Thanks everyone for the kind words.
I will try to answer the questions:
The skin is antron dyed with a jacquard acid dye. Actually the dye is either ochre or pumpkin but at a reduced ratio. The flash on the camera really seemed to over exaggerate the sheen of the material.
She doesn't necessarily have an ethnicity, however in putting things together she has a quasi-asian/indian/morrocan exotic vibe. (How many groups could I throw in there? I could see her belly-dancing.) Actually I have problems when it comes to making characters (not the building), I mean they become what they become separate from the vision I start with. I don't know how I can get past this exactly. I get close to my vision, but not quite. I do this with a pencil or a piece of wood...anything I build or draw or create. I get close and by other people's standards, it's good, but I still did not create what I intended. Any suggestions other than practice, practice, practice?
Her eyes weren't meant to be angry and she doesn't seem that way with her mouth open. I'll try to get new pictures sometime this week. I actually was playing with spoons and wound up making three sets of eyes and those actually appealled to me more than the others.
I wasn't exactly going for Crank Yankers, but that's not the first time I've been told that. For the puppet ministry I lead, we use mostly people puppets (a few can be seen on my website) and we have four monster puppets that I've built (early on). I've tried to develop my own "style", however, there are (when you start looking) several different styles that people recognize as this, that or the other. I haven't intentionally imitated any one, but it may be subconcious. (Ironically, similar puppets, different message.) I know this was a compliment and I thank you. (Actually, CY cracks me up, but I don't watch regularly...and most of it is inappropriate for my home.)
I appreciate all the comment and input. I've have two under construction right now. One will belong to my church and the other I will either e-bay or post on my site for sale. I will probably e-bay and link to my site through the about me page. Since the site is new (three weeks ago I didn't even know how to make a site), I am still learning how to show up on search engines and junk. I'm really hoping that this takes off because I love to build puppets (maybe even more than performing) and it is theraputic. I also would like to see more people using hand made "professional" style puppets other than ones mass produced in China. I am not being critical of those puppets (we actually started with those), but I just think mine (as well as the ones I've seen on this forum) are better.
Better puppets = enthusiasm = better performance = better audience impact= success. (I know, within reason of course.) Thanks again.