i know im partially messing with ya...its an awful special but i think that part of the reason i like it...so bad its good kinda thing
believe me... I TRIED to go in with that attitude, but... shudder... it made me scream in a bad way, and bang my head on the table Don Music style. I did get a chuckle when they were "Shopping" though... but the songs are too bad to be so bad they're good.
I know Im probably gonna get it when i say this but I thought Elf was one of the stupidest movies I have ever seen.
I've always said this... Will Ferrel is good in only so many movies. The film needs a smart script and a truely genuine idea for him to act like a more grown up weirdo. He had 2 this year, Megamind and The Other Guys, which he was SNL brilliant in both. But when he just has a cheap script where all he does is parade about in tight pants and just act goofy... that's where he's unfunny and annoying. I tried to get through Elf multiple times, but gave up after less than half the movie... and the worst thing is they made a musical about this taking away the awkwardness that made it only slightly amusing.
I'm sorry, but as far as movies with Christmas settings go, nothing elicits a bigger laugh from me than a Dan Akroyd in a Santa suit pulling a huge smoked Salmon out of his coat on a bus in Trading Places.