guysmiley4ever said:
S'pose I'm more of a 'Frankie Vallie and the Four Seasons' gal.
I love Frankie Vallie and the Four Seasons too! What a great band! My favorite song from them is called "The Night." It's one of their lesser known songs than something like Candy Girl.
I also love the Beatles. Another awesome band from the 60's that had great music like Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, A Day in the Life, Magical Mystery Tour, Day Dripper. etc........
Electric Light Orchestra is another great rock n roll band that I like to listen to. Also CCr, Rolling Stones, Heart, Yes, Beach Boys, etc.
The funny thing is I like all the music from the 50's through 80's but I can't stand any of today's music because 99.9% of it is horrible.