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Behind the Romance, There is Reality


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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Yeah, I almost cried when I read that last part. It's really touching.

Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
Reaction score
Ta-da! Chapter 5 - Oh the misery of it all...


(3 months later)

“Okay everyone, that’s a wrap!” Kermit yelled as they closed on another show. “We really wowed them this time.” He patted Gonzo on the head as he passed by. “Will that arm be okay?” He asked as he looked over the nasty looking burn caused by the gunpowder.

“Aw, don’t worry about me,” Gonzo said trying hard not to wince. “It only hurt for a second.”

“Well, go get it looked at. You know the studio has doctors. Let me know if you will be out for any length of time.” Kermit said and frowned. “I don’t want you doing any more really dangerous stunts.”

“Come on, Kermit, those are the best ones!”

Kermit just shook his head and moved away. He checked on the Swedish Chef to make sure that the kitchen set was restocked for the next show. He found the other muppet to be wrestling with a large pot and fighting with Rizzo and the other rats over a pound of ground beef.

After separating the combatants and assuring both that more food was indeed arriving he moved on to the Muppet Labs set. Beaker was complaining about the latest invention which he had to try out. Bunsen was trying his best to calm down his overexcited assistant and reassure him that yes, his hair would change back to red, it would not stay neon yellow for any considerable length of time.

With the angry cries of “Meep, meep, meemee” still ringing in his ears, Kermit walked away from that set and into his office.

It had been a rough show and all he wanted to do now was relax. It seemed that the more popular they got, the harder it was to put on a show that hadn’t been seen before with skits that wouldn’t seem, well, boring.

He was glad for that one reason alone that Miss Piggy had agreed to come back and help with the show. It was at that point that the ratings had really picked back up. He had to admit, she sure was good at performing.

The only problem now was the audience was expecting more and more to see the two of them in skits together. Up until now, she had resumed her roles in the ‘Pigs in Space’ and the ‘Veterinarian’s Hospital’ and had many skits with the other muppets. They had yet to do one together.

Kermit was pretty sure that if he did start doing skits with her, she would begin to expect more from him. He was happy as things were going right now, and he didn’t want to rock the boat.

Didn’t he?

They had only seen each other on the sets and very little after work. One of the conditions of having Miss Piggy come back was to have the studio pay for her housing. She had selected a small condo not too far from the studio lot where the theater was housed.

It was all working out like he wanted.

So why did he still feel like there was something missing from his life? To anyone else, he had it all- a successful show, lots of friends, plenty of money and stability in his life.

Yet something was missing. He couldn’t figure out what it was. On the outside, he projected a calm and very confident profile. On the inside he was, well, to put a word on it, unhappy.

The more he thought of having to do a skit with Piggy, the worse the feeling got. He wasn’t going to be able to avoid it for much longer. Sooner or later they would have to work together again.

So why was he feeling so rotten about it?


She sat in her dressing room and brushed her long hair carefully. Today’s skits had been easy enough, but she felt like they had also been lacking. Ever since that dinner date, she had tried very carefully to keep her distance from Kermit, hoping that by doing so he would finally be happy.

She still remembered the feel of his soft froggy lips on her cheek, and the soft warmth of his face touching hers. It was a moment she was not about to forget. It was also a moment that seemed to have no chance of recurring.

She threw down her brush onto the vanity and looked at herself in the mirror. It was very difficult to keep on working like this, but she knew that if she pressed the issue, it would possibly result in her having to leave again.

So she began to date. First it was just for fun, to see if she was still considered attractive. Then she was doing it just to have something to do after work. Finally she was doing it just to stop feeling lonely.

None of the dates ever resulted in much more than dinner or a walk along the beach or a visit to a museum. She found that most anyone she saw was lacking that certain something that would make her heart beat fast.

She had to face it. She was still stuck on him, with his green skin and mellow voice. She was doomed to be unhappy.

She sighed and began to dress. Tonight she had no date, but she sure wasn’t going to stay at the condo alone. If she was quick about it, she might have time to catch the evening movie.
She pulled on a red dress that hugged her body closely. After fitting herself into the matching pumps, she donned a black belt and resumed brushing her hair until it shined like gold.

