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Backstage romance


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
Reaction score
Chapter 3
Miss Piggy woke up very early; she showered and brushed her hair. While in was drying she brushed Foo Foo and put little bows on his ears.
Today was the day she and Kermit were getting coffee. By ten she was ready her hair in curls and her dress on she was excited and ready to go.
Kermit was pacing outside in a panic. “What have I done?” Kermit said.
“Kermie!” Miss Piggy shouted running across the street.
Kermit looked up and forced a smile, “Hi Piggy, the coffee shop is this way.” He said leading her down the street.
She walked quickly beside him, “Oh Kermie I’m so excited for our date,” Piggy said.
Kermit groaned and looked down at the sidewalk. “Piggy I’ve already told you we’re two friends getting coffee it’s not a date.” Kermit said.
Miss Piggy didn’t seem to hear him, “Oh Kermie this date will be perfect.” She continued, Kermit was ready to run off in terror and frustration. But at that moment they reached the coffee shop. “Here we are,” Piggy said walking in when Kermit opened the door for her.
“I’ll get the coffee you can get a table.” Piggy said standing in line.
Kermit shook his head, “I’ll get the coffee you go find the table” he said. Instead of arguing Piggy kissed his cheek and went to sit down.
A few minutes later they were sipping their coffees in silence. “So Kermie when’s our next date?” Piggy asked batting her eyelashes.
“Um Piggy look this wasn’t a date, I told you that. I don’t think we’re going to have a date anytime soon.” He said softly. Piggy frowned, “But-but Kermie?” She whispered. She smiled again. “Well than moi will have to surprise vous and take vous on a date sometime.” Piggy said standing up. Kermit followed her outside.
“Don’t worry Kermie I’ll take you on a date. I had fun today.” She said.
Kermit didn’t want to hurt her feelings again so he just smiled. “I did too Piggy, I’ll see you around.” He hugged her then she hurried off down the street in the direction of the theatre.
Kermit closed his eyes and groaned he may have just promised her another date.

The summer was flying by and the second season was drawing near.
Janice was sitting on the roof of the board house. Her problems with Zoot weren’t getting any better. He constantly glared at her and Floyd. Speaking of Floyd he opened the window and walked out beside her. “Hey,” he said sitting beside her.
Janice looked over at him, “Hey,” she replied.
Floyd looked at the sky. “It’s been over a week and I’m like totally still mad at him,” Janice said.
Floyd sighed and faced her, “Why wouldn’t you be? He treat’s you terrible every chance he gets.” Floyd said.
“I know,” Janice replied.
Her eyes were clouded and sad, “Jan, don’t kill me for saying this but, you guys never really got along. You fought a lot even when you were together; I didn’t see you happy the whole time you were with him.” Floyd said.
Janice sighed and was quiet for a moment before talking “you’re totally right. I guess we like different things, this is rully tearing the band apart.” Janice said.
Floyd shrugged, “We’ve seen better days. If it’s anyone it’s him,” Floyd told her.
Janice smiled, “I may be totally mad at him but I’m fer sure over him.” Janice laughed.
Floyd laughed “you need to shock him, somehow make him know that.” Floyd said.
“Like how do I do that?” She asked.
Floyd shrugged, “man I don’t know. That’s up to you” he said.
Janice lay on her back and looked up at the stars. “I just want him to like move on himself,” she said.
“Then tell him that.” Floyd said. That comment was so unlike Floyd that it almost made Janice laugh.
Janice sat back up and watched a shooting star zoom by. “Did you see that” They asked each other at the same time.
Janice laughed, Floyd watched happy that she was happy again.
“Floyd, Janice dinner’s ready.” Dr.Teeth called out the window.
Floyd stood up and helped Janice up after him.
She smiled and headed for the window.

Kermit for the first time in days was able join everyone for dinner.
They had to make do with sandwiches until they bought a new oven which Kermit was hoping would be this weekend. Miss Piggy joined them late. She smiled at him and batted her eyelashes continuously. Kermit gulped and looked down at his plate while he ate.
“This is an outrage!” Sam said bursting into the room with his feathers askew.
“What’s wrong Sam?” Kermit asked looking up desperately trying not to look at Miss Piggy who was now blowing him kisses.
“The fact that we have the oven broken and you won’t get a new one.” Sam argued.
Kermit sighed and kept his eyes on Sam who was unfortunately sitting next to Miss Piggy. “Sam I’m going to get a new one this weekend that’s in two days. Please calm down and eat your sandwich.” Kermit told him.
Sam huffed and drank his water in silence, he was pleased...for now.
Kermit ran to his room after dinner hoping Miss Piggy hadn’t followed him. A knock on the door crushed his hopes, “Kermie open up.” She said. Kermit rolled his eyes and walked to the door opening it. Miss Piggy had changed into white dress with black flowers on it and her hair was straight. “Come take a walk in the moonlight with me Kermie.” She said.
“Not tonight Piggy I’m going to bed I’m tired.” Kermit replied with a yawn.
Piggy smiled, “tomorrow then.” She said skipping away before he could reply.
Kermit sighed he wasn’t going for that walk tomorrow. He was going to have a little chat with Miss Piggy.

