took quiz twice first time Heavenly Good. Second time I purposely made it say evil just for fun.
I have no idea what the first question is all about though. I mean, depending on what's in the cave, or on the other side of the mountains the may or may not be preferable to the meadow. Also if it is raining I will run into the cave for shelter before I will climb a mountain or romp through a meadow and that has nothing to do with my being good or evil. Also If I were looking for exercise, a mountain or a cave are a lot harder on the body than a meadow is so they would be my preference in that case.
I know there is some symbolism about caves and ****, but there is also some symbolism about climbing mountains and achieving goodness in spite of what the rest of the world is doing around you. As for the meadow it looks like the path of least resistance, going with the flow, and if the flow is in the wrong direction I am not going there no matter how hard it may be to climb up out of it.