Getting rid of smoking in cartoons is once again sanitizing kids from reality. Plain and simple. You can't even smoke in a movie anymore unless you want to be reguarded as a porno flick.
I hate smoking as much as the next guy, but these groups are becoming overbearing nazi wanna bes just like Action for Children's Television and the health nuts that don't like looking at fat people, and pretend to care about our health.
We do have a twisted society. We have the wrong morals and wrong values that say that some minor thing is wrong, but we can't be bothered to help the poor. We live in a world where the only way to end voilence, obesity, and smoking is to censor the shell out of anything some moron would think a 5 year old would watch, when the ratings say otherwise. Let's turn a blind eye to kids REALLY smoking, kids really shooting up, kids huffing random household cleaners (and having the nightly news tell us exactly how to do it), kids really talking like sailors (matt and Trey's thesis when creating South park, kids really do talk like that at a young age), and kids stuffing their faces for compensation for something else.
Hey parents, keep up the good work buying your kids toy guns, but making dang well sure One Piece has "Mallet" guns so no child will be warped. Oh, and thanks for ignoring the big warning sticker on GTA that says Mature players Only and giving it to your greedy 5 year old son who shouldn't even have a PS3.