Another week later, Janice was happier than she’d been in a long time. They’d already handed out the promotional posters for the second season that was already drawing near.
Janice was walking outside one night when Floyd found her. “Hey Jan, where’re ya goin?” He asked. Janice turned and faced him, “I’m going to like go for a walk around the block do you want to like come?” She asked.
Floyd shrugged “Sure why not.” He said. Janice smiled and led him outside.
“I can’t like believe season two of the show is starting soon.” Janice mused.
Floyd smiled, “I know soon you’ll be back to being a doctor and a...”
“Oh no! Floyd, Zoot is my partner for At The Dance!” Janice exclaimed.
Floyd turned and looked at her amusement written clearly on his face. “You can talk to Kermit tomorrow.” He told her, Janice sighed and covered her face with her hands.
“Janice it’ll be alright,” Floyd said touching her shoulder lightly.
She shook her head, “Floyd I’m never going to like get away he’ll always be there.” She sobbed the tears falling down her cheeks.
“Janice, Zoot’s always going to be in the band with us. But other things can be taken care of, like a sketch Kermit will fix it.” Floyd said. Janice nodded and kept walking.
Floyd wanted to pull her close and hug her, but he couldn’t she was done with band members. She didn’t have to say it he just knew.
Janice turned around and faced him. “What’s wrong Jan?” He asked.
“Floyd what’s going to like happen?” Janice asked.
Floyd was completely confused. “Um...Jan what are you talking about?” He asked.
Janice sighed like it was obvious “The band, what’s going to happen?” Janice asked.
Floyd stared at the ground, “We’re going to stay in the show.” He said simply.
Janice nodded and continued to walk. But Floyd had the feeling there was something she wasn’t saying.
They opened the door and walked in the house. Gonzo and Fozzie were playing cards in the corner and Dr.Teeth was trying to talk Dr.Honeydew out of putting Beaker in a fire proof suit and setting it on fire.
“I’m going to sit on the like roof, do you wanna come?” Janice asked pausing at the foot of the stairs.
“Lead the way.” Floyd said following her upstairs.
The sun had completely set by now. Janice sat on the ledge so her legs were dangling over the edge of the roof. Floyd sat beside her.
“It’s like totally so peaceful out here” Janice sighed.
Floyd sat beside her and just watched her for a minute, “What?” She asked turning to face him.
“You’re so happy; it’s been forever since I’ve seen you this happy.” Floyd said.
Janice beamed, “I feel happier too, it’s weird.” She said. Floyd watched her smile again.
“It’s great,” Floyd said.
Janice looked over the edge and laughed “We’re so high up” She said.
She leaned over farther, not noticing how much weight she was putting over the edge. Floyd realized first and leaned to pull her back. Too late she lost her balance and went over. Floyd grabbed her arm just in time.
“Ah! Floyd don’t like drop me!” She said kicking her legs.
“I won’t let go,” He said. He backed up and pulled her back up. He put her beside him and collapsed on his back.
Janice sat up and took a deep breath, “Are you okay?” Floyd asked.
“Thanks to you I am.” Janice said. Floyd sat up and hugged her. “Don’t scare me like that again, if something happened to you...” He trailed off. Janice sat back and faced him.
“What would you do?” she asked.
“What?” Floyd replied
Janice smiled, “if something like happened to me what would you do?” She asked again.
Floyd sighed, “I don’t know,” He muttered.
Janice sighed she was quiet for a minute. “I’d leave,” Floyd said after a minute.
“What?” Janice asked.
“I’d leave if something happened to you.” Floyd admitted.
Janice gave him a puzzled expression. Floyd looked at her. “If I hadn’t caught you, I probably would’ve left the show.” He said. Janice’s gaze softened.
“Thank you for like saving me and all.” Janice said,
Floyd hugged her again, “we should probably go inside. It’s getting late and I don’t want you falling off the roof a second time. I can only save you so many times per night.” Floyd said.
“Okay,” Janice laughed and got up. They headed for the window and climbed inside the dim hallway.
Janice was walking to her room but Floyd caught her hand. Janice spun around, Floyd looked at his hand in horror he had no idea what he was doing.
“Floyd?” Janice said.
Before Floyd knew what he was doing, he was kissing her.
Janice froze in shock then relaxed and kissed him back.
“I’m sorry,” he said pulling back and stepping away from her.
Janice laughed “don’t be” She said kissing him again. This time he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.
A slamming door made them both turn around.
Zoot was standing outside of his room. “I knew it, Floyd how could you. This whole time you were trying to steal my girl.” Zoot said,
“C’mon man you know I’d never do that.” Floyd said, Zoot narrowed his eyes, “Jan did he tell you to break up with me? Were you cheating on me?” Zoot asked angrily.
Janice shook her head, “no Zoot it was totally my choice to break up with you,” Janice said.
“Zoot I wasn’t cheating on you like at all, Floyd and I...”
“Forget it,” Zoot said running downstairs.
Janice was holding back tears. “Hey it’ll be alright.” Floyd said.
Janice shook her head, “No I fer sure broke his heart again.” She said her voice choked by the tears.
Floyd took her hand leading her down the hall. They walked into his room; Floyd switched on the light and sat her on the bed beside him.
“I’m totally a terrible person,” she said.
Floyd brushed the tears away, “No you’re not, you can talk to him, and we’ll sort it out.” Floyd said.
Janice nodded and stopped crying. “What are we going to do?” She asked.
“I can honestly say I have no idea,” Floyd said.
Janice sighed and leaned against him. Floyd put his arms around her unsure of what else to do.”
Janice sat back up and wiped the tears from her eyes, “I’m rully tired I should go to bed.” She said.
“Okay and Jan. If you need me I’ll be here for you.” Floyd said. Janice nodded and kissed his cheek. Then she walked back out into the hall and disappeared.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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The fall of an ugly romance and the rise of a beautiful one. This story is getting good. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Chapter 4
Fair Game
Dr.Teeth came bursting into Floyd’s room a moment later. “How could you?” He almost growled. Floyd flinched and set down his bass.
“Whoa whoa man what did I do? I Animal ate someone I had nothing to do with it unless it was the pig. Then I probably had something to...”
“Will you shut up” Dr.Teeth snarled, it wasn’t a question.
Floyd stopped talking and stared and the fuming band leader, “can I seriously ask what I did?” Floyd said.
“You don’t know? It’s not something you forget Floyd, going after Janice like that. How could you Floyd?” Dr.Teeth snapped.
“She and Zoot broke up.” Floyd shrugged.
“What happened to her being like a sister to you?” Dr.Teeth asked.
Floyd glared at him, “we were eight.” He said. “I don’t see how it matters, unless. Do you like her Teeth?” Floyd asked.
Dr.Teeth recoiled, “no” he muttered. Floyd laughed,
“You do don’t you?” Floyd said crossing his arms over his chest.
Dr.Teeth glared daggers at him, “I will hit you.” He said darkly. He was using a tone Floyd had only heard him use a few times. Floyd quickly stopped laughing and paid attention.
“Teeth I got to her first they broke up almost a month ago, it was fair game I listened to her and helped her. You did nothing,” Floyd said in a warning voice.
“Floyd, I didn’t do anything because she was heartbroken.” Dr.Teeth said.
Floyd raised his eyebrows. “All the more reason to comfort her,” Floyd said.
Dr.Teeth knew he had a point, “why didn’t you talk to us?” Was all he said.
“I don’t know I’m sorry,” Floyd said
Dr.Teeth sighed “I guess its pointless now,” he said.
Floyd shrugged. “I’m really sorry man.” He said.
“Don’t worry about it,” Dr.Teeth said.
Floyd watched his friend leave the room and couldn’t help but feel terrible.

