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Backstage romance


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Chapter 16
Date and Ditch
Kermit walked downstairs to find Miss Piggy already waiting.
"Oh sorry Piggy I didn't mean to keep you waiting." Kermit said apologetically. "That's okay Kermie. Let's just hurry so we don't miss our reservations."
Miss Piggy said walking to the door.
The restaurant was fancy and extremely crowded.
"Hello and good evening do you have reservations?" one of the fancy men by the door asked.
"Yes under The Frog," Miss Piggy said.
Kermit gave her a confused expression and was going to say something but they were already being led to their table.
Kermit pulled out Miss Piggy's chair and sat across from her.
Midway through their meal. Fozzie, Gonzo and Rowlf came in they pushed past the waiters and straight to Kermit and Miss Piggy's table.
"What's wrong guys?" Kermit asked.
Rowlf and Gonzo exchanged glances before returning their gazes to Kermit.
"Well there was a little complication at the theatre. A few of the stage lights went out and Beauregard was busy and couldn't fix them and Scooter was tied up with Animal. So Sam was trying to get Dr. Honeydew to do it but he was busy trying to resuscitate Beaker and so Pepe and Rizzo went to do it but started fighting so Rizzo left and we don't know where he went and Skeeter was fighting with Scooter because Animal kept chasing her. So The Zoot and Dr. Teeth went to calm down Pepe and hunt down Rizzo. And the Swedish Chef came in shouting random things I think he's outta food so Beauregard went to help him and forgot about the lights. So the whole theatre is in an uproar and we can't stop it." Gonzo said.
Kermit sighed and shook his head.
"Guys I can't leave. Can't you do something?" Kermit asked
"We've tried. No one will listen and everyone is fighting." Rowlf added.
"I'm sorry Piggy but everyone needs me." Kermit said.
"Moi needs you too Kermie ," Miss Piggy said.
"Look Miss Piggy I'll make it up to you and take you out on a date soon." Kermit replied standing up.
"Don't you dare you frog!" Miss Piggy growled.
Kermit gave her an apologetic look and let Fozzie, Gonzo and Rowlf lead him away. Miss Piggy stormed after them.
"Miss Piggy I'm sorry I'll make it up to you I promise!" Kermit yelled getting in a cab.
Miss Piggy watched them drive off
"Excuse me madame, but you still have to pay the bill." A waiter said.
Miss Piggy spun around "Hiyah!" She yelled karate chopping the waiter he went flying down the sidewalk.
With a indignant huff she walked back inside.

Joyce sat up when Skeeter walked into the room.
"Hey." She said softly.
Skeeter sighed and walked over sitting beside her. "What's wrong Joyce?" She asked trying to keep her voice calm and not yell at her.
"I'm sorry," Joyce whispered her voice choked with tears.
Skeeter looked over at her. "Why are you apologizing to me?" She asked.
"Because I messed up and made you get involved." Joyce replied.
Skeeter nodded.
"What am I going to do?" Joyce asked. Skeeter shrugged "Joyce I really don't know." She said standing up.
"I'll win." Joyce said sharply.
Skeeter turned and glared at her ex- bestfriend "You've really changed Joyce!" She exclaimed.
"I remember when we were like sisters. Where's she? Where's my bestfriend because you're not her. You used to mean something to me! Now you just make me sick!" Skeeter ran out before Joyce could reply.

