yeha. A bunch of people thought it would be a bad message... but its a cartoon. I'd love to meet the kid who builds a real working time machine to get better foster parents because of this movie...I really was referring to DrTooth's comment about some adoption people being upset at the film. It had no bearing on your perspective. I guess you misread that part or erroneously think my last couple of posts were to you. Sorry about that misunderstanding.

I also enjoyed the TNMT movie. The animation wasn't perfect and the head of the film was weighted down with a little too much plot exposition for my taste, but once it started going I was glued! I really like the look of the city and the character design. It appears to be the most faithful telling of the comic to date. I hope they continue making them. Any word on that?
The way Imagi's going, I doubt it. There is talk of a fifth movie, but without Imagi's help (and possibly Kevin Monroe, who left Imagi in a huff). Seems the company was taken over by an idiotic Ex-dreamworks exec who wants to dumb down all the current projects with irrelivant Celebrity voice actors and more "kid appealing" stories. Like anyone under the age of 20 has heard of Science Team Gathcaman. Playmates, the toys company, was so sure a sequal would happen, it at one time posted wild rumors about a Live action/CGi hybrid movie (one of the directions they're looking at) coming out next year. Mirage came down and told them it wasn't true.
Of course, since Playmates is still playing the movie version characters card, instead of focusing on the next season of TMNT, it's no wonder.