The next morning Janice was walking down the hall but stopped at the window, Floyd was sitting on the roof. She opened the window and slid through onto the roof. Floyd turned to face her but didn’t say anything. “Hey,” she said sitting beside him.
“Hi,” He said quietly. Janice frowned “what’s wrong?” She asked.
“Teeth and I were fighting last night.” Floyd said.
Janice looked at him, “About what?” She asked.
Floyd laughed, “You.” He said.
Janice laughed, “Why were you two like fighting about me?” She asked.
“We both...like you I guess.” Floyd replied.
“You do?” She asked looking over at him.
Floyd nodded, “Ya look I’m sorry about last night. And if you like Teeth that’s fine...” Floyd trailed off unable to finish.
“Why are you sorry?” She asked.
Floyd sighed, “Because I had no right to kiss you.” He said.
“I don’t like Teeth I totally like you and I don’t want you to be all like sorry about kissing me, because I’m not.” She said.
Floyd turned to face her, he rested and hand on her cheek. “Jan...” He started but didn’t finish because Janice kissed him.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and she put her’s around his neck.
He pulled back and stared at her, “Are you sure you’d rather be with me?” He asked.
Janice nodded. “Fer sure,” Janice said. Floyd laughed and hugged her.

Kermit ran into his office at the theatre to quickly sort everything out. The first show was two weeks away.
He had the first guest star already booked, it was Don Knotts, and Kermit was still working on the sketches for the show and who was doing what,
He’d religiously avoided Miss Piggy for the better part of the last two weeks. She’d still bat her eyelashes and blow kisses at him when he walked by or at the table but he tried his best to ignore it.
There was a knock on the door and Kermit jumped hoping it wasn’t Miss Piggy.
He opened the door, and looked into thin air.
“Down here green guy,” a voice called. Kermit looked down to see Rizzo and Pepe standing there looking up at him. “Oh hi guys come in,” Kermit said opening the door the rest of the way to let them in.
They scurried past him. Kermit closed the door and looked down at them.
“Hey Kermit Pepe and I were wondering I we could have a small part in the first show?” Rizzo asked.
Kermit sighed, “I’m sorry guys but the show is almost full maybe the second show,” Kermit said.
Rizzo and Pepe shared a glance, “but Kermin it’s the first show hokay,” Pepe said.
Kermit shook his head, I’m sorry guys but there’s just not enough time.” Kermit said.
“Okay Kermit we understand.” Rizzo said.
They hurried back out the door. Kermit sighed and sat back down at his desk he had a lot of work to do.

Miss Piggy was in her dressing room getting it ready for the show. She only had Veterinarian’s Hospital this show. She wasn’t impressed with such a small role but it was up to Kermit and she wasn’t about to have Kermit mad at her again.
Foo Foo sat beside her, His small white tail wagging quickly and excitedly. Piggy pet him absentmindedly. Even though she wasn’t in the show lots she would be on stage long enough for people to know it was her. For that she’d have to look good.
Foo Foo yelped beside her and she continued to pet him. She flipped through her new magazine and then wandered to her closet, “out of style, out of style, out of style.” She said tossing numerous amounts of dresses on the floor when she was satisfied she turned and looked at Foo Foo.
“Foo Foo baby we’re going shopping,” she said. He barked and followed her to the door. Piggy smiled and opened it leading the way out.