Janice and Floyd were sitting together downstairs in the games room when Dr. Teeth, Zoot and Animal came in.
"That was absolutely the worst practice ever. Animal lost it and we had to deal with an angry prawn and a sulking rat. And you're engaged?" Dr. Teeth said walking to the dart board.
"We're not really engaged man its part of the plan to get rid of Joyce." Floyd replied.
"C'mon dude you know you'll beat me." Zoot said lazily getting some darts and standing beside
Dr. Teeth. "Man I'll go easy on ya." Dr. Teeth replied.
"EASY! EASY! EASY!" Animal yelled jumping up and down.
Zoot shrugged and took the first shot. Dr. Teeth laughed and threw his dart.
Floyd sighed and stood up and walked over picking up Animal's chain. "I'm taking him for a walk ya coming Jan?" He asked.
"Fer sure," Janice replied following him and Animal upstairs.
Animal ran around on the sidewalk like an overexcited puppy.
Janice took Floyd's hand as they walked into the park.
Janice headed for the fountain but Floyd's grip on her hand tightened.
"Stay here." He said pulling her back to him.
"Like why?" Janice asked. Floyd laughed and sat down pulling her down beside him.
"Just sit." He told her.
Animal collapsed in a flower bed a few feet away. Janice leaned against the tree trunk and sighed.
Floyd wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. Janice rested her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes.
The next thing she new Floyd was shaking her awake.
"Jan, Jan wake up." He said shaking her shoulder lightly.
"Hmmm?" Janice mumbled shaking her head and opening her eyes.
"You alright?" He asked her.
Janice nodded. "Totally. How long was I asleep?" She asked.
"Not long maybe an hour." He said.
"Sorry honey I rully didn't mean to fall asleep" She replied.
Floyd helped her up and kissed her cheek. "Don't worry baby you were tired." He said.
Animal too had fallen asleep in the flowers after either eating or smashing majority of them.
With one pull of his chain he was up and ready to go once again.
Floyd walked beside Janice until they got home.
Kermit was on one of the couches looking down at his hands.
"Hey swamp dude what's wrong?" Floyd asked sitting across from Kermit.
Kermit looked up, "Oh hi guys" He said. Janice leaned against Floyd and watched Animal chase a fly.
By the time she returned her attention back to Floyd he was deep in conversation with Kermit. Without either of them noticing Janice got up and walked upstairs feeling exhausted by the time her head hit the pillow she was asleep.

Miss Piggy stormed through the theatre door and tried not to scream everyone was calmly going about their usual business without any fighting.
Kermit must've sorted it all out she thought walking back outside. It was late and she was grumpy and tired.
She marched upstairs and straight into Kermit's room.
He was reading in bed and jump three feet in the air when she came in.
"Kermit how could you leave Moi!" She shrieked.
Kermit sighed and slid out of bed walking over to her. "Miss Piggy I'm sorry, I had to take care of things." He stated calmly.
Miss Piggy crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him. "Moi can't believe you did that!" She yelled stomping her foot.
"Piggy I've already told you that I'd make it up to you." He said.
Miss Piggy sighed and nodded. "You better frog." She said. And before Kermit could think to say anything else she left.

Rizzo was playing cards with Gonzo while Rowlf played the piano softly.
"Wow man today was crazy wasn't it?" Rizzo asked.
"Sure was." Gonzo replied.
Rowlf stopped playing and stood up. "Did ya guts see Kermit? He looked heartbroken having to ditch his date with Miss Piggy." Rowlf said.
"I haven't seen him in hours." Gonzo said.
Rizzo shrugged. "Maybe Piggy karate chopped him across town?" He suggested.
"She was pretty angry she went all outta control." Rowlf said.
"She still looked pretty mad when she came home too." Rizzo said.
"Maybe the Pig's over the frog." Rowlf said.

It was still dark when Janice woke up.
She climbed out of bed. According to the clock on her wall it was 4:47 she sighed and walked into the hall. The house was dark. Everybody would be asleep by now.
She walked downstairs and into the kitchen. She got a glass of water and headed back upstairs.
Instead of going back to sleep she quickly got dressed and went outside. It was cool and damp but it didn't bother her.
Janice looked around nobody was out this early. She started walking the park was dark and empty. Janice didn't mind that it was dark and that she was alone.
After a few laps around the park it was starting to get light out so Janice started to walk back to the boarding house.
By the time she walked inside. Almost everyone was awake.
Janice hurried up to her room to see if Floyd was awake yet.
Floyd walked out of his room when Janice walked out of her's "Hey," She said walking over to him.
He pulled her close and hugged her. "Where'd you go?" He asked.
"For a walk I got up early and couldn't get back to sleep." Janice said.
Floyd took her hands and walked downstairs.
"Hey Teeth we still up for today?" Floyd asked Dr. Teeth who nodded and grinned wildly on response. "Absolutely man." he said.
"Up for what?" Janice asked flipping her hair.
Floyd took her arm and led her over to the living room where the rest of the band was lounging.
"We're going back to the beach," Floyd told her.
Janice smiled and hugged him. "Rully that's fer sure totally awesome!" She exclaimed.
Floyd laughed and kissed her.
"I know babe I'm the best right?" He said.
Janice playfully punched his arm and laughed. "Fer sure you're totally the best."


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Chapter 17
Dr. Teeth parked the bus and opened the doors. Animal was off the bus and in the water instantly.
Janice laughed and took Floyd's hand. He let Janice drag him across the hot sand.
"Shouldn't we wake up Zoot?" Floyd asked.
Janice laughed and spun around walking slowly backwards.
"He'll be fine," Janice said. She backed up and tripped over a piece of driftwood sending them both falling into the sand.
"Sorry honey," Janice said sitting up. Floyd laughed and kissed her. He helped her up and they walked over to Dr. Teeth who was carrying several chairs and an umbrella. Zoot was walking lazily way behind him.
Animal was no more than a red speck out in the waves.
Janice helped Dr. Teeth set up the chairs.
"Cmon honey like let's go," She said tugging Floyd towards the water. Floyd sighed and followed her. Janice swam out to Animal who was diving under the water and chasing fish.
Janice swam to Floyd and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"This is rully great," She said.
Floyd smiled and kissed her.
"Hey Floyd wanna help me?"
Dr. Teeth asked from shore.
Floyd sighed and swam with Janice back to the shore.
Dr. Teeth tossed both of them towels.
"What do ya want Teeth?" Floyd asked drying off and tossing his towel on one of the chairs.
Dr. Teeth handed Floyd several pieces of wood.
"Start a woodpile so we can have a fire later." he said.
"Fine," Floyd replied.
"Well like you two can go do that I'm going to like fer sure build a sandcastle." Janice said walking away.
Animal swam towards a huge wave a dove right and it hit him.
He swam beneath the water. A few fish swam by him and he chased them hungrily.
He swam to the surface took a breath and dived back down.
Janice smoothed the sides of her castle. She added shells and a moat using sticks as a bridge. Floyd sat beside her and wrapped his arm around her waist.
Janice turned and leaned against his wrapping one arm around his waist and the other around his neck.
"Nice sandcastle," he said.
"Like thanks honey." She said.
Floyd kissed her. He pulled back at a click. They both looked over at Dr. Teeth who was laughing with a camera in his hands.
"What are ya doing man?" Floyd asked.
"Who knows man you two could be broken up the next time we're here." Dr. Teeth said.
Janice rolled her eyes and kissed Floyd's cheek before getting up.
She took the camera and turned it so it was facing Dr. Teeth. "Like say cheese!" She exclaimed running after him down the beach while snapping pictures.
"Jan stop!" He yelled diving behind a tall pile of driftwood.
Janice laughed and walked back to Floyd who caught her in a hug.
Zoot woke up from his nap on the chair and looked around Janice took his picture and laughed.
Zoot didn't seem to notice and laid back down and fell asleep.
Animal ram onto the beach and flopped down right on Janice's sandcastle. She spun around and glared at him. "Like Animal that totally wasn't cool fer sure." She said.
"SORRY!" Animal yelled pounding the castle flat.
Janice rolled her eyes and leaned back against Floyd.
It was late and Dr. Teeth and Floyd had managed to coax a roaring fire. Zoot sat beside Animal who was biting the bits of ash that fluttered past him flinching as they burned his tongue only to do it again.
Janice leaned against Floyd and fought to stay awake.
Dr. Teeth poked the embers with a long stick trying to keep the fire going.
"Man we should just sleep here," Dr. Teeth said.
Floyd nodded and brushed a strand of hair out of Janice's face. She looked up and blinked lazily.
"Wow I'm so tired." She muttered resting her head back against Floyd. He wrapped an arm around her waist.
"Good idea man," Floyd replied.
He lifted Janice into his arms and walked out of the light of the fire. He laid her on one of the chairs. He kissed her and walked back over the the fire.
"So" Dr. Teeth mused
"About that plan to get another gig," He said.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Chapter 18
Everything to lose
Kermit found Robin on the steps outside. "Hi Uncle Kermit," Robin said softly.
Kermit sighed and sat beside his nephew. "Look Robin I know I said we'd do something yesterday but I was very busy." He said.
Robin shrugged "You didn't say we would. You promised." He said.
Kermit nodded, "I know I did Robin and I'm very sorry for not keeping that promise. Which is why today it's just you and me." He said.
Robin's eyes widened and he grinned bigger than he was. "Really Uncle Kermit?" He asked.
"Really really." Kermit replied.
Robin smiled and hopped up.
Kermit caught him in his arms and carried him down the street.

The sunlight woke Janice up. She stood up and walked across the hot sand and over to Floyd who was facing the water. He slid her arms around his waist and pulled him close.
He kissed her hair and wrapped his arms around her neck.
He kissed her swiftly before walking over to one of the chairs. He tossed her a bunch of bananas and walked back over. "We kind of forgot food so Zoot and Animal went looking for breakfast. That's all they could find." He said.
Janice laughed and tossed the remainder of the bunch on the chair.
Dr. Teeth and Zoot ran after Animal who was running away laughing with a umbrella.
Janice sighed and sat down. "Like when are we leaving?" She asked. Floyd sighed. "I don't know soon we still have that whole Joyce thing to take care of." He said.
Janice sighed and rolled her eyes. "You just had to remind me." She said wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Sorry," He said.
"I forgive you." She replied Floyd smiled and kissed her.
They band packed up and got home before lunch. Janice and Floyd walked up to Janice's room.
She sat on the edge of her bed. Floyd sat beside her and brushed as strand of hair out of her face. Janice got up and walked to the mirror she pulled her hair back and started to pull it back strand by strand after a moment she groaned and let it drop.
"I like so give up." She said
Floyd got up and took a fistful of her hair pulling it back.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
Janice sighed, "I give up I can't braid my hair without it looking terrible…but you can." She said. Floyd laughed and dropped her hair. "I don't do hair my dear." He said Janice laughed and turned her face him. "Not yet you don't." She told him. Floyd sighed "Jan I can't braid your hair." He told her.
Janice kissed his cheek and walked to the door. She car back a minute later with a doll.
"Tell Miss Piggy and you'll totally regret it honey." Janice said.
"Since when do I tell the pig anything?" He asked.
Janice tossed him the doll and sat beside him.
"Okay now try to braid." She told him.
Floyd sighed and started trying the doll's hair into knots. Janice rolled her eyes. "Floyd Miss Piggy will kill you," She said trying to untangle the doll's hair. "Now like try like this." She said braiding the top part of the hair.
Floyd sighed and laid down. Janice laughed and laid beside him handing him the doll. A minute later he handed it back perfectly braided. "You…you figured it out?" She asked.
"It's not that hard" He told her Janice laughed and sat back up. "Now how to untangle the rest of her head?" She said pulling on the dolls head.

Kermit took Robin to the park and then they got ice cream.
"This was the best day ever Uncle Kermit." Robin said.
Kermit smiled and walked alongside his nephew.
Robin smiled and stopped staring at a window of a massive toy store in the window was a huge tran set.
"Wow Uncle Kermit look at that it has a mini town and a mini forest and a mini swamp!" He said pointing.
Kermit walked beside him, "Thats very cool Robin." He said. Robin hopped to the next store and the next until they were home.
"I'm gonna go tell Gonzo all about my day!" Robin said running upstairs before Kermit could reply. He walked into the kitchen and sat down.
"Hello Kermie," Miss Piggy greeted walking swiftly over to him. Kermit looked up and smiled, "Hi ho Piggy." He said.
She smiled and sat across from him. "How was your day with Robin?" She asked.
"It was fun. He had a good time I think." Kermit replied.
Dr. Teeth came in with Zoot and Floyd.
"Hey Kermit," Dr. Teeth said looking under the table.
"Hi guys." Kermit replied.
"Hey green stuff where's little green stuff?" Floyd asked.
"Talking to Gonzo upstairs" Kermit replied.
Dr. Teeth looked behind the door and sighed.
"Can I help you find something?" Kermit asked.
"Not something someone. Animal has decided to make a break for it and succeeded." Floyd said.
Kermit sighed. "I haven't seen him have you checked the theatre?" Kermit asked.
"Not yet" Zoot said looking in the oven.
"Floyd would you care to explain why I found my favorite fashion doll this morning missing half her hair?" Miss Piggy asked.
Floyd froze "I have no idea what you're talking about Pigzilla." He said.
Miss Piggy glared at him and resisted the urge to throw him out the window.
"Kermie are we going on our make up date?" Miss Piggy asked.
"I don't know Piggy but soon." He replied.
"Man green stuff that was your time to bail man." Floyd laughed. Miss Piggy got up and followed Kermit into the living room.
"Can we go for a walk Kermie?" She asked.
"Um not right now Piggy I have work to do the show's in three days." He said.
"Come on frog!" She snapped grabbing his hand and dragging him out the door before he could protest.
"Miss Piggy can't we do this later?" He asked.
"No Kermie let's go for a quick walk you're always busy." She said.
"Fine a quick walk." He agreed walking beside her down the sidewalk.

Pepe found Rizzo working backstage on a set for the show he didn't acknowledge Pepe's presence even though it was obvious that he was there. Pepe sighed and sat down. They hadn't talked much sine the other night even with the efforts of Dr. Teeth and Zoot which had been great they weren't able to resolve the fight. Now Pepe watched Rizzo finish the set and prepare to walk off. "Wait h'okay" Pepe said hopping off the chair. Rizzo turned around and rolled his eyes.
"What do ya want?" He asked crossing his small fuzzy arms over his chest. The king prawn walked forwards so he was facing his friend. "Hi am sorry h'okay" he said. Rizzo sighed and nodded. "I'm sorry too," He replied. Pepe laughed and hit Rizzo in the arm with one of his four arms "We are friends again h'okay" he said. Rizzo nodded again "Ya we're friends again." He replied.

Janice walked outside and headed to the theatre. Floyd told her he was going over with Dr. Teeth and Zoot to find Animal who seemed to have pulled a rather impressive disappearing act. The overcast sky threatened to pour rain any minute Janice quickened her pace and walked inside just moments before the first drops began to fall.
It wasn't hard to find Floyd he was onstage with Zoot. Janice walked up behind him and put her arms around his waist. He turned in her grasp and rested a hand against her cheek. "Hey baby" She said kissing his cheek.
"Hey" be replied.
Janice released his waist and took his hand leading him into the front row of seats.
He sat beside her and looked up at the stage. "Do you think that Joyce will like leave you alone now?" Janice asked. Floyd shrugged. "She has so far," he said. Janice smiled and kissed him swiftly.
Joyce walked by and grabbed Floyd's hand tugging him away. Janice rolled her eyes and followed.
"So we can leave as soon as the wedding's done." Joyce was saying when Janice came over.
"I'm not marrying you." Floyd said taking Janice's hand.
"Floyd you're in denial of what you really want." she told him. Floyd backed up a step, "Joyce like c'mon maybe you should like move on." Janice said. Joyce stormed away.
"Don't worry babe you've got nothing to lose." Floyd said.
"Are you kidding I've got everything to lose." Janice replied.

Twisted Tails

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2012
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Like Wow floyd<3janice! This was rully a great chapter. I can definetely hear Jerry's Floyd and Robin, Richard's Janice, and Frank's Piggy. Oh boy, I didn't know Jim and Frank have to handle the pig and a frog together. When Kermit does want a break from working, I guess his friend Jim didn't mind. Hehehehe!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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I heard about it yesterday too it's so sad that we've lost another great performer. Hopefully Matt Vogel will do a good job taking over his characters he's done a good job with Floyd so far.
RIP Jerry Nelson


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Chapter 19
The Electric Mayhem finally found Animal hiding out in one of the old prop rooms chasing a few moths around.
Dr. Teeth had laughed and lead him back into the music room.
Floyd and Janice were already in there setting up the instruments.
"Alright we're off the hook for the show this week so let's jam." Dr. Teeth said.
"But Zoot's not here" Janice said looking out the window Zoot walked in a second later.
"Okay now let's jam." Dr. Teeth said.
"JAM! JAM!" Animal yelled hitting his drums wildly.
Dr. Teeth laughed and started to play. The door swung open and Joyce stormed in. Floyd stopped playing and set down his bass backing up. The rest of the band stopped playing too and watched Floyd walk to the other side of the room and duck behind Zoot.
"Floyd we have plans" She said. Floyd cast a glance at Dr. Teeth who nodded. "Run!" He yelled. Floyd darted out of the room and down the hall. "RUN RUN RUN!" Animal yelled chasing Joyce down the hall. Janice laughed and sighed. "Wow I'd like better go find Floyd." She said.
"She is creepy." Zoot said shuddering.
Janice laughed and walked down the hall. Floyd stepped around the corner and grabbed her waist pulling her close. "I was looking for you." She said.
Floyd smiled and kissed her cheek. "Looks like I found you." He replied. Janice laughed and took his hand pulling him back out into the hall "Well like since we're not in the show we should rully work on finding that gig." She said.
"Already working on it baby." He said.
"We should probably head back before Teeth gets all unhip." Janice said.
Floyd kissed her cheek and continued with her down the hall.

Kermit stood offstage and made sure the schedules were in check for the Milton Berle episode when Fozzie came sprinting down the stairs.
"Fozzie what's wrong?" Kermit asked watching the bear pull on his tie in a panic. "D-did you r-really get Milton Berle f-for the guest s-star?" He asked.
Kermit double checked his list. "Yes Fozzie it says right here that Milton Berle is this weeks guest star." He said.
Fozzie looked like he might pass out. "Oh no Kermit Milton Berle is my idol I can't meet him. I'll make a fool of myself and I just can't Kermit." He complained.
"Fozzie wouldn't it be great to meet your idol?" Kermit asked.
"No!" Fozzie said running off frantically.
"Good grief the show's going to be a disaster." Kermit said.
Miss Piggy came running downstairs and over to Kermit. "Kermie I need a solo part in the show." She said.
"But Piggy you already have Pigs In Space." Kermit replied.
"I know but I'm tired of being stuck in that mental spacecraft I need to be free and I need to shine." Miss Piggy said.
Kermit checked the schedule. "Look Piggy I have a small opening right after Milton Berle and Rowlf do The Entertainer." He said.
"Can I have it?" Miss Piggy cried.
Kermit sighed. "Fine since I can't think of anything else to do you can have it." He replied.
"Oh thank you!" Miss Piggy yelled and ran off to her dressing room.
Kermit sighed and wrote filled in the blank on his schedule.

Skeeter finished packing and spun around to find Joyce a few feet away. "We're leaving in three days." She told her. Joyce sighed and sat down shaking her head. "You leave I'll stay." She replied.
Skeeter spun around and put her hands on her hips "Listen Joyce you've caused enough problems it's time for you to leave." She sternly said. Joyce looked up at her and glared. "Skeeter I'm engaged I need to be here."
Skeeter rolled her eyes "You're right you're engaged Floyd's not" Skeeter scoffed instantly shutting up.
"What?" Joyce asked her eyes lighting up.
"Nothing" Skeeter said quickly staring at the ground.
"They tricked me didn't they?" Joyce asked standing up.
Skeeter shook her head and headed for the door but Joyce ran and blocked her path. "Floyd's not engaged to Janice is he?" She said loudly. Skeeter flinched and sighed. "Of course they are" She said. Joyce laughed and shook her head "No they're not I can't believe this." Joyce ran down the hall before Skeeter's mind could think to run after her.

Floyd sat on Janice's bed and strummed his bass. Janice rested her head in his lap and stared up at the ceiling. "You know…" Janice started but the door banged open and Joyce stormed in.
"You're not really engaged!" She yelled.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Wow o wow! Great!

I stopped getting alerts, but I managed to read it all!

Joyce is crazy.

And I still don't know why Piggy's so nice to Robin...

More please!