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Another Muppet Family Christmas


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Dec 26, 2008
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Part 4:
After the brief sing-along, Fozzie and his mother were trying to figure out where everyone will sleep for the night.
Mrs. Bear: Okay, let's go over the list, Fozzie. Ernie and Bert will bunk with Kermit.
Kermit: At least she got my name this time.
Fozzie: Check.
Mrs. Bear: I know the Fraggles will take their hole down in the cellar.
Fozzie: Check.
Mrs. Bear: Emmet, his mother and his jug-band said they wouldn't mind sharing one of the bedrooms with Bean Bunny and his family and friends.
Fozzie: Check. And as always, Oscar stays in his trash can with Rizzo.
Rizzo: Hey, we meet again, huh?
Oscar: Yeah. Long time, no see, Rizzo.
Mr. Dog: (Humming) Nothin' like Christmas. Christmas tree, decorations, lots of friends, it's all wonderful.
(Then runs into Sprocket)
Mr. Dog: Hey. I'd never thought I'd meet another dog here.
(Sprocket barks)
Mr. Dog: Your name is Sprocket? (Sprocket nods) Well, in that case, my name is Mr. De-dop-de-diddly-dog-bop.
Sprocket: Huh?
Mr. Dog: But you can call me Mr. Dog for short. Hey, how would you like it if I show you my friends who are bunnies?
(Sprocket barks in agreement)
Mr. Dog: Great. And you say your friends are Fraggles? (Sprocket nods) Never heard of those kinds of critters. But I'll be happy to meet them.
Prairie Dawn: Hey, everyone! It's time for the Christmas Eve pageant!
(Muppets talking as they take their seats)
Luis: Looks like this play is going to be good.
Maria: It sure is.
Prairie Dawn: Okay, everyone in their place? (Clears throat) The Sesame Street players present "The Nativity Pageant"
(Applause,piano plays)
Prairie Dawn: Oh, welcome, oh, welcome to our little play.
Where we will tell you all of that first Christmas Day.
Away in a manger a long time ago,
this is how it all started, now on with the show.
(Laughter after it's revealed that Bert is playing the part of Mary)
Bert: Ernie!
Ernie: Don't worry, Bert. They'll love this.
Bert: Oh, good grief.
Bert and Ernie: We're Mary and Joseph with no place to stay.
Bert: That's why we're out here with the animals and hay. (Sneezes)
But something had happened that filled us with joy.
Ernie: We've just been blessed with a little baby boy.
(Elmo being the baby)
Elmo: Hi. (Laughs)
Ernie and Bert: This baby named Jesus, how special was He.
That a star shined above Him for all to see.
Ernie: Wise men from the east saw the star and they knew
it would point to the baby, so they went there, too.
Cookie Monster, Grover and The Count: Oh, we are the wise men, we followed that star.
It lead us to the baby, we traveled so far.
This child is special, so these gifts we bring.
The Count: Gold,
Grover: Francinscense
Cookie Monster: and cookies!
All 3: all fit for a king.
Prairie Dawn: Wait a minute! That's not right! Cookie Monster, you were supposed to bring Myrrh, not cookies!
Cookie Monster: Then, I guess me eat these cookies! (Eats cookies)
David: Well, that's Cookie Monster for you.
Ernie: This little baby would grow up to be
Bert: a teacher to many so now you can see
All: Why each year we now celebrate Christmas Day,
to honor the baby on His birthday.
(Elmo laughs)
Elmo: Merry Christmas! (Laughs)
Olivia: That was very good, everyone!
Doc: Oh, that was wonderful, wasn't it, Sprocket?
(Sprocket barks)
(Note: the pageant was taken from the Nativity pageant from Elmo's World: Happy Holidays")


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2008
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Part 5:
After the play, Kermit decides to head into town to make a last minute shopping trip.
Kermit: Hey, Mrs. Bear, I'm going to town to finish up some shopping. Would you mind watching everybody here and let them know that I'll be back in a few minutes?
Mrs. Bear: Oh, certainly.
Kermit: Great.
Miss Piggy: Oh, Kermie? Where are you going, dear?
Kermit: I'm just going to town for some last minute Christmas shopping. I won't be gone long.
Miss Piggy: Then will you be back in time for Christmas?
Kermit: Of course. See you soon, Piggy. (Front door closes)
Robin: Hey, where's Uncle Kermit?
Miss Piggy: He went into town for Christmas shopping.
Robin: I hope he gets back in time.
Miss Piggy: Yeah. Me, too. (Staring at the door)
Scooter: Excuse me, Piggy, but the band is about to sing a song. Come on!
