.

Here it is, three months later... it's March... it's the time to celebrate St. Patrick's Day... everywhere you go is full of green hats and mugs and such... McDonald's brought back its annual St. Patrick's Shamrock Shake... what could possibly be the best way to celebrate this March holiday?

A Christmas parade.

I kid you not. Apparently Gatlinburg (about three towns over from me) is having a Christmas parade this weekend. And as it turns out, there's already a bunch of people who will be attending, dressed in Santa suits and everything.



Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Can I just say that Santa has not been out of the spotlight at all this year?

I really don't know about the rest of you, but honestly, in my area, there's been all kinds of Christmas festivities and Santa appearances all year long. Seriously. Back in March? The very week of St. Patrick's Day they had a Christmas parade up in Gatlinburg. Easter? A guy dressed as Santa was appearing on our local news programs, "Ho-ho-ho! The Easter Bunny's kind of fallen behind this year and needed some help, so I stepped him to give him a hand!" Seriously, every single month has seen some kind of Santa parade or Christmas celebration or something. I wouldn't be surprised if they played Christmas music during the fireworks show for Boomsday this year (which itself has been rescheduled because of a football game... only in TN would a holiday get rescheduled for a football game).

Oh, and guess what? The stores have already had those giant variety packs of Halloween candy out for like a month now. That stuff'll all go bad before Halloween even gets here, and those kids'll have really bad tummy aches.

And, my mom's already decorated for both Halloween and Thanksgiving and it's still summer.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Oh, and guess what? The stores have already had those giant variety packs of Halloween candy out for like a month now. That stuff'll all go bad before Halloween even gets here, and those kids'll have really bad tummy aches.

Eh... no... no they won't. There's a thing called preservatives. Even in the less shelf stable chocolate based ones last a good several months, sometimes a year. Ones that aren't chocolate? Ooohhhh... those horrible Smartees (the American, chalky ones, not the Nestles M&M stuff from Europe) could probably survive a nuclear holocaust even better than roaches. When was Madagascar 3? Like 2012? I bought a Flix dispenser of one of them and the off brand Smartees had a good couple years left. They're good for well over 4 years!


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2003
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We already have Halloween and Christmas scrapbooking stuff in my store. Now, that I can understand, since people who do scrapbooking like to plan ahead (and a lot of our Halloween stuff is pretty cool. I really don't mind Halloween stuff out in August. Gets me hyped!). :cool:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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We already have Halloween and Christmas scrapbooking stuff in my store. Now, that I can understand, since people who do scrapbooking like to plan ahead (and a lot of our Halloween stuff is pretty cool. I really don't mind Halloween stuff out in August. Gets me hyped!). :cool:
Sure the heck beats Christmas in July. We need more Halloween in the year. I actually prefer Halloween and Easter decorations over Christmas ones. Well... except rubber bugs... those things are nasty!

What I heard a while back is they're going to force Christmas down even harder and earlier this year, but for a valid reason. Dock workers' contracts are set to expire just before the hoilday shopping season, and you just know the CEO's aren't going to want any of that giving them a fair wage stuff, so a strike is inevitable.