The Electric Company is centered on a group of do-gooders who keep the neighborhood safe with their literacy super-powers, and who solve problems often created by a group called “The Pranksters.” Stationed from their home-base, The Electric Diner, the team consists of four core members: 13-year-old Keith Watson, played by Ricky Smith, who is able to turn words into graphics/animation; 13-year-old Jessica Ruiz, played by Priscilla Diaz, who possesses total aural recall, allowing her to replay and display speech as text; teenager Lisa Heffenbacher, played by Jenni Barber, who has the power to solve any word problem at super human speed; and 20-year-old college student (and older brother to Jessica) Hector Ruiz, played by Josh Segarra, who has the power to visually recall things he’s seen, even if only peripherally, and accurately note them with text.