I wasn't amazed by Man of Steel. It really could have been a lot better. Cavill and Shannon are good actors, but I just felt like they were given very little to work with. The over use of CGI show off wasn't as bad as Bayformers, but it does feel like Synder would like it to be and that worries me, lol. And btw despite my avatar, lol, I was too young for the original Superman movies and don't have too much nostalgia for my part, at least not as much as the original fans. I just think they have a better balance of character moments and action for me. They were written for a larger audience, not just comic book fans. Whereas Man of Steel was clearly targeted towards a specific demographic.
Superman is a hard character to get down. It's not like making a Superman movie is so easy that there haven't been the massive misfires and false starts trying to re-establish the franchise.
scroll down to see the massive horrible films that we almost got... and frankly we would have had a franchise already if people just sucked it up with Superman Returns. Batman's actually a piece of cake. Just don't do "Batman and Robin." Other than that, we're talking about a character over 70 years old that has since been Flanderized and generalized. Even the writers of the Justice League cartoon didn't use him that much until they had an angle.
The film everyone says they wanted would have been this. A 2 hour long Lois and Clark episode with lampshade hanging and nod and wink jokes (ones that were already stale since the 50's), making it far closer to a comedy than an action film. Yes, the film people
wanted would have sucked so much more than what we have, and no one wants to own up to it.
As for the originals, flaws and all, 2 of them are good. Not as great as everyone says they are, but good. The second one was ruined by the jerks who made the third one, but had the potential to be something great. But I sat through Superman 3 and I could make all the snarky comments about how awful it was, but it's one of the worst movie's I've ever seen. It has a plotline that makes Superfriends look dark an edgy by comparison. EARLY Superfriends. I'm not bothering with the fourth at all. And the worst part is, some of those Superman reboots would have been
even worse than Superman 3.
Superman Lives proves the existence of God by not being made. The documentary on it looks like a good film, though.
Actually Luthor didn't have hair in the "classic" movie, it was always wigs. Otis even was arranging them in one scene. I did grow up with the originals, and will admit the sequels always got slightly worse than the last one, but Christopher Reeve will always be THE Superman...
No one should ever be the end all be all. I wonder how fans of George Reeves felt about Christopher. Actually, Chris is essentially the only thing I really liked about the older films. But I've enjoyed most of the other actors who played him. If anything, Superman Returns's problem
was trying to emulate everything about those movies, even the actor who played Supes.
But their portrayal of Lex Luthor always bugged me. He seemed kinda... cartoonish than a real threat. Almost like he was the non-threatening gag villain that shows up just before the BIG villain comes along. Worked nicely in the second film, but not so much the first.
The other thing I wanted to point out is I agree with Drtooth that if those movies were released in this age that they would have been ripped apart by the critics, but back then, kids didn't care. We weren't as "technical" as they are now, Superman could fly and that was good enough for us. We didn't need to know about the yellow sun's effect on a Kryptonian, or even question obvious inconsistencies from one movie to the other. The audience these days I feel read way too much into technicalities and spend less time just enjoying the movie.
Not so much that, but the buttpulls in the older movies were ridiculous. Mad Magazine was right. The only reason why they had that lame "circle the Earth to turn back time even though he wasn't supposed to" was only done because they couldn't kill off Lois at the risk of not having a second film.
Now, I know Superman is a character defined by buttpulls. Kryptonite, the ability to fly... those were all created outside of the comics because of problems that popped up during production of outside media. But, really... a random emblem throwing power? We have people still complaining about Superman killing someone in a stressful choice situation where he wasn't even happy that he did it. If he through that emblem at them, everyone in the theater would be laughing it up.