Winslow, you rock! I have recently been watching a lot of older, classic movies, focusing a lot on Peter Lorre whom I've grown to really like, and I saw this movie about 2 weeks ago. Peter was incredible in it! I was a little weary with the plot, and it is very creepy. But it's such an interesting and psychological movie. It's awesome that you brought it up!M (1931) - Fritz Lang's first talkie, a haunting study of a compulsive child killer (Peter Lorre in one of his first films) is still creepily effective all these years later. Lorre is chilling as a pathetic, tormented psychopath, who roams the streets whistling ("In the Halls of the Mountain King" from Peer Gynt) in search of victims. The criminal underworld decide to take matters into their own hands, to get the police off their backs. In the climax of the film, Lorre is dragged in front of the city's criminals, where he is put on trial, and pathetically pleads his case. Lang cuts back and forth between the police and the criminals throughout the film, and their efforts to catch the killer. The criminals always seem to be one step ahead of the police. Lang uses sound (and silence) to maximum effect, heightening the tension. Peter Lorre is excellent as the lead, and this film cemented his status as a new star. On the basis of this film, Alfred Hitchcock cast Lorre as the ringleader of the assassins in The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934), and the actor played a variety of colorful roles for the next 30 years, until his death in 1964.
As for all of the best movies ever in my opinion... I'm still workin' on finding them all!