Brace yourselves -- A Muppet Slam Poem


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
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Oh goodness. I have a story to share with all of you that has to do with this poem that I wrote.​

So, two days ago I sent Bill Barretta this video via Twitter. Along with the video I said:​

Me: Here’s a slam poem I wrote about the Muppets. Just thought I’d share! I’ll stop bugging you now.

Two days passed; no word from him. I hadn’t heard back from Matt Vogel either, so I figured they just had better things to do. Figured I'd eventually get a "good job!" or "cool!" in response. Cut to this morning, I’m hungover as all get out on my friend’s couch and not too happy with the world, when suddenly my phone notifies me that I was mentioned in a tweet. This is what I found on Twitter:

Bill: That was without question…what’s the word?Amazing?…joyful?…It’s a word that describes a heart that’s full, like mine. Thank u

I’m so glad my friend left to go grab food, because I just started sobbing. Flat out sobbing. It’s been kind of a tough year for me. Not a whole lot has gone right, and there’s just something so… so wonderful about one of the great minds behind the thing that you love most telling you they appreciate your way of expressing your love for the art they create. I was so utterly floored.

At this point I feel like I’m able to walk home. As I’m walking along I’m trying to figure out how to word my thank you to Bill when suddenly I get this follow up tweet:​

Bill: I sent this to the Muppet guys.

I just stood in the middle of the sidewalk, hand pressed to my mouth, shaking like crazy, and trying to quell the tears that were freely flowing down my cheeks. Just thinking about how Steve or Eric or Peter or, oh goodness, Dave friggen Goelz might hear my poem is just… I don’t even have the words.

A small conversation via tweets followed, but it was mainly just me gushing about how amazing he’s made my day. So yes. I just thought I’d share this. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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MANY apologies for taking so long to read this!!! It is indeed wonderful. Having zero poetry talent myself, slam or traditional, I always admire anyone who can pull it off and make it look natural. BRAVA!

The Tim flippin' Curry line cracked me up badly. Woo hoo!



Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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Okay so I read this a while ago, and I was like: GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! It- I cried!!! And then it was shared with the muppet performers and they tweeted you! I came really close to starting an account just see if I could try and I didn't. (I don't have facebook or twitter, or an email, or myspace) i know, I'm deprived. But I love this Pucky!! You should write more so we can all cry and apprecitae you and your amazing skill! A-MEN! Holla sista!:big_grin::news: