Let's see
I'm a student, so my bedroom is also, my livingroom, my study etc. All in 12 compact square metres
There's a piece of a shoemakers tool
A little frilly cap thingy, I've used for a Magenta outfit
easter decoration ( I just like the baby chicks on it)
four paper maché masks I made myself
a sign left over from a store saying LAST WEEK in big lettres
2 sesame street postcards
2 pieces of cardboard left over from a sesame street bowl packaging
half a plate of ministeck (it's like a mosaic of little platsic things pushed into a board with holes) depicting an owl
gorillaz video storyboard I won in a contest once
a "Have you seen this wizard?" poster
a drawing that's not fit to mention here

a fake stationclock
4 hats
a scarf
a handfan (the theatrical kind, not an elctric one)
A mirror (above the sink)
fairylights (over the mirror)
moving to the doors now:
Plump fiction poster
The dogfather poster
glittery scarf
On the outside of my door I have a poster from a theatergroup called Hendrik Jan de stuntman
and in the kitchen I have a Breakfast Dinner and Lunch at Tiffqany's poster
Moving to the closetdoors:
A messageboard I spraypainted gold with silver stars
fake authographed buffy photo's ( I'm a geek so shoot me)
a picture of a friend of mine on a muppet babies merrygoround
a postacrd saying "Sinterklaas is een klootzak en zawrtepiet" with a childish drawing (rough translation: "Santa's a ******* and Rudolph")
a yellowed newspaperclipping with the caption "Muppets naar kinderen Henson"(translation: "Muppets go to Henson childern")
A cowshaped piggybank
a postcard with a creepy animal on it with the caption "Harry failed the interview to become a beenie baby"
A postcard with a drawing of a black cat sitting on a fence yelling "Oi! No Bollocks!" to another cat in a garden with the caption "he believed in calling a spayed a spayed"
3 hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy postcards
2 Lucian Freud postcards
a postcard with black goats on them, a teacher send me
a hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy sticker
a postcard with a picture of a tiny little puppy on a huge chain attached to a big doghouse with a sign "Beware of the dog" which is easily 3 times the size of the poor dog
a postcard with a picture of a man trying to carry a great Dane on an escalator which has a sign saying "Dogs must be carried"
And in the bathroom (which is actually in my room unfortunately):
Ministry of silly walks poster
postcards from Loesje, which is a kind of agency thta hink of catchphrases (for lack of a better word)
That's it I think, unless you count the things leaning against the walls or hanging from them