Anything Muppety From Comic Con?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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There's really huge fan cons that are organized by professional companies devoted to putting on such events - both Muppetfest and the various official Farscape cons were both organized by Creation who do those notorious Star Trek cons.

Then there's fan organized ones - these usually tend to be much smaller scale and typically without official representation from the artists/production company that its celebrating. These are often regional affairs since because of the smaller nature of these, it's usually not worth all the travel expenses/arrangements for people to travel really long distances.

Since the original Muppetfest in 2001, things have dramatically changed where now all the original Henson properties are divided among three companies...and as we've found out it's not always easy for them to "get along" and agree to help each other out in ways that ultimately benefit the fans/target audiences such as allowing dvd releases of older specials like Emmet Otter or The Christmas Toy to be released uncut without squabbling over "you can't use any of the footage with Kermit in it BWAHAHA!"...if there's that much trouble with stuff like that that's relatively small potatoes, than a main course serving like a full-scale weekend convention is really a nightmare. Henson Company as great as they are and as much as people love them would really have a hard time having a con without Muppets in the mix (the best they can do are things like Farscape cons that just focus on one specific area), and Disney being the owners of the Muppets probably are more apt to want to take sole control over any fandom events instead of letting Creation handle them...the closest we've come (and sadly will probably see from here on out) are various exhibits and programs from the Jim Henson Legacy - just keep your eyes peeled as to following their touring exhibits or when they do special screenings/events and such in your state or somewhere generally near you.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I don't know I don't think anyone would or could stop fans from meeting.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I really don't understand something, and maybe this should be posted elsewhere but I'm thinking about this because of the Comic con.
There are conventions and lagre get get to gathers all the time for the fans of Star Wars Star Trek there was even one for Lego's I think a few weeks ago. Not to mention Comics where the publishers and fans come together and fellowship and see all the new things coming out.

Now I know that we had the Muppetfest way back when thrown by Henson, but since then what have we Muppet fans really had to get us together. sure there have been little events here and there but nothing like Muppet fest.
Is it that we fans can't seem to get orgainzied to have something like this? Is it that we are all spread out over the vast World of ours that we can't seem to get to one spot? What is it, and can we do something about it?
I hear what you're saying. There's massive conventions(both main ones and smaller ones) for: Star Wars, Star Trek, anime, Firefly/Whedon fans, Buffy, Twilight, Harry Potter, LOTR,
Legos, Transformers, GI Joe, Disney(HUGE Disney official con in Anaheim in Sept)

Yet...nothing for Muppet fans to use as an excuse to get together. Well from 1998 til 2001 we all talked about it on here, making some sort of fan gathering. Then on June 5th 2001 Muppetfest was announced, and we were all just shocked. Announced for late September.

Then 9/11 happened just a week or so before Muppetfest, as back then Jim Henson Company was in lower Manhattan. So it was cancelled, and we were all bummed.

But then later in the year it was rescheduled for December, and made even bigger than originally planned. So I got to meet some cool people from here, tho most of whom never post anymore. It IS time for a huge Muppet gathering, either official or unofficial...or semi unofficial.

I'm thinking 2010, the 55 Year Anniversary of the Muppets(wow, over half a century guys!) Either we use an event Disney throws at Disneyland California or Disneyworld Florida(hey, they might have a "Disney weekend") or one of those events where
some of the Muppeteers come out with their signature puppets(like that new york event where it was Gonzo/Goelz, Clash/Elmo, and Fran Brill with Zoe at the Cinematic Arts thing.

I know Luke is waiting for a perfect oppurtunity to come to the states to meet all of us. And I swear Frogboy has to be one of the most hardcore Muppet fans Ive met. Id love to get to hang with DW Mckin again. (Heck I'd love to see any of the 1998-2002 MC forum gang!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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It's not so much we don't want to, it's just we don't know how we would!
We are just waiting for the perfect event to make it everyone's worthwhile. It WILL happen in the next year or so. Especially with the Fraggle movie, Muppet movie and rumored new Muppet show on tap

We're just waiting for

1) an official Muppetcon

2) A "Muppets Weekend Celebration" type of thing at Disneyland or Disneyworld

3) a big enough Muppet/Henson legacy event, with at least a few
Muppeteers w/ Muppets(HOWEVER these typically tend to only be 100 seater events in small theaters attached to performing art centers or museums)

Given the Muppets are now in California, chances are its Southern California again where it'd most likely be if an official event were to happen.

But absolutely, I do believe it WILL happen in some capacity by 2011.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I hear what you're saying. There's massive conventions(both main ones and smaller ones) for: Star Wars, Star Trek, anime, Firefly/Whedon fans, Buffy, Twilight, Harry Potter, LOTR,
Legos, Transformers, GI Joe, Disney(HUGE Disney official con in Anaheim in Sept)
Honestly... if there can be an Office-Con (and I love the Office), there can be a Muppetcon. problem is, we'd have to pull everything together ourselves, put a huge amount of capital into it, and the tickets could concievably cost a fortune... and that's even if we DON'T have special guests.

I remember this guy I knew on another forum (which I haven't been to in years) who was putting together a huge M.U.S.C.L.E./Kinnikuman/general 1980's toy convetntion. He had everything worked down 90% to the nearest detail, and he had connections at 4Kids that gave him a full season's worth of yet to air Ultimate Muscle episodes. But things fell through and he was pretty depressed about it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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We are just waiting for the perfect event to make it everyone's worthwhile. It WILL happen in the next year or so. Especially with the Fraggle movie, Muppet movie and rumored new Muppet show on tap

We're just waiting for

1) an official Muppetcon

2) A "Muppets Weekend Celebration" type of thing at Disneyland or Disneyworld

3) a big enough Muppet/Henson legacy event, with at least a few
Muppeteers w/ Muppets(HOWEVER these typically tend to only be 100 seater events in small theaters attached to performing art centers or museums)

Given the Muppets are now in California, chances are its Southern California again where it'd most likely be if an official event were to happen.

But absolutely, I do believe it WILL happen in some capacity by 2011.
I'm glad that at least someone else belives in this.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Guys, remember Lylle Breier is also Senior VP of special events worldwide at Disney - so possibly her ideas do include an event in the pipeline.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2004
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1) an official Muppetcon
Oh man, the idea of the Muppet-Con has me wanting to drool. As long as it wasn't too far away (though I'm guessing it'll probably be a California or New York thing, and I'm not very close to those) I'd be there!