She clipped it back with gold hair clips and was preparing to fix her face when a knock came on her dressing room door.

“It’s open,” she yelled out to the unseen visitor.

It swung open and to her surprise, Kermit walked in.

“Hi, Kermie,” she said, keeping her voice carefully neutral. “Can I help you with something?”

He looked her up and down once then shook his head. “It’s okay. I was going to talk to you about a sketch I thought we might be able to do but it can wait until tomorrow.”

She hadn’t noticed the slight disappointment in his voice, as she was busy pulling on her best black gloves. “Are you sure?”

He cleared his throat. “Uh, yeah. It can wait.”

She turned to say something else to him but found that he had already left. Shrugging her shoulders she took one last glance into the mirror then reached for her purse and left the room.

If Kermit was going to do a skit with her tomorrow, she wanted to make sure she was home early enough to be well rested. She wasn’t taking any chances this time. She was going to play it carefully and give Kermit all the space he needed.


Kermit looked into his glass of root beer and sighed. The small TV in his apartment was blaring something but he didn’t care.

He had moved out of the boarding house over a month ago, finding it easier to manage the show if he wasn’t constantly seeing everyone after work. It also gave him more space and privacy. Sharing the bathroom with some 20+ individuals got to be a royal pain in the rear.

He noticed that he wasn’t the only one to think so, as Fozzie, Gonzo, Rowlf, Scooter, and his other friends all got separate places as well.

Some tended to pair up, like the Electric Mayhem all got one place, and Bunsen shared expenses with Beaker still.

Yet he chose to be alone. He had to be alone.

He thought back to his brief session with Piggy tonight. He had taken a chance and gone to see her, hoping that she didn’t have plans and they could finally sit down and talk about what skit they could do.

He had a few ideas and was going to run them past her, but when he opened the door and saw how dressed up she was, his heart had fallen. She was obviously over him and was now dating. He didn’t want to intrude into her romantic life so he turned around and had left.

His talk had worked. He had gotten her to see that he wanted there to be no strings attached between them. She was taking it better than he had expected.

He sipped at the warm soda. He could imagine her now, laughing and dancing the night away in another man’s arms and was surprised to feel a pang of jealousy. It was no secret that she did go out from time to time. Pictures of her dating other stars were plastered all over the tabloids.

Yet his love life was strangely barren. None of the guest stars that were on the show were even remotely interested in him in that way. They were all happy to be on the show but that was the extent of it.

He could feel his own frustration over his situation and his inability to do anything about it. The one person that had loved him he had pushed away.

He continued to stare at the TV until its droning finally put him to sleep. At least in his dreams he could imagine being happy


~To be continued in Part 6


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
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More Please...

With each chapter, I am getting more and more drawn into the story.
More please...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
Reaction score
Wow. Great work Beth C!


Vows! Working triddly-how Bethenysea!

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Reaction score
WOOT! This is a good story! I demand more! BRAVO!! BRAVO!!

Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
Reaction score
Here is Part 6 ~ I think you will know where I'm finally going with the story...


“No, not like that!” Kermit yelled as he threw down his set of scripting sheets and music notes.

Piggy turned to face him, her face in a frown. “What was wrong with the way I was doing it?”

“You were overdoing it, that’s what.” He placed his hands on his hips and barked at her. “This is supposed to be a happy song, but you’ve taken it and made it sappy!”

“Sappy? Just where did you see sappy?”

He turned away from her and started to pick up his sheets. “I knew this was a bad idea.”

She felt insulted that he was acting this way. There was nothing wrong with the way she was singing it. Just because she wanted to add a touch of romance to it, he was acting as if she was falling all over him again. “Then why did you suggest it?”

He tried to keep his anger down, and keep his voice calm. “Because I thought you could act like a professional and do it right.”

“I was doing it right!”

“You were not!”

“I was too!”

“Says who?”

Kermit crumpled up the papers he was holding as his hands were forced into fists to keep him from exploding. “Says me, that’s who.”

She stepped up right into his face. “You just don’t know a good scene when you see one.”

“I certainly do. And what I just witnessed wouldn’t even be good enough for Public TV, let alone our show!” He gave up on keeping his control, she was down right being obstinate. “Maybe you should go work for PBS, I hear Barney and Sesame Street need help!”