Floyd opened the window and dropped down inside pulling Janice in after him. He started down the hallway, Janice followed curiously after him. “Where are we going?” She asked seeing it was past ten.
Floyd took her hand and led her downstairs behind him. All the lights were out and everyone was most likely asleep. Floyd unlocked the door and led her outside.
“Floyd where are we going,” she said mid laugh.
“We are sneaking out.” He said walking down the sidewalk with her.
She cocked her head to one side and laughed, “Rully well where are we sneaking out to?” She asked.
“It’s a surprise,” he replied. Janice rolled her eyes and let him lead her through the streets.
He came to an old wooden fence that was falling down and rotted in several places. Instead of walking down the street he released her hand and climbed the fence lifting her over after him.
“Floyd what are we like doing?” Janice asked. He didn’t answer instead he took her hand again and led her through the dark forest looming ahead of them. Janice gulped but didn’t say anything.
He led her through the pitch black forest. Janice had no idea how he knew where he was going but she didn’t question him.
Finally the trees cleared away and they reached a river. The moon shone perfectly on the water Floyd didn’t stop walking he continued down the shore and climbed a small hill where a large piece of land stretched out into the water. Floyd led her all the way to the end of the point.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck, “surprise,” he whispered. Janice laughed and spun in his arms to face him. “This is like rully beautiful,” she said.
Floyd kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.
When they finally pulled back Janice smiled at him.
“You look tired,” Floyd said.
“I’m okay” she replied.
Floyd laughed and kissed her cheek. “We should go back,” he said.
Janice sighed and hugged him, “fine” she replied.
Floyd took her hand again and led her back to the shore, she walked silently beside him. He lifted her over the fence again then they walked back down the streets.

Twisted Tails

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2012
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Chapter 4
Fair Game
Dr.Teeth came bursting into Floyd’s room a moment later. “How could you?” He almost growled. Floyd flinched and set down his bass.
“Whoa whoa man what did I do? I Animal ate someone I had nothing to do with it unless it was the pig. Then I probably had something to...”
“Will you shut up” Dr.Teeth snarled, it wasn’t a question.
Floyd stopped talking and stared and the fuming band leader, “can I seriously ask what I did?” Floyd said.
“You don’t know? It’s not something you forget Floyd, going after Janice like that. How could you Floyd?” Dr.Teeth snapped.
“She and Zoot broke up.” Floyd shrugged.
“What happened to her being like a sister to you?” Dr.Teeth asked.
Floyd glared at him, “we were eight.” He said. “I don’t see how it matters, unless. Do you like her Teeth?” Floyd asked.
Dr.Teeth recoiled, “no” he muttered. Floyd laughed,
“You do don’t you?” Floyd said crossing his arms over his chest.
Dr.Teeth glared daggers at him, “I will hit you.” He said darkly. He was using a tone Floyd had only heard him use a few times. Floyd quickly stopped laughing and paid attention.
“Teeth I got to her first they broke up almost a month ago, it was fair game I listened to her and helped her. You did nothing,” Floyd said in a warning voice.
“Floyd, I didn’t do anything because she was heartbroken.” Dr.Teeth said.
Floyd raised his eyebrows. “All the more reason to comfort her,” Floyd said.
Dr.Teeth knew he had a point, “why didn’t you talk to us?” Was all he said.
“I don’t know I’m sorry,” Floyd said
Dr.Teeth sighed “I guess its pointless now,” he said.
Floyd shrugged. “I’m really sorry man.” He said.
“Don’t worry about it,” Dr.Teeth said.
Floyd watched his friend leave the room and couldn’t help but feel terrible.

The next morning Janice was walking down the hall but stopped at the window, Floyd was sitting on the roof. She opened the window and slid through onto the roof. Floyd turned to face her but didn’t say anything. “Hey,” she said sitting beside him.
“Hi,” He said quietly. Janice frowned “what’s wrong?” She asked.
“Teeth and I were fighting last night.” Floyd said.
Janice looked at him, “About what?” She asked.
Floyd laughed, “You.” He said.
Janice laughed, “Why were you two like fighting about me?” She asked.
“We both...like you I guess.” Floyd replied.
“You do?” She asked looking over at him.
Floyd nodded, “Ya look I’m sorry about last night. And if you like Teeth that’s fine...” Floyd trailed off unable to finish.
“Why are you sorry?” She asked.
Floyd sighed, “Because I had no right to kiss you.” He said.
“I don’t like Teeth I totally like you and I don’t want you to be all like sorry about kissing me, because I’m not.” She said.
Floyd turned to face her, he rested and hand on her cheek. “Jan...” He started but didn’t finish because Janice kissed him.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and she put her’s around his neck.
He pulled back and stared at her, “Are you sure you’d rather be with me?” He asked.
Janice nodded. “Fer sure,” Janice said. Floyd laughed and hugged her.

Kermit ran into his office at the theatre to quickly sort everything out. The first show was two weeks away.
He had the first guest star already booked, it was Don Knotts, and Kermit was still working on the sketches for the show and who was doing what,
He’d religiously avoided Miss Piggy for the better part of the last two weeks. She’d still bat her eyelashes and blow kisses at him when he walked by or at the table but he tried his best to ignore it.
There was a knock on the door and Kermit jumped hoping it wasn’t Miss Piggy.
He opened the door, and looked into thin air.
“Down here green guy,” a voice called. Kermit looked down to see Rizzo and Pepe standing there looking up at him. “Oh hi guys come in,” Kermit said opening the door the rest of the way to let them in.
They scurried past him. Kermit closed the door and looked down at them.
“Hey Kermit Pepe and I were wondering I we could have a small part in the first show?” Rizzo asked.
Kermit sighed, “I’m sorry guys but the show is almost full maybe the second show,” Kermit said.
Rizzo and Pepe shared a glance, “but Kermin it’s the first show hokay,” Pepe said.
Kermit shook his head, I’m sorry guys but there’s just not enough time.” Kermit said.
“Okay Kermit we understand.” Rizzo said.
They hurried back out the door. Kermit sighed and sat back down at his desk he had a lot of work to do.

