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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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In America? Aside from the occasional hate crime, we have it relatively easy. I live in a neighborhood where it's not uncommon to see Hindu and Sikh Indian families, Muslims, African immigrants and sometimes even Russians amidst the usual yuppy soccer mom variety. Zero crime where I live as well thankfully
It annoys me to no measurable extent that US Christians whine and moan about a phoney "culture war" created by pundits that spit out rambling manifesto books to further imaginary anger. "WAAAA! They don't call it a Christmas Tree!" Which I STILL don't get. No matter what anyone does some overly sensitive group whines and vilifies everyone for it. But hey, at least they aren't getting massacred because they didn't follow the path of one specific profit that basically says the same exact things. That is why people hate religion. Not for the religion itself, but the total imbeciles that can't even muster the maturity to at LEAST keep the "I'm right, you're wrong" attitudes to themselves. And especially the monkeys that toss bombs at each other because they can't even agree with religions that are exactly the same with a tiny difference.

Or just buy the oil from their friendliest neighboors. *cough*Canada*cough*
Or better yet, we can get off our butts and come up with something better! If everyone's so heckbent to stick it to the Middle East, the best way is alternative, American made fuels. I'm sure Exxon and Mobil can find a way to manipulate that system to get maximum, barely legal profits. Why is it every entertainment technology keeps going obsolete every decade like clockwork, but we're still slaves to 19th century technology? No one cares newspapers are folding, entertainment media stores are closing, and specialty stores are failing. No one cares about the hundreds and thousands of jobs there... but when it's an explody oil rig that employs a few people, THEN we act like that's going to be financial Armageddon.

Seriously... ever walk through a Simon Mall only to see half of everything boarded up with "MOAR Choices! MOAR Variety! MOAR soon!" that's been up over a year? How come we don't mind those jobs getting lost?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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It annoys me to no measurable extent that US Christians whine and moan about a phoney "culture war" created by pundits that spit out rambling manifesto books to further imaginary anger. "WAAAA! They don't call it a Christmas Tree!"
Well in this case, I think the truth is somewhere in between. I have no problem saying "Happy Holidays" because not everyone celebrates Christmas and it's being polite. But I do think there are people who get positively anal when anyone even tries to mention God in our society and it is getting ridiculous. They want freedom of speech, except for things that they don't like (the one thing they have in common with conservatives, hehe). I think we Americans have it so well that we have to invent things to complain about sometimes, but I think this is true for BOTH the conservative and the liberal types, lol.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I have that problem too. That's why I refuse to say "politically correct" anymore and use the term "anal retentively correct." Sure, there's things I agree to having a separation of Church and state but they're IMPORTANT things... not piddling crap to pander to a small group that's suspiciously absent when it counts. Still, I hate the fact that Right Wing pundits, in a fit to cause more chaos and sell more books, call it a Culture War. Christians aren't mass murdered in this country because they have a new testament. Sure, we have hate groups protected by free speech and sometimes we have very violent groups that actually do something terrible on a small scale... but the stuff Beaker just brought up is monstrous. THAT stuff is a culture war. We truly don't know how lucky we have it here.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Still, I hate the fact that Right Wing pundits, in a fit to cause more chaos and sell more books, call it a Culture War. Christians aren't mass murdered in this country because they have a new testament. Sure, we have hate groups protected by free speech and sometimes we have very violent groups that actually do something terrible on a small scale... but the stuff Beaker just brought up is monstrous. THAT stuff is a culture war. We truly don't know how lucky we have it here.
Right exactly, whatever problems we have are like "upper class gentry" level problems compared to the rest of the world. It's laughable at times, lol.

I have that problem too. That's why I refuse to say "politically correct" anymore and use the term "anal retentively correct."
But isn't changing the phrase in itself a politically correct thing to do? :wink:


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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As a kid of the 80's, I prefer "Merry Christmas" and before all this 90's ultra PC homogenized crap. I refuse to salute the flag, because I see the personification of evil the flag represents...but I also don't get the hardcore atheist stick in the mud folks to go to the supreme court over the use of the word God. Im allowed to speak my mind about the actions of my government because it's America. In commie China or Sharia law Muslim nations, you get disappeared for life for speaking out.

But honestly, I think most people in consumer driven Ameriduh are more worried about going into debt over presents that friends and family won't even truly appreciate than religion or religious ideas with regards to holidays.

Christmas: the annual tradition that's been replaced by stressing over filling up on chinese sweat shop goods rather than filling up on meaningful warmth and care.