C'est Les Muppets Showue!

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I don't care what language the show is in, "YMCA" is always funny for a joke! I suppose that Animal swallowed a radio? That as a running gag is funny.

The voices are not very good, and Piggy was painful; the puppetry was STIFF, and I saw the bottom parts of the puppets that we're not supposed to see in too many occasions. The puppet for Zoot seemed to be really stiff, or maybe it was the puppeteer's fault, but when he's using his sax his face folds in half! What's up with that?

I did like the song that the guest star sang and wouldn't mind having a CD.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2002
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who did made the puppets for the show? they dont look like they were made by henson. did they send back up puppets over there?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I have to confess that I actually like this. I don't get a word, not a word, and the guuest star cracks up too much but I love the modern feel of the sets and the bright lighting, also Piggy's crazy shouting.

I am only halfway through but so far it's looking good.

Ok, now we get to Muppet's Anatomy and Clifford's guy cannot puppet at all, but Fozzie's looking good.

Ok, back to the talk-set, which reminds me of season-one of the Muppet show but modern. Oh, and now the guest star is singing, rather well, with a nice piano and close shots which remind me of the filming style of Elton John when he was on the Muppet Show. - Ok, he stopped singing well, but it's still hilarious.

Oh...Piggy is painfull in this scene. But from the way she is moving, she has a lot of energy and a big old Piggy nature to her. The flirting may be a little OTT, but her clothing is loverly. And as the song ends there is some feeling between Piggy and the guest star but Piggy keeps stareing into the distence.

(Side note: Kodous to anyone who decides to write a fan-fic about the Muppet learning French for this thing...)

Ooh, Scooter! Ooh, Animal. He seems a little caffinated here, but, heck, he is in a different country spreaking a different language so...understandable.

Another side note, I am glad that they called it Muppet's TV not Muppet Show, so it is different, not trying to recreate the same.

Oh! Gonzo is great in this basket-ball scene.

Back to the Talk-Set, which I am growing to love, believe it or not.

Animal seems a bit strangely made...and has he swallowed a CD player?

Kermit's overacting now but..*shrug*

Piggy again! her hair needs serious shampooing.

Gonzo, Scooter, Fozzie...Hmm, Fozzie is looking great and excited.

HEY! Zoot is here! That was unexpected.

Sidenote: Kermie is looking a bit skinny...perhaps to prevent anyone eating him?

Nice set for the final number! Piggy looks good. Zoot is a little sad, but without Dave performing him, what can we expect? Dave does him best of the best. Fozzie seems a bit stiff in the final. Piggy's bouncing along to the beat nicely though.

Like everyone else here, not sure why they can't do something like this for the UK and American, its not high budget, and with good writing it sounds be good, who knows.


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2005
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Muppets TV merchandise

Vector said:
I'm not really sure that I can post this here. If it isn't allowed please delete the message.

I'm a french viewer and I hope you'll enjoy the show as much as me.

Hi Vector,
Have they started making Muppet TV merchandise yet?
I would love to import a Kermit the Frog doll that talks in french.It would make a great collectable!!!


Oct 29, 2006
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I'll look for merchandise for Christmas, so stay tuned. :smile:

Barry Lee

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2003
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Beauregard said:
Yes, why? That is so wrong...

Bea:zany:{And my post is short, yet sweet}regard
Maybe the French think Swedens are dirty? So he has gloves on to no spread germs...? (ok really stupid joke)

King Prawn

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I've been reading all the posts in this thread and I can't stop laughing. I watched the episode last night and didn't understand a word of it, I watched the whole thing and half way through my Dad comes in and says "what's this, why are you watching it in French?" and I said to him "Because at the moment it's the only new thing I can watch". He laughed and said "don't you think you might be taking it a little to far?" (refering to my obsession with the Muppets). Anyway my Dad left and I carried on watching the show but now I was questioning the fact if it was normal that I was watching something I didn't understand at all just for the sake of seeing the Muppets.

And by the looks of it, I'm not the only one, so that does make me feel better but everytime I think about Muppet fans all over the world (well not France) watching this on their computers for 40 minutes not understanding a word that's being said just because it's the Muppets makes me laugh. If people didn't think we were weird enough imagine when we all start buying Muppet TV Season 1 on DVD even though we wont understand a word of it.

Something I also found funny was that Animal swallowing the radio was one of the few if not the only gag I actually understood and could follow and by the looks of it it's also happened with many of you. Maybe some of us could start getting together to watch the show (like fans of other shows do). We could each have an English/Franch dictionary with us and maybe between all of us we can actually understand what it is we're watching.

:smile: :rolleyes: :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2004
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King Prawn said:
I've been reading all the posts in this thread and I can't stop laughing. I watched the episode last night and didn't understand a word of it, I watched the whole thing and half way through my Dad comes in and says "what's this, why are you watching it in French?" and I said to him "Because at the moment it's the only new thing I can watch". He laughed and said "don't you think you might be taking it a little to far?" (refering to my obsession with the Muppets). Anyway my Dad left and I carried on watching the show but now I was questioning the fact if it was normal that I was watching something I didn't understand at all just for the sake of seeing the Muppets.

And by the looks of it, I'm not the only one, so that does make me feel better but everytime I think about Muppet fans all over the world (well not France) watching this on their computers for 40 minutes not understanding a word that's being said just because it's the Muppets makes me laugh. If people didn't think we were weird enough imagine when we all start buying Muppet TV Season 1 on DVD even though we wont understand a word of it.

Something I also found funny was that Animal swallowing the radio was one of the few if not the only gag I actually understood and could follow and by the looks of it it's also happened with many of you. Maybe some of us could start getting together to watch the show (like fans of other shows do). We could each have an English/Franch dictionary with us and maybe between all of us we can actually understand what it is we're watching.

:smile: :rolleyes: :embarrassed:
I found myself wondering the same thing as I watched it at work. But I came to the conclusion that I was unhappy with it.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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King Prawn said:
... my Dad comes in and says "what's this, why are you watching it in French?" and I said to him "Because at the moment it's the only new thing I can watch". He laughed and said "don't you think you might be taking it a little to far?" (refering to my obsession with the Muppets). Anyway my Dad left and I carried on watching the show but now I was questioning the fact if it was normal that I was watching something I didn't understand at all just for the sake of seeing the Muppets.
One of the things I've taken note of and one or two other people have pointed out that with some of the negativity that appears on the website (flame wars, etc.) is because we don't have anything NEW to discuss.

NOW, we do--but, none of us can discuss it very far because we don't know anything it says. Well, I can speak a few words of French, but wouldn't you know that the words I could speak aren't to be found on that episode??

We definitely are starving for something new from the Muppets in the form of a TV show or Movie. I mean, we get excited when they make special appearances on other shows, radio commercials, even billboards.

I'm whiney, i know, but I'm very jealous of their new show in France, PLUS they get all classic characters!!

King Prawn, I agree with you one hundred percent, and you aren't the only one--I've watched it all twice now just to get something new from teh Muppets.

it's just not fair.