Anyone interested in having a co writer for fics?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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Well, I'm in no way a new writer, I've been writing fanfic of one sort or another online for eleven years. I just come from other fandoms where fanfic policing is the norm and everyone who is anyone does it :\. Worst yet, in place of just writing what they would like to read in place of trying to make others do it, they have a tradition of making fun of other peoples works that brake any of their standards by writing degrading parodies of every little thing they do wrong.
I try to tell them "your great authors, why not write a good normal fanfic in place of making fun of bad ones?" but they never listen to me :stick_out_tongue:.

I'll stick to writing Robin when he is little and Scooter is his normal age I think :smile: