I read about that. What it ultimately accomplishes is a tax dodge for BK to move its location to Canada to take advantage of loopholes. It's a cynical and gluttonous corporate move. I'm not going back into
that rant, but really...

Maybe if you guys stop buying lobbyists and use that exact money to comply with regulations, you won't go through a crapload of money to save the same crapload of money.
Though, if it does mean actual expansion of Tim Horton's, it's not a total loss. There were always plans, but it's a
heck of a market to get into. When Krispy Kreme expanded to New England, it lasted barely a year because of the oversaturation of Dunkin Donuts to begin with. Whatever you can say about Starbucks goes
quintuple for DD's. There's at least 4 in every town. More than that in cities. And that doesn't count ones in subway stations! They clobbered KK! I don't see TH's doing business in New England, even though there were a couple in Maine. Only time I ever got to one was in Maine somewhere.