Miss Piggy was in her dressing room getting it ready for the show. She only had Veterinarian’s Hospital this show. She wasn’t impressed with such a small role but it was up to Kermit and she wasn’t about to have Kermit mad at her again.
Foo Foo sat beside her, His small white tail wagging quickly and excitedly. Piggy pet him absentmindedly. Even though she wasn’t in the show lots she would be on stage long enough for people to know it was her. For that she’d have to look good.
Foo Foo yelped beside her and she continued to pet him. She flipped through her new magazine and then wandered to her closet, “out of style, out of style, out of style.” She said tossing numerous amounts of dresses on the floor when she was satisfied she turned and looked at Foo Foo.
“Foo Foo baby we’re going shopping,” she said. He barked and followed her to the door. Piggy smiled and opened it leading the way out.

Floyd opened the window and dropped down inside pulling Janice in after him. He started down the hallway, Janice followed curiously after him. “Where are we going?” She asked seeing it was past ten.
Floyd took her hand and led her downstairs behind him. All the lights were out and everyone was most likely asleep. Floyd unlocked the door and led her outside.
“Floyd where are we going,” she said mid laugh.
“We are sneaking out.” He said walking down the sidewalk with her.
She cocked her head to one side and laughed, “Rully well where are we sneaking out to?” She asked.
“It’s a surprise,” he replied. Janice rolled her eyes and let him lead her through the streets.
He came to an old wooden fence that was falling down and rotted in several places. Instead of walking down the street he released her hand and climbed the fence lifting her over after him.
“Floyd what are we like doing?” Janice asked. He didn’t answer instead he took her hand again and led her through the dark forest looming ahead of them. Janice gulped but didn’t say anything.
He led her through the pitch black forest. Janice had no idea how he knew where he was going but she didn’t question him.
Finally the trees cleared away and they reached a river. The moon shone perfectly on the water Floyd didn’t stop walking he continued down the shore and climbed a small hill where a large piece of land stretched out into the water. Floyd led her all the way to the end of the point.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck, “surprise,” he whispered. Janice laughed and spun in his arms to face him. “This is like rully beautiful,” she said.
Floyd kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.
When they finally pulled back Janice smiled at him.
“You look tired,” Floyd said.
“I’m okay” she replied.
Floyd laughed and kissed her cheek. “We should go back,” he said.
Janice sighed and hugged him, “fine” she replied.
Floyd took her hand again and led her back to the shore, she walked silently beside him. He lifted her over the fence again then they walked back down the streets.
Wow! This is a perfect story! I am into Kermit & Piggy, Janice & Floyd. Poor Piggy! She did get some songs though in the second season fer sure.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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I'm out of town tomorrow so I won't have time to post more so here's another chapter for now. Enjoy

Chapter 5
Kermit had just handed out the scripts for the first show and was surprised to find everyone in the theatre rehearsing.
"Great job Fozzie." Kermit said nodding to Fozzie who was helping Gonzo move some of the sets in place.
"Kermit." Rowlf said walking over.
"Rowlf there you are I was looking for you. Here." Kermit turned around and picked up a puppy from a box behind him. It squirmed and wiggled in Kermit's arms.
"What do you want me to do with that puppy?" Rowlf asked.
Kermit laughed “You are going to sing what a wonderful world to it on the show." Kermit said handing the puppy to Rowlf.
"But the show isn't for another few days what do I do with this puppy until then?" Rowlf asked.
Kermit pet the puppy's back. "Practice your song with him and um babysit it." Kermit said.
"Oh okay Kermit." Rowlf said walking off with the puppy.
Kermit laughed and walked to where Miss Piggy was talking to Janice. "So wait he has three left feet but left two in Cincinnati?" Piggy asked.
"That's totally what the script says." Janice said pointing to a line on a sheet of paper.
"Kermit!" Janice said rushing over.
"Yes Janice?" Kermit replied.
"Where's like the screaming thing and Rowlf? We can't find like either of them" Janice asked.
Kermit checked his schedule. "The screaming thing is practicing the opening number. And Rowlf is backstage singing to a puppy." Kermit said. Janice gave him a puzzled look but didn't say anything.
"Can you guys manage without him for awhile?" Kermit asked.
"Fer sure totally." Janice said walking back over to Miss Piggy.
The rest of the band found Janice a few minutes later.
"Jan," Floyd said. Walking over to her.
"Hey honey what's up?" She asked.
Floyd cast a glance a Piggy who ignored him. He dragged Janice off stage. "For the lullaby of birdland" He started but Janice interrupted before he could say anything else. "Wait I'm not doing that song." Janice said. Floyd looked at her, "You're not?" He asked.
Janice shook her head. "No," she replied.
"Oh it thought the whole band was in it." Floyd replied.
Janice shook her head and hugged him. "I'm only doing Vet's Hospital this week," Janice said.
Floyd kissed her and went off to join the rest of the band.
Zoot was off in the corner playing his sax when
Dr. Teeth Floyd and Animal came in.
"There you guys are." Zoot said standing up and waiting for everyone else to get set up.
"Alright we have to rock without Janice this time but even without her we can still roll." Dr. Teeth said.
"Wait I'm playing vibes for this song who's doing bass?" Floyd asked.
Everyone shrugged. "I guess we can talk to Kermit before the show." Floyd said.
Dr. Teeth nodded and they started to play.

Kermit wandered to his office and pulled out the script for the show's Vets Hospital.
He read it over and thought of something still clutching the script in his hand he ran back out onstage.
"Piggy, Janice where's Rowlf has he come back yet?" Kermit asked.
"Um like no sorry Kermit I thought fer sure he'd be back by now but he's totally gone and like missing practice and stuff." Janice said.
"Ya Kermie where is Rowlf. We need him to practice our sketch." Piggy said blowing him a kiss.
"I'll um go and find him." Kermit muttered before running off.
"Okay so let's go over our lines like one more time so we know what we're like doing when Rowlf comes." Janice suggested.
"Maybe later I have to go sort through my out of style clothes again with Foo Foo." Piggy said.
"Um sure see you like later." Janice said.
Miss Piggy picked up her script and walked off. Janice rolled her eyes and skipped off down the hall she heard the music before she opened the door.
The band stopped playing when Janice walked in. “Hey guys I’m done practice so I thought I’d like come and watch for a bit,” she chirped.
“Sure thing Jan.” Floyd said. Dr.Teeth rolled his eyes before speaking. “The lady can stay if she promises not to distract Floyd.” He said.
“Don’t worry I’m not going to talk,” Janice agreed sitting in a chair in the corner.
Dr.Teeth sighed and tried not to laugh. “Floyd pay attention to what you’re doing and not to Janice,” he snapped,
Floyd tried not to laugh too, “Man what are you going to do, turn the chair around?” Floyd said sarcastically.
Five minutes later Janice was sitting facing the wall. “Floyd you just had to like say something didn’t you?” Janice asked smiling.
Floyd glared at Dr.Teeth who shrugged, “I’m sorry. That Teeth’s an idiot,” Floyd said.
“IDIOT IDIOT!!” Animal roared pounding on his drums.
“C’mon guys let’s just play,” Zoot said.
“Animal’s going to lose it,” Floyd said. Dr.Teeth nodded and they started to play again, Janice stared at the wall and waited for the song to be over before getting up. “Ya know what guys? I’m gonna like go see if Kermit’s found Rowlf yet so we can do Vet’s Hospital, I’ll like see you guys later.” She walked towards the door and opened it.
“Oh c’mon Janice stay a bit longer we need the support,” Teeth said almost sarcastically. “I need to practice,” she said before leaving.
“Why are you guys all being jerks? This needs to stop it’s tearing Janice apart and the band!” Zoot said setting down his sax.
Dr.Teeth stopped playing and sat down. Even Animal calmed down. Floyd looked up and walked over to the center of the room.
“Guys Janice broke up with me and I’m sorry about the way I acted, but both of you enough with the fighting and the threatening. This band has been together a long time, maybe long enough.” Zoot said angrily.
Floyd walked forwards and grabbed Zoot’s upper arms. “The band isn’t breaking up, I’m sorry about the fighting.” Floyd stepped back and faced Dr.Teeth, “Teeth he’s right we have to try, poor Animal’s going to lose it.” Floyd said.
Dr.Teeth stepped out from behind his keyboard, “you’re right I’m sorry. And you and Janice, we both overreacted,” Dr.Teeth said.
Floyd punched him the arm lightly, “no more fighting?” He said.
“Ya man,” Teeth said hitting him back.
“SORRY SORRY!” Animal yelled jumping up and down in excitement.
Floyd laughed and hurried to the door, “I have to go find Janice.” Floyd said before he too left.

Kermit was going over the schedule in a hurry, “Hey Scooter!” Kermit yelled looking around.
“Hey boss what do you need?” Scooter asked popping up beside Kermit.
“I need you to go around and have do a quick rehearsal for me. I forgot a whole bunch of stuff back at the house.” Kermit said he ran to his desk and grabbed some papers,
“Okay you go ahead I’ll do the rehearsal.” Scooter said.
Kermit sighed and resisted the urge to hug him, “Thank you” Kermit answered rushing out the door.
He walked very quickly down the sidewalk and straight into Miss Piggy. “Kermie!” She said squishing him into a hug.
“Hey...Piggy...You’re...Kinda...Squishing...Me.” Kermit finally choked out.
“Oh sorry Kermie,” she said. Kermit smiled and tried to keep walking but Piggy pulled him back. “When do you want to have our date?” she asked.
“I don’t know Piggy I don’t think we will.” Kermit said,
Piggy laughed and smiled. “We will I’ll surprise you soon,” she said walking into the theatre.
“Good grief, I’ll never get away.” Kermit said before continuing down the street.

Floyd found Janice sitting on the steps outside. “Jan?” He said sitting beside her and putting an arm around her.
“Hey,” She replied softly, he knew she was sad.
Floyd pulled her closer, “I’m sorry about everything. We’re always fighting and I talked to the guys they’re sorry too.” He said.
Janice smiled and faced him, “Rully you’re not going to fight anymore?” She asked.
“No, not anymore,” Floyd replied,
Janice looked over across the street where was a lady walking several dogs. “I rully wanted to be with you Floyd but if the rest disagrees then it won’t like work out.” Janice said.
Floyd brushed a strand of hair from her face, “I talked to the band, and they’re okay with it.” He said.
“Even Zoot?” She asked shocked, Floyd nodded,
“As far as I know.” He said, “I want to be with you too, and it will work out.” He said,
“How do you know?” She asked,
“I just do,” He replied. Janice smiled and leaned against him.
Floyd took her hand, “Floyd what if this like tears the band apart?” She asked,
He looked down at her, “Janice it won’t,”
Before she could question him anymore he kissed her, “trust me,” He said. Janice nodded and stood up.
“We should rully go finish rehearsal,” Janice said.
“The worst part of being on the show.” Floyd said.
Janice put her arm around his waist and led him inside.
“The band will be looking for me,” Floyd said.
Janice turned and put both arms around his waist drawing him closer. “I better go too Miss Piggy will be back soon from sorting her out of style clothes. I’ll see you later?” Janice said,
“That pig, the only thing worse is her dog.” Floyd said, Janice laughed and let him go, “I’ll see you later,” she said before walking onstage.

Everyone was returning home from the theater, it was more like a parade with everyone talking at once and the fact that more than half of them weren’t human.
The Swedish Chef had dinner on the table when they came through the door. “It’s a good thing Kermit bought the new oven I was going crazy on just sandwiches.” Fozzie said.
Kermit ran in from his office a few minutes later, “Hi everyone sorry I’ve been missing for most of the day. I just talked to Don Knotts on the phone and he confirmed that he’ll be the guest star for our show.
“Um Kermit, I invited the puppy to dinner if that’s okay?” Rowlf asked pointing to the puppy asleep on the chair beside him.
“Um sure Rowlf,” Kermit said sitting down.
Kermit was looked down the table and smiled everyone had come tonight. “It’s great for me to see everyone is back in town for the show.” Kermit said with a smile.
Everyone nodded and clapped in agreement with him.

“I want to show you something,” Floyd said taking Janice’s hand and leading her outside.
“Is like this another surprise?” Janice asked, Floyd laughed. “It could be” He said leading her around the back of the house.
He led her into the backyard and back inside through the back door. “Floyd you wanted to show the outside of the house?” Janice asked.
“No it’s just faster and I wanted to make sure no one else was outside.” He said, “Stay here,” he told her before running upstairs. Janice stood and looked outside the sun was setting and the backyard was empty.
Floyd came back with a large book in his hands. He took her hand again and led her back outside. He sat on the step and pulled her down beside him handing her the book. “What is this?” Janice asked.
“Open it,” He said. Janice flipped open the cover and revealed a bunch of pictures. They were loose and spread all over the page. All of them were of the band and members of the band. “It’s Teeth’s he hasn’t finished it but...” Floyd stopped when Janice picked up a picture of her. She had her guitar in her hands. She wasn’t playing thought, her hat was on and her blond hair fell forwards covering most of her face.
“It’s terrible,” Janice said shuffling it to the back of the pile.”I like this picture.” Floyd said picking up another one of her. It was from last summer, they were at the beach. She was on her knees in the sand putting shells on a sand castle her hair was full of flowers that Floyd and Zoot had woven into it.
“All day you guys begged me to put flowers in like my hair.” Janice said with a laugh.
“And I was right you looked beautiful,” Floyd said kissing her cheek.
Janice laughed, “That was a good day,” she said.
“We’ll go back soon.” Floyd said.
Janice went to the next picture; there were a few of the whole band one of Animal pounding on his drums. Janice flipped the page. The pictures on the next page were properly put into the book. One of the bus, the theatre, Kermit, Miss Piggy and Foo Foo.
Floyd flipped the page; there were pictures of last gigs one of Janice and Zoot.
“You look so beautiful in every picture,” Floyd said.
Janice shook her head, “no I don’t.” She replied.
There were only a few more pages then the pictures got older, some of them from when they were kids.
One of them having a water gun fight when they were ten, playing their instruments when they were twelve,
Janice stopped at a picture; it was all of them when they were fourteen. They were in Janice’s backyard. Janice’s mom had taken it; they had all been talking about school and just lay down in the grass. Janice was lying between Zoot and Floyd. Dr.Teeth was beside Floyd and Animal had been running in circles around them so he appeared as a purple blur on the side of the picture.
Janice laughed like she was in the picture. “I totally remember this.” She said,
“Good,” Floyd said.
Janice laughed, “Why did you want me to like remember this?” she asked.
Floyd smiled, “because you look very pretty.” He whispered Janice smiled.
He flipped the page again, “This is my favourite page,” He said.
Janice looked down.
The page was all older pictures but they weren’t as old.
The first one was their first year in highschool. Janice was holding an unfamiliar guitar, her hair was curled into ringlets and she was wearing a purple sundress.
The rest was the band onstage and in school. “Why is this like your favorite page?” Janice asked.
“Because this is when the band first started playing gigs at school,” Floyd said. Janice leaned her head on his shoulder.
Floyd closed the album and pulled her into his arms. “To think I’ve known you all these years but still let Zoot get to you first.” Floyd said.
Janice laughed and kissed his cheek, “I’m leaving,” Janice whispered.
“What!” Floyd said almost dropping her.
Janice sighed, “Not forever I’m going to visit Morgan for a few days, and I’ll be back in time for the next show.” Janice said. Floyd sighed and buried his face in her hair.
“You’re leaving already?” Floyd said.
“Not until after the first show.” Janice said.
Floyd kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and his arms tightened around her.
“We’d better go inside its getting dark.” Janice said,
Floyd lifted her up and carried her to the door. He set her down to slide the door open then led her into the games room where the rest of the band was lounging around.
“There you two are.” Dr.Teeth said. Floyd gave him a puzzled look and sat in one of the chairs. Janice walked over and sat beside him. He put his arm around her and pulled her closer.
“What did you need Teeth?” Floyd asked.
“Well,” Dr.Teeth said throwing a dart and beating Zoot for the fifth time that week.
“We need your and the ladies assistance with a little debate we’ve got goin here.” Dr.Teeth said.
Floyd sighed, “What debate?” He asked.
“Who’s got better aim man?” Zoot asked, “Teeth.” Floyd said in two seconds.
“How did you decide that?” Zoot asked. Floyd shrugged, “Teeth’s beat you five times this week.” Floyd said.
Dr.Teeth smiled, “I knew I could count on ya man.” He said shooting another dart.
Janice leaned her head on Floyd’s shoulder.
He wrapped his arms tighter around her and hugged her close. “Ya know guys we need a gig.” Zoot said after a moment’s silence.
“The show is in two days,” Floyd said. Zoot shrugged, “The show is one night a week that leaves six other nights for a gig.” Zoot replied.
“He has a rully good point we should try to like find somewhere to play so we can get some more money.” Janice said.
“That’s true we should try to find something,” Teeth said. Floyd nodded, Animal who was rocking as fast as he could in his chair, stopped and looked at everyone paying attention to the current discussion.
“We won’t start looking for anything until after the show,” Floyd said.
Janice yawned and curled closer to Floyd, “Jan you fallin asleep?” He asked.
Janice nodded. Floyd picked her up, “I’ll be back guys.” He said carrying her upstairs.
Floyd laid Janice in her bed but she sat up and grabbed his hand sitting him down beside her. “I thought you were tired?” He asked.
Janice shrugged “I am but I need to talk to you.” She replied. Floyd smiled and brushed her hair out of her face, “About what?” He asked.
“Do you love me?” She asked.
Floyd opened his mouth to reply, but Dr.Teeth ran in.
“Floyd we need you downstairs now!” He said.
“Why?” Floyd asked. But Dr.Teeth didn’t reply,
“Sorry Janice.” Dr.Teeth called while pulling Floyd out of the room.
Janice crossed her arms in front of her chest and narrowed her eyes; she’d talk to him in the morning.

