my baggage
I've had insulin-dependent diabetes since I was 21, and when I was first diagnosed with it it was so severe I nearly died from it.
For nearly 20 years I've been taking very good care of myself, and I am so grateful my eyes, kidneys, and feet (the three most vulnerable parts to a diabetic) are all still intact.
I've also had to deal with an alchoholic father, who has ruined his life and caused a lot of trouble for our family. But instead of being angry, I have finally been able to forgive him, and still pray at his age he can still face up to his demons, and someday be set free.
I have never used diabetes as a crutch, or an excuse for not wanting to do what I want with my life. I've learned to be positive, treat every day on this earth as a special gift not to be wasted, and grow closer to God. I'll be turning 40 very soon and I look forward to many more happy years to come.
Yes, even with all I had to go through, I'm still very happy with my life. ask Mokeystar, she'll be the first to tell you.