Her eyes grew wide as she grew even angrier. How dare he suggest that she work with that overgrown purple dinosaur! Or Sesame Street? Sure she had friends there, but to be put on that show? She was better than that!

“You know what your problem is?” She asked him through clenched teeth. “Your problem is that you can’t make up your mind what you want. You say one thing and do another. You ask me to come back and then you downright ignore me.” She was on a roll now and she kept right on going, not even noticing she was backing him into the nearest wall until she ran out of room to walk.

“You tell me one night that you care about me, then you do everything possible to show me that you could care less. You wanted your show to be a hit, and it is. I do my best to keep my part of the bargain and what do I get for it? Yelled at.” She stuck her face down into his and said very slowly. “I don’t need this kind of treatment, Kermit. I don’t know what your problem is, but you have a new one to face now.”

He gulped and realized that he had pushed her too far. He could see her angrier than she had ever been before. Real anger.

Before he could say anything she backed away from him and threw the script papers into his face. “I quit.”

“You can’t quit!” He yelled at her retreating back.

“I just did!” She said and stormed out the door, slamming it so hard that the walls rattled.

He stood, staring at the door in shock. What was he doing? Insulting her talent? Telling her she was no good? Telling her she belonged with Barney??

What had come over him? He closed his eyes and he could see her again, all dressed up for a date that was not with him. He felt his anger again at the image. He forced it from his mind and left the ruined papers on the set as he opened the door.

She had quit. Just like that she had quit. He was without one of his best stars just because he couldn’t control his temper. It was their first skit together and he had blown it.

Was he reading too much into her acting? Had it been more wishful thinking on his part, or did he see something that just wasn’t there? He came to the conclusion that he was totally confused.

As he made his way back onto the main set, he noticed Fozzie and Rowlf talking as the dog banged out a lively tune on the piano. Fozzie told a small joke and Rowlf laughed.

They both took one look at Kermit and stopped what they were doing. “Kermit?” Fozzie asked. “What’s wrong?”

“She quit.” He answered. “She just up and quit.”

They didn’t even have to ask who the ‘she’ was. Just by looking at him they knew.

“Why?” Rowlf said, knowing there had to be more to the story.

Kermit sat down on a stool nearby. “I told her Barney was hiring.” He hung his head feeling really terrible now. Angry, miserable, frustrated and rotten.

Both of his friends gasped. “You did WHAT?” Fozzie said at the same time Rowlf exclaimed, “Why did you go and do THAT?”

Kermit held his head in his hands. “I don’t know. I got angry.”

“Angry enough to insult her? What did she do, make a pass at you?” Fozzie asked only half joking. He had announced upon her signing back up that they would not be considered an ‘item’ in any way, shape or form.

Kermit just shook his head. “I don’t know what exactly it was that set me off. I guess it was being in the same room with her that did it.”

“That must have been one really small room,” Rowlf said. “How is it that the two of you, who worked so well before now can’t even do one skit?”

“Maybe it’s just the fact that she’s too occupied in her other skits.” Fozzie suggested.

This time it was Rowlf who shook his head and let his ears flop slightly. “No, I don’t think that’s the problem.”

“Then what is?” Kermit asked, bewildered. “I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel so mixed up inside.”

“Do you want her to quit?” Rowlf had a good idea what the problem was, but getting his green friend to admit it was not going to be easy.

“No, but…”

“Is it because she does help the show?” Rowlf questioned. He looked at Fozzie who was about to say something, but Rowlf held up one hand to signal the bear to wait.

“Yes, but…”

“Think about her for a second, Kermit. Close your eyes and think about her.” He waited until he saw his friend obey, albeit reluctantly.

“How do you feel when you see that image?”

Again the image came into his mind’s eye, her all dressed up and practically ignoring him. “Angry. Upset. Jealous.”

The last part surprised both Fozzie and Rowlf. “Why, Kermit?” Fozzie asked. “Why are you jealous of her? You told everyone that you guys were not a couple.”

Kermit’s eyes snapped back open. “We’re not.”

Rowlf cocked his head slightly. “Then there is no need to feel jealous, now is there?” He stopped Kermit from replying by asking another loaded question. “Think back about 3 months. To that dinner date you had with her. How did you feel then?”

That was easy enough to answer. “Happy. I was in control of myself that night. I felt free enough to talk openly.”

Fozzie was really puzzled, never having really dated or anything even remotely like that. “And now you don’t?”

“It’s different now,” Kermit admitted. “I have to watch what I say around her so she doesn’t get the wrong impression. I have to be so careful, that it’s almost impossible to talk to her at all.”

Gonzo walked on the set just then, catching the last part of Kermit’s sentence. “You sound like me when I think about Camilla. Yea, I love her. I feel like if I tell her that too much she will get the wrong impression and start thinking marriage. So I try to watch what I say around her and she sometimes gets mad thinking I don’t love her at all.” He patted Kermit on the back with his good hand. “Love is like that, pal.”

Put that way, it now seemed so simple. He was jealous because he loved her! He was upset because she wasn’t paying attention to him anymore because he told her not to. Why? He wanted to control the romance, but when it was left to him, he had chickened out and pushed her away! It was easier to deny any feelings he had towards her than to reveal them and chance her taking it the wrong way!

All this flew through his mind in the space of two short seconds. “Oh my gosh,” he said aloud. “I got mad at her because I do love her.”

With the verbal acceptance, he felt his muscles begin to relax, as if the weight of the world that had been sitting on his shoulders had just been lifted. He realized that the wrong way was indeed the right way. It had been all along and he had been too blind to see it. He wanted her to be with him, and only him.

Rowlf was nodding. “Yes, Kermit. Everyone can see that but you.”

Even Fozzie was nodding. “You might not want to believe that, but I remember my Mom and Dad acting that way sometimes. Like they hated each other but couldn’t stand to be apart from one another. It was quite confusing.”

Kermit slapped a hand to his head. “Oh no! She’s probably gone now!”

“Gone?” Gonzo asked

“She quit.” Rowlf informed him. “Kermit told her to go work for Barney.”

Gonzo pulled a disgusted face. “Oh tell me you didn’t, Kermit.”

He nodded, ashamed. “I’m afraid I did.”

“Maybe there is still time to stop her.” Gonzo said. “If you hurry.”

Kermit jumped up and ran for the door. He stopped briefly to say, “Thanks, guys,” before running out and into the hallway.

Fozzie turned to Rowlf and Gonzo. “I never want to be that much in love with anyone.”

“Then you don’t know what you are missing,” Gonzo said before leaving, calling out for Camilla as he went.


Kermit checked her dressing room, but she wasn’t there. He checked the other rooms in the theater as well. Still no Piggy. He was becoming frantic with worry. What would he do if she left now?

He wanted to see her now more than ever, to explain to her why he was acting as badly as he had been. He wanted to ask her to dinner, and spend time with her, not for her to leave again.

As a last resort, he left the theater and walked to her condo. The doorman buzzed him in, and he waited outside her door, nervous as never before. He could feel cold chills running down his back as he knocked on the door.

She opened the door, and when she saw who it was, she slammed it again. Kermit had to jump back to keep from getting hit with the door.

“Piggy, please let me in.” He could see this was going to be a repeat of the last time he had gotten her this angry.

“Why?” she asked through the closed door.

“I have something to tell you.” Kermit said, hoping that she would open the door up. He didn’t want the whole building to hear his conversation.

The door opened a crack. “What?”

“May I come in?” he asked.

“What is it you have to say? Just say it and go.” She made no effort to open up the door and let him in.

He couldn’t really blame her. He felt kind of funny standing in the hallway, but if this was how she wanted it, then so be it. “Piggy, I want to say that I’m sorry. I got angry today and it wasn’t really your fault.”

She did open up the door a bit wider and stood blocking it. “I’m not coming back.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “No matter what you say.”

He sighed. “That is your choice. I’m not going to make you come back. But before you go, I want to say one thing and then you are free to go.”

“What?” she asked, not at all convinced that he wasn’t up to something.

He looked down at his feet then back up into her eyes. Eyes that had once adored him and loved him. He took a breath and then said very quietly and very sincerely, “I love you.”

She wasn’t buying it. “I’ve heard that from you before. Why do you say things you don’t mean? I’ve never said that about you. I’ve always told everyone that I loved you and I meant it.”

“I do mean it, Piggy.”

“Prove it.”

“How?” He looked puzzled. How could he prove it?

“I don’t know how, but if you are going to say it, then you better be prepared to back those words up with some proof.” She stepped back into her condo. “You have until Saturday and then I’m gone for good.” She closed the door and left him standing in the hallway.

Well, that wasn’t the exact way he wanted things to go, but at least he had a chance. Now all he had to do was prove he loved her. He had 3 days to do it in. Was it possible? He wasn’t sure.

What he was sure of was that he was going to do everything it took to show her that this time he did mean it. He loved her and for once, he didn’t care who knew.

An idea popped into his head and he took off down the hallway towards the elevators. If proof was what she wanted, well she might get more that what she bargained for.


~To be continued in Part 7

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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DOH! Now we have to wait longer...sheesh...Need more story--can't--breathe...*

Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
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Before I post part 7 - a note from the author...

Ok guys, I'm posting this to pre-warn those that don't think of Piggy and Kermit as a couple that this next part, well, it takes all that and throws it out the window.

I have been working behind the scenes of this story and the one that will follow (Yes there will be a sequal) with something very, well different. But before I can post what my secret is, I need to get our romantic couple together, for they have to be together for this. (Please someone, blame Walmart for this!!!) I know I'm being cryptic, but this whole thing came out of one trip to WalMart and one very gray day at work and a challenge that Kermit did not love Piggy.

How many of you are convinced now that he COULD love her? I think, deep down he really does and if she did stop pulling and dragging him around, they would get together.

Ok, ok enough babble. Here is the long awaited Part 7. It's a bit shorter than the rest of them, but that is because of the nature of the part.


The next two days he spent planning and preparing what he hoped would be the proof that Piggy desired of his love for her.

On the third day, there came a knock on her door. Expecting Kermit, she opened it warily but only found an envelope resting on the carpet. A red rose was sitting upon the envelope.

She picked both up and sniffed the rose lightly, letting a small smile form on her face. Well this was definitely a good start. He had never sent her flowers before.

She opened up the envelope to find a piece of paper. She unfolded it to find Kermit’s hand written note:

Roses are red, I’m so blue –
I really mean it,

I love you.


P.S. Come downstairs please.

She placed the note back into the envelope and put it and the rose on the counter. She dressed quickly in one of her pink cotton dresses that had a plunging neckline, then brushed her hair, leaving it down and pulled back from her face by a headband.

She picked up her purse and went out the door.

Just what had Kermit gone and done now? Part of her wasn’t sure she wanted to know. Heaven knows what he was capable of.

She got in the elevator with another couple and smiled at them as the car slowly made its way down. When they reached the bottom floor, the doors opened and Piggy walked out only to be stopped dead in her tracks.

There in the lobby of the condo was Kermit. He was standing in the middle of a sea of red roses that spelled out – I LOVE YOU in big letters.

Her hands flew to her face. “Oh!”

He plucked one of the flowers from the group and handed it to her. “Miss Piggy, may I please have the honor of being your escort today?”

How could she say no? She nodded mutely and took his hand. He led her out the lobby and down to a waiting limo. “Where are we going, Kermie?” She was still so stunned that she forgot to be mad.

“We are going, well, going someplace special.” He said mysteriously. He opened the door for her and let her climb inside before following. After closing his door he nodded to the chauffeur. The car started up and began to drive away.

A million places ran through her mind, and her first thought was – am I dressed right? “Kermie, what if I’m not dressed for this place?”

He took her hand in his. “Piggy, no matter what you wear, you are still beautiful to me.”

She felt her heart skip a beat. Did he really just say that? She felt like she was inside one of her dreams and she was afraid to wake up, for fear that she would be stuck with her loneliness. “Thank you.”

He reached over and pressed a button, and the sunroof to the limo opened up. Piggy could feel the cool breeze drifting in. “What are you doing?”

“There is something that I want you to see.” He said and then stood up, sticking his head out the top of the car. He held his hand out for her to take it and join him.

