Back when I was a kid in the 70's and 80's, I'd see all these fast food, candy, and Hostess commercials and wonder why they're advertising this stuff when our parents keep telling us that kind of food is bad for us. Now today it seems like they've made kids' food commercials politically correct. Having happy meals that consists of chicken and fruit, no more Hostess cake commercials on TV, and people eating sandwiches and salads at Chuck E. Cheese's.
And yet, the obesity "epidemic" happened recently.... hmmmm....
It's the exact lack of junk food advertising that made children's television unprofitable, causing the steady and frustrating decline in kid's programming in recent years. I can respect the reasons for this, but I think it's hogwash.
When I was younger, we had HUNDREDS of these things on, all featuring cartoon characters hocking cereals and other odd products. BUT we also had different PSA's about health airing inbetween the commercials. Now even the licensing is crazy. All cartoon based cereals have to be whole wheat. That Indiana Jones cereal tasted more like wheat than chocolate. And Raisins aren't any less disgusting to me with Cars on it.