Hello All,
I always love to watch to see how things manifest once a product goes on sale. Without going into detail Kermit sales have been going well. I would imagine everyone on here is not really concerned with our Business Model or our P&L. I assume most of you just want to know if this is going to be an on going series or not. Well... I am working on two more characters at the moment so it looks like our Muppets have legs.
I can't tell you which characters yet. I think we want to make the announcement at Comic Con. We always need big new for events like that. Otherwise, Marketing people would have to actually work for a living. (We can all see if that gets a response from Travis. I am just kidding but I like giving Travis a hard time. It's one of those simple pleasures in life.)
Also I can't help you with our website, shipping, or ordering. I apologize but I just don't know enough information about that part of Master Replicas to be of any help to you guys. I hope everyone who wants a Kermit finds away to get one at a resonable cost. If anyone runs into any major problems let me know and I can see what I can do but like I said I really dont know much about that area.
So what can I tell you... Otherwise it would be nothing more than self indulgent and egotistical for me to post on this forum. I can tell you where we are at with the Kermit.
About a 5 weeks ago now I saw a revised sample from Hong Kong. That was the one that was suppose to show up in time for Toy Fair in February. It was funny because they sent the samples to in white Antron Fleece. It was odd to see an colorless version of Kermit, but his personality still came through. I would post pictures on the web of this sample but I think I would get in trouble with the licensor. If anyone is planning on coming to Comic Con I can show you pictures in person. That is a couple of months away... I know, I know you want more information faster. The factory has not shown me a revised sample yet that incorporates all of the changes that we (we = me + muppetcentral.com) made. When I look at our product development schedule, I see that the factory was suppose to have sent a final sample of Kermit on 4/28. When that sample arrives, I will see if that sample is photo worthy. At this point I think it is pretty clear what you guys want to see from us.
I hate waiting for product about as much as you guys do. Replicas are much different than Action Figures. I don't mean that in a Palisades bashing way. I mean actually mean the replicas I have worked on versus the action figures I developed have been much different beasts. Both are equally fun though.
Now I am getting self indulgent so I should sign off.
Bug me and I will give you an update on the sample later this week.