Miss Piggy: All right, all right! Just a minute! (Sounding rather irritated)
Dr. Teeth: All right. Time to rock this party!
Floyd: Hit it, Animal!
Animal: Party! Party!
(Music plays)
Floyd: Rockin' around the Christmas tree at the Christmas party hop.
Mistletoe hung where you can see every couple try to stop.
Janice: Rockin' around the Christmas tree, let the Christmas spirit ring.
Later, we'll have some pumpkin pie and we'll do some caroling.
Dr. Teeth: You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear
voices singing, "Let's be jolly, deck the halls with boughs of holly!"
All: Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Everyone's dancing merrily in the new old-fashioned way.
Floyd and Janice: You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear
voices singing, "Let's be jolly"
Animal: Deck the halls with boughs of holly!
All: Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Everyone's dancing merrily in the new old-fashioned way.
(Music ends)
Animal: Christmas! Christmas!
Floyd: Easy, Animal! Easy!
Be-bop: Hey, these are my kind of guys! (Laughs)
Uncle Matt: Um, Robin, I don't really remember this as part of the Christmas celebration.
Robin: Don't worry, Uncle Matt. That's just how we celebrate.
Uncle Matt: Oh. Well, in that case, Bravo! Bravo! More!
Waldorf: Well, what'd you think of that?
Statler: I don't know. My hearing aid was off.
(Both laugh)
Fozzie: Oh, no. It's those hecklers again.
Mrs. Bear: Don't worry, Fozzie. They won't be much of a bother.
Fozzie: She doesn't know my line of work real well, does she?
Oscar: Hey, quiet, everyone. There's a news flash on TV.
Newsman on TV: Here's an important news flash.
Reports are coming in that a large blizzard is making its way into town.
It's said to bring about a foot or two of snow and temperatures will drop to at least 20 degrees or below.
So everyone bundle up as best you can. (Snow falls on newsman)
Will someone get this snow out of here?
Robin: A blizzard?
Miss Piggy: But Kermit's out there!
Scooter: What? Why would he be out there?
Robin: He went for a shopping trip into town.
Miss Piggy: What are we going to do?
Charlie: Hey, everyone, look at the snow outside!
Bob: Boy, it's really storming.
Maria: It's got to be really cold out there.
Robin: I know, my uncle's out there in the storm.
Babble: If I'd say it once, I'll say it a thousand times, this is probably the worst storm I've ever seen. There's a lot of snow and wind and ice...
All: Babble!
Scooter: The point is that we have to hope that Kermit found some shelter and is safe and warm.
Robin: I sure hope you're right, Scooter.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2008
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Part 6:
While the blizzard rages outside, everyone tries to occupy themselves. Linda and Bob teach one group some sign language, Emmet and his jug-band do some practicing and Robin, Miss Piggy and Scooter watch the snow fall hard and in the back of everyone's mind, all they can think about is Kermit.
Robin: I sure hope Uncle Kermit's okay.
Miss Piggy: I know, Robin. So do I.
Scooter: Me, too.
Mrs. Bear: Okay, everybody. I've got a plate of cookies all set to eat.
Cookie Monster: Cookie! (Munches cookies) Thank you.
Mrs. Bear: Oh, dear. Now I'll just have to make more.
Susan: Don't worry, Mrs. Bear. We'll help you make a new batch.
David: We'll also make sure to make extra in case Cookie Monster eats more cookies.
Olivia: You know Cookie Monster always comes back for more.
Mrs. Bear: Oh, thank you very much.
Then, Gobo and Wembley walk past Bob and Linda as they're teaching sign language. Being that they never saw sign language before, they ask in curiosity.
Wembley: Hey, what are you guys doing?
Bob: We're doing sign language.
Gobo: What's sign language?
Bob: Sign language is a way of talking, just with your hands. You see, Linda's deaf, that means she can't hear. So she talks to people by using sign language.
Wembley: Oh, I get it.
Gobo: But how can she understand what we're saying?
Bob: Well, she can read lips, but I also translate for her. So whatever you say, I can put it in sign language for Linda so she can understand.
Uncle Matt: Interesting way of putting it. I always wondered what you were doing with your hands. I've seen other silly creatures do it.
Bob: Silly creatures?
Wembley: That's what we call humans.
Bob: Oh. Well, we've been teaching some sign language and we're going to sing a song that's in sign language.
Gobo and Wembley: Wow!
Uncle Matt: I'd never seen that done before, but there's a first time for everything.
Bob: In fact, we're going to do it right now.
The Muppets included in the group are Bean, Twitch, Lugsy, Snort, Babble and Be-bop
Gobo: I can't wait to see this.
