Originally posted by kansasteen14
Dr.tooth that wasnt funny,and I REALLY liked the work in progress version
Sorry! It seems you have struck my "Inside Joke" nerve. I remember writing this really stupid comic about predictions in the future. One of the predictions was there would be some sort of Bug, or glitch in the Robotic programming at Disney World attractions. In short, the rides would break down, causing the robots to go haywire.
As it turns out, there used to be this dumb "random gross comment" generator toy on the market (gross humor was so big at the time, like 1993 or 94) that said "I'm gunna make a horrible grost fart" in a really funny low pitched gravelly voice.
My sister had a comic book adaption or something of Beauty and the Beast, and they drew him really angry and funny in one pannel. So, I wrote this comic where the rides break down, and the Beast says that. I happened to find that comic (in all honesty, it was really rough, and my comics are WAAAAAYYY better now), and I laughed my butt off. It was such a stupid joke, I needed to psot it here.
I'm sorry If I insulted anyone, since it was not my intent. Besides, I got the stupids when I saw this post! Though it is not my favorite, Beauty and the Beast is a great Movie. Much better than Pokahauntas!