Everything was crazy the next morning everyone was running around and trying to get in last minute practices. Miss Piggy ran downstairs and into Kermit’s office, “Kermie that is it! Take that puppy away from Rowlf he hasn’t practiced Vet’s Hospital once. He brought it to dinner and he just asked moi to lend him a purse to carry it around in!” She yelled. Kermit flinched and stood up, “Miss Piggy the show is tomorrow and then the puppy will be gone.” Kermit said.
“Kermie can you at least talk to him about rehearsing his lines, if he forgets them it will make moi look bad.” She complained.
Kermit rolled his eyes and walked around his desk and over to the door. “Where is he?” Kermit asked.
“In there on the piano with the puppy!” Piggy yelled.
Kermit walked into the living room and walked over to Rowlf, “Rowlf where’s the puppy?” Kermit asked.
Rowlf looked up and held the puppy up that blinked its eyes lazily, “Why what’s wrong Kermit?” Rowlf asked.
“What’s wrong vous are asking us what’s wrong? You haven’t practiced Vet’s Hospital at all!” Piggy shrieked. Kermit rested a hand on her arm. “Calm down,” he whispered.
“Sorry Kermit I’ll get right on that.” Rowlf said picking up the puppy and running upstairs.
“You couldn’t have done that?” Kermit asked like it was obvious.
Miss Piggy gasped and narrowed her eyes, “Moi is a very busy woman” She snapped. Kermit nodded and marched off to his office without looking back.
Fozzie ran by Piggy in a hurry his arms stacked with papers, “Fozzie!” Miss Piggy called in a sing song voice.
“Oh no” Fozzie cried turning around to face her while trembling.
Miss Piggy smiled and beckoned him closer, “Will vous do moi a favor?” She asked.
Fozzie took a deep breath and nodded, “S-sure.” He replied
Miss Piggy smiled and touched his shoulder lightly, “Will vous go to the theatre and get Foo Foo pour moi?” Miss Piggy asked.
Fozzie nodded and ran out the door without looking back.
Fozzie found Foo Foo asleep in Miss Piggy’s dressing room.
“Hey little Foo Foo,” Fozzie said walking forwards slowly.
Foo Foo jumped up and growled “Good doggy!” Fozzie cried holding his hands up in defence.
Foo Foo continued to growl showing pointed white teeth, “Okay Foo Foo. I’m going to bring you to Piggy, Please don’t eat my face!” he begged.
The dog sat down and stopped growling. Fozzie tried to pick him up but Foo Foo snapped at his hand. Fozzie ran to the other side of the room, “don’t eat me!” He yelled as Foo Foo hopped on the floor in front of him.
Thinking fast Fozzie grabbed a nearby purse and threw it on top of the small dog. He flipped it over and zipped it shut. The purse wiggled and barked.
“Time to go!” Fozzie said running out of the dressing room.
Foo Foo barked and yelped inside the purse.
“Fozzie are you feeling okay? You have a really weird cough. Why do you have a pink purse?” Gonze asked.
“I’m fine and it’s a fashion statement I have to go!” Fozzie said clutching the purse and sprinting away.
“One weird fashion statement” Gonzo said walking towards the stage.
Fozzie ran down the street Foo Foo barked and kicked the whole way back to the house.
Miss Piggy was sitting on the couch reading a fashion magazine when Fozzie ran in.
“Take your monster!” Fozzie yelled throwing the purse at her.
“Foo Foo!” Miss Piggy screamed unzipping the purse, Foo Foo jumped out and growled at Fozzie.
“I’ve gotta go” Fozzie said ignoring Miss Piggy’s glare he sprinted back outside.
Miss Piggy hugged Foo Foo, “Oh Foo Foo mommy’s got a little job for you” She said kissing the dog’s head.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
Reaction score
Oh! I love it!

But I think Foo Foo is a girl.