Thank you for your kind understanding, Phil. Though I could've easily entered the "Ode to Rowlf" contest, I just didn't feel motivated enough for the prize being offered though I believe that it was a great offering from this website. The radio contest was left alone cause I still haven't gotten around to asking my other brother to hook up MC's radio for me. Unfortunately, even if I worked with my computer's monitor turned on, I wouldn't be able to see the cake mentioned. Heck, I can't even see the wonderful artwork Jamie created with all the Muppet characters for the site! Though I still have some sight left, the fine eye for details that I once had is now long gone. Maybe the next contest that comes along could be one that favors my particular situation or skills. Don't worry about it, cause though I wasn't able to enter in Palisades Photoshop Muppets variant contest Lew Zealand sent me his rightfully won S3 test shot figure. My only wish is that Muppet Central stays strong for another five years and upwards, and many vonderful congratulations upon the joyous occassion of your birth.