Hey, Ken. Can you give us any insight into why there are 2 different Fozzies? I think it's a neat idea, but unfortunately, I can only afford 1. How did the versions come about? Any plans for future variants of variants?
Two reasons.
1. I thought it would be good to offer the consumer a choice. You don't go into the store to buy a shirt and have one color to choose from.
2. Better for the retailers. They have to be compelled to buy these exclusives to make the line successful, and since the MOQ on this guy because of all the new tooling parts was higher, it had to be shared and therefore it is a nicer gesture to the retailer, since they are taking the risk on it, to help them out by giving each a slightly different version.
Will we do it again? We'll see how it goes. If the response from consumers is that they like having the option, then yes. If the response is more of that "evil empire" one and people are cheesed because they feel rooked, well, then probably not.
I hope for the former, not the latter. Choices are a cool thing to me...