I saw Cars 2 a few days ago and to be totally honest, I do feel it's Pixar's weakest film to date. Honestly, at least the first one had a more "we're living cars" theme to it than this one. Sort of reminded me of the character "Towelie" from South Park as odd of a comparison that might seem to some. But what I mean is, I remember Trey Parker and Matt Stone mentioning in one of their commenties for an episode that sometimes they forget that Towelie is a towel and just starts writing for him as a character, I do feel that's what happened in Cars 2 a bit, that they just sort of forgot that they were Cars.
If you're a big fan of the character Meter or Larry the Cable guy, than this movie is perfect for you. As the character Meter totally ate up the screen time, way more so than Lighting.
Plus I have to say, I was a little disappointed with the character of Francesco, I honestly thought he was going to become more of a key character in the movie than what he turned out to be, which was just a "friendly rival" of Lighting's, and that's it. He didn't really add anything to the story, which I guess is hard to do, considering the story was mainly about Meter than Lighting's racing.
Overall, I enjoyed the movie ok and perhaps I'm over thinking it a bit. On a personal note, when I saw it, no one else was in the theater with me, which meant no annoying kids who don't know how to behave in theaters. Wish I could say the same thing about Kung Fu Panda 2. Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie very much (maybe the ONLY time so far in my mind Dreamworks out did Pixar truthfully), but man the people in their would NOT SHUT UP, actually to be fair, the kids weren't so bad, their parents were actually WAY WORSE, if you can believe that,