She frowned as she stood. The wind whipped at her hair, and for a moment, it took her breath away.

That was nothing compared to what she saw when she stood. Kermit was pointing up at the sky and she had to actually rub her eyes to get a good view. Now she *knew* she was dreaming. There, above them, was the Goodyear blimp and in large neon letters it flashed – I LOVE YOU MISS PIGGY – then a red heart that beat a few times, followed by another message; KERMIT LOVES PIGGY.

She felt weak in the knees. Was this really happening? She stared at the blimp and then back to Kermit. “You really do mean it.”

He nodded. “I’ve never meant anything more.”

He sat back down and she followed him. He closed the sunroof and turned to face her. “Have I convinced you yet?”

She was still in shock, but nodded slightly.

He smiled. “Well, just to make sure, I’ve arranged one more thing today.”

It was then that the limo stopped and he opened the door. When she got out, she found herself in a large open area. The only thing she saw was a horse, hitched to a cart filled with hay.

“A hayride?” She questioned.

He nodded. “To make up for the one I never went on with you.” He helped her up into the back of the cart then took the reigns and gave them a slight shake before climbing up beside her.

They cuddled for a while, with the gentle rocking of the horse, she felt quite content and very convinced now. Kermit did love her. Before long, the ride came to a sudden stop.

She sat up, almost reluctant to leave her Kermie’s arms. What she found upon sitting was the icing on the cake. The horse had stopped next to an area that had been set up for a picnic lunch.

Kermit hopped down and held out his hand to help her out. He walked her over to the picnic blanket and waited until she sat. He opened up a large picnic basket that he had left there and began to set up the food.


“Yes, Piggy?” He took out a bottle of champagne.

“This is the nicest thing you have ever done for me.” She looked deeply into his eyes. “I really do believe you now.”

He poured two glasses and handed one to her. “Then I presume that you will be staying?”

She clinked her glass to his. “Yes, Kermie, if you will allow me to stay.”

He sipped the bubbling liquid. “I never wanted you to go. I was so stubborn I couldn’t see what was right in front of me. I’ve loved you all along, Piggy, but I was too afraid to speak up.”

She finished her drink and placed her glass down. “You didn’t have to be afraid of Moi.”

“It’s not that I was afraid of you specifically, just what you were doing. I’ve loved you since I first saw you. I just didn’t know it until now.” He put his glass down and took both her hands and linked their fingers together. “I say it now because I really do mean it now. I love you, Miss Piggy. I want to be with you.”

He leaned in and kissed her gently, before releasing her.

“Does this mean we are…” she said the next words softly, afraid to break the spell he was weaving here in the open space, “a couple?”

He nodded. “Exclusive couple.”

They ate quietly then, not really tasting the food, but more in the mood to just stare at each other. When she was done, he packed the basket back up. “I’ve got just one more surprise for you.”

Another surprise? She was already convinced that he loved her. This was more than enough. The afternoon had passed and the sun was setting and she was very happy now. He didn’t have to do anything else.

He stood up and motioned for her to follow. He led her up a small hill and when she saw what was placed on the other side, well, she almost fainted dead away. For there, on the green grass, framed by the setting sun were dozens of white roses, each formed into a word, much like the red ones had been earlier.

The red ones had been big, but this was huge. She felt her eyes water as she read the words slowly, and very carefully.


She turned to look at Kermit and he had gotten down on one knee and was holding the most spectacular ring she had ever seen. Of all the things in the world she had expected to happen today, this was definitely not even in the top 20.

“Miss Piggy Lee, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” he proposed to her right then.

Her hands were shaking, her whole body was shaking, and she was starting to cry. A few tears welled up to drip down her cheeks as she nodded slowly, then with more effort. “Yes, YES!”

He stood up and placed the ring on her finger. “I love you, Piggy.”

“I love you, Kermie.”

The sun set on the newly engaged couple as they kissed until the stars shone.

Piggy was the happiest she had ever been in her life. Was this really happening? Was she really going to get married to the love of her life for real with his consent?


~To be continued in Part 8


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
Well. Wow. How many of us have loved uncertainly? Fruitlessly? Hopefully? I would guess, all of us. I'll be sad to see this story end, no matter the outcome.
