Well, it's been forever since I've been here, but it's great to be back. Also cool to see raysgal on here as well, as we are both part of the many GB boards across the 'net.
In answer to lowercasegods' questions....
You will love it.
I got to see the play the other night at Heinz Hall in Pittsburgh. Was even able to score FRONT ROW seats, too! And, I mean, front row! Like, I could've actually reached up and touched parts of the scenery, I was that close to the stage. In the orchestra pit, man...that's where it's at!!
The guy playing Seymore onstage didn't really live up to Rick Moranis's stellar performance, but had a quirkiness all his own. He did a pretty darn good job, and owned the "Suddenly, Seymore" song.
The girl playing Audrey did a great job, although she couldn't hit those really high, squeaky notes that Ellen Greene did in the film.
The Ronettes were incredible. And taht's all I can say about them, because you really have to see them live.
The guy playing Orin did a pretty good job as well. Not as good as Steve Martin (in some parts), but did own the part. As well as the six other people he played throughout the performance.
Audrey II was amazing. Absolutely beautiful. Great comedic timing between the actors and the puppets. Everything was spot on.
I totally fell in love with the "Stage Two" Audrey II, the one that Seymore carries during "Some Fun Now." I saw the puppet and immediately thought, "I want one!!!"
The ending was spectacular. Although we didn't get to see the massive Audrey II, the one that looms out over the audience on Broadway (she's too big to move from city to city quickly), it was still amazing.
And the actor who supplied the voice...incredible. Wonderful singer.
(sorry if I'm not being too descriptive, but you really do have to see this for yourself!!)
After the performance, there was a Q&A session with the puppeteers and the voice of Audrey II, and we got to see how the puppets work, and how they did everything.
All in all, incredibly amazing. Go see this one. If there was ever a Boradway play that nearly shames "The Producers," this is it.
BTW: The real reason I'm here stems (wink, wink!) back to the stage two Audrey II. I want to make one of my own, and I got the go-ahead from the puppeteers themselves ("Just go ahead," they said).
Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find the plans for building Twoey on the net. Either the sites are broken links or they're not there anymore.
Anyone have any plans/tips? I'd love to do this for the upcoming comicon in Monroeville, and I only have a limited amount of time. (or, I could build Twoey for next year's con, and go ahead with my original costume, Arthur Dent from "Hitchhiker's Guide")