Originally posted by frogboy4
I could see Nermal being a real cat, but Odie?
Yeah! I mean, how can you make Odie a real CAT??? It doesn't even make sense! It'd even be possible to make Garfield a real cat, but Odie? Now they're just changing things too much. I mean, you can't take one of my favorite cartoon dogs and turn him into a real cat. I won't stand for that! I mean, seriously! Come on, people!
Oh, wait. You meant Odie was a real dog....
All kidding aside, I really can't see them doing that. Making Odie and Nermal real with fake mouths and Garfield CGI. I have never liked the way real animals look with an animated mouth except for on this one commercial for kitty litter. They actually look good, but that's not the point. Either stick to all CGI pets, or stick to all real pets.
They're probably planning on doing that so they can show off how realistic they can get Garfield.