The whole Ernie and Bert gay thing started in 1981 in a SNL weekend update skit so that should clear up as to where it started. I never thought of them as gay but I did have a few questions about them such as how did they derive their income, where did they meet, with all of the monsters that were always breaking in and hassling them where were the police and why didn't they fight back, and finally while Bert was always the responable one what's up with Ernie I always figured he was pulling some kind of SSI scam or was on drugs big time.
I dunno. how do the Ninja Turtles get their Television, fridge, couch, and other things? And they had this stuff even before they met April.
How did Inspector Gadget start taking care of Penny?
Whatever happened to Dumbella Duck, Huey, Dewey and Louie's real mother?
There are much more fascinating "how dids" and origins of characters to discuss.
As far as the Ernie and Bert relationship thing... I dunno. Does that make Oscar and Felix (the odd couple) gay? Same for Larry and Balki?
I feel the characters aren't, especially since it's evident that Bert is straight in the song "I wanna hold your Ear" and the Connie Stevens episode of TMS. Other than that, I think they're just room mates. Not that there is anything wrong with them being that way. But I hate when drunk college kids think way too hard about their childhood favorites just to be crude.
So to me, they're a-sexual, and just little kids that somehow talk like they're a bit older. Other than that, I'm surprised this thread hasn't been locked by now...