mikealan said:
Those EM minis on the checklist were CANCELLED because people who work at Palisades Toys don't seem to like the Muppets anymore because they are owned by Disney and NO LONGER owned by the Henson Company. Palisades starts focusing more on SS and the Muppets are no longer Jim Henson's Muppets! It's now the Muppets and they have their own company called Muppets Holding Company! I think it's never gonna be the same as a couple of years ago!
Actually, this whole paragraph is incorrect.
It's a consumer driven industry. Sales were NOT being made because people were NOT buying the products. As with everything else, a company will cease to produce a product that isn't selling. You can fault the owners of the franchise (JHC, or MHC/Dis) if you want to fault someone because during the entire run of the action figures, we only had ONE Muppets production: VMX. There were no other productions by The Muppets to keep them in the public eye to say, "Hey, these are Muppets figures. I need these."
Palisades is not to fault for this, because they were still tooling and retooling action figures that WON'T get made because people weren't buying the product. A company will not be spending money to make something folks are not buying.
Even people who were Muppet Fans were saying, "I'll get so-n-so, but I'm not buying so-n-so." Personally, I own at least one of everything that was sold. I've bought each of the Mini Muppets, the Mega Muppets, all the playsets...the only thing I'm lacking now is the Rainbow Connection Kermit, and I'm ordering that this weekend!
But, in order to keep a license like The Muppets, there has to be support and people buying the product, not waiting for it to hit the sales bin.
I only needed 4 more characters: Bobo Bear, Bean Bunny, Sal Manilla, and ARTICULATED Robin. Won't get 'em because folks weren't buying the line anymore.
In the meantime, I welcome the SS license in the Action Figure line, and look very forward to buying EVERYTHING...yet again.