Greg Weiseman can't catch a break, can he? GL just freaking started. The Batman series has merit, but the Teen Titans show sounds completely awful. A poor attempt to be the old series while throwing out everything that made the original series good. This is exactly why I hate when people want a show back years after it ended. it never makes good results. I fail to see why expanding DC Nation to 2 hours will destroy the universe. 4 shows all together? That's a programming block. It's been completely confirmed GL is canceled, and that was a moronic move. That series singlehandedly undid the damage of the completely misguided infodump of a movie. Heck, Batman and GL would look great together. Young Justice is a lost cause because it's too good.Looks like Young Justice and Green Lantern: TAS might get the shaft in favor of the new CGI Batman series.![]()
Seriously... every time CN finally pulls their heads out of their butts and does something respectful, they Troll their loyal audience with stupidity. Speaking of which...
Most of the stuff sounds promising, I guess. But really.. WHY do we need a terrible live action sketch show that no one is going to watch, everyone's going to complain about, and is going to be on the air indefinitely, no matter how low the ratings and critical reception are? OH! Because the CN heads are doing it on purpose. They're Trolling everyone. They know it's a berserk button, and they just love to be complete jerkwads about it. That's why they're forcing that terrible show down everyone's throat. They know it's not going to take, they know the commercials for "a bunch of 20 year olds act like spastic 3 year olds" are going to get everyone angry. They just have the luxury of screwing with the audience, and they won't let us forget that.On the plus side, there's plenty more new animated stuff premiering on CN (they sure are trying to shove that dang All That wannabe down our throats).![]()
That said. Oh nice... Thundercats is still on cancelaitus, huh? ^%$# Bandai. I know it's their fault. Their toyline was overpriced and sucky (except for the 20 dollar classic line which was only overpriced), and the same thing happened to the Mega Man cartoon... Hey... WHAT?!?! They renew Annoying Orange? I swear these internet based shows get these programs through nepotism. However, I applaud their renewal of Looney Tunes show and Scooby-Doo Mystery Inc. The latter they've been trying to screw multiple times first season.