Wembley: Me either.
(Piano begins playing and as the song continues, the rest file into the living room to listen and watch)
Bob: When Christmas time is over and presents put away, don't be sad.
There'll be so much to treasure about this Christmas Day and the fun we've had.
So many happy feelings to celebrate with you and oh, the good times hurry by so fast.
But even when it's over, there's something you can do to make Christmas last.
Bunnies: Keep Christmas with you all through the year.
When Christmas is over, you can keep it near.
Bean: Think of this Christmas Day
Bunnies: when Christmas is far away.
Keep Christmas with you all through the year.
When Christmas is over, save some Christmas cheer.
These precious moments, hold them very dear and keep Christmas with you all through the year.
Twitch: Christmas means the spirit of giving, peace and joy to you.
Bob: The goodness of loving, the gladness of living,
All: these are Christmas, too.
So keep Christmas with you all through the year.
When Christmas is over, save some Christmas cheer.
Bob: These precious moments, hold them very dear
All: and keep Christmas with you all through the year.
Bob: Yes, keep Christmas with you
All: all through the year.
Wembley: That was amazing!
Mother Bunny: That was wonderful!
Twitch: Thanks, Mother.
Father Bunny: You three did a great job with that song.
Bean: It was fun.
Grandmother Bunny: I really enjoyed that song and in sign language, it was even better.
Lugsy: Thanks, Granny.
Waldorf: Well, that was a sweet number.
Statler: Yeah, but when it's in sign language, it turns sour.
(Both laugh)


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2008
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Part 7:
As the blizzard goes on, everyone sit and talk quietly as they anxiously wait for Kermit's return.
Rowlf: I wonder where Kermit is.
Wendell: I hope he's okay.
Snort: What if he's stuck in the snow?
Boober: Or worse, he could freeze to death.
Grover: Freeze to death? Oh, no!
Lugsy: What if he is freezing out there?
Red: He could die out there!
Scooter: Die? No, not Kermit!
Gina: Hold it. Everyone calm down. There's no need to worry.
Gordon: She's right. I'm sure Kermit found some shelter while he was in town.
Robin: That may be true, but I'm really worried about him.
Doc: Well, the snow's getting deeper, but not too deep.
Maria: Wait a minute, what are you saying?
Doc: Well, I figure I'll go out and look for him.
Big Bird: Go outside?
Gobo: Doc, are you crazy?
Harvey: He's right. You could freeze out there!
Miss Piggy: But we need to know if Kermit's all right. So Doc, do what you need to do.
Robin: I think Miss Piggy's right. Go out there and look for him.
Doc: I'll do my best. I'll be back as soon as I can.
Mokey: Be careful, Doc
Gonzo: Yeah, good luck, Doc.
(Doc opens the front door and leaves)
Scooter: I hope he finds him.
Luis: Well, all we can do is hope for the best.
Fozzie: What if he doesn't find him?
Mrs. Bear: Don't worry, Fozzie. He will.
Robin: I sure hope so. It won't be the same without him. If he isn't found, then it won't be a wonderful Christmas that we'd want.
(Music begins)
Robin (Sings): I don't know if you believe in Christmas
or if you have presents underneath the Christmas tree.
But if you believe in love, that will be more than enough for you to come and celebrate with me.
For I have held the precious gift that love brings even though I never saw a Christmas star.
I know there is a light, I have felt it burn inside and I have seen it shining from afar.
All: Christmas is the time to come together, a time to put all differences aside.
Robin: And I reach out my hand to the family of man
All: to share the joy I feel at Christmas time.
Robin: For the truth that binds us all together,
I would like to say a simple prayer
that at this special time, you will have true peace of mind and love to last throughout the coming years.
(Soft instrumental)
And if you believe in love, that will be more than enough for peace to last throughout the coming years.
All: And peace on earth will last throughout the year.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2008
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Part 8:
Everyone waits for Doc and Kermit to return home in time for Christmas.
Robin: Boy, Doc sure has been gone a long time.
Scooter: He sure has. You think he'll find Kermit?
Gonzo: I sure hope so.
Bob: Don't worry, I'm sure they're fine.
Mrs. Bear: If I know Kermit well enough, he's found shelter and is now awaiting rescue from Doc now.
Miss Piggy: I sure hope you're right.
Robin: If he doesn't come back, it just won't be Christmas without him.
Big Bird: He's right.
Bert: It definitely won't be the same.
Ernie: Yep, not without Kermit.
Robin: Still, he have to hope that he will come home for Christmas. He has to.
(Music begins)
Robin: He'll come home for Christmas.
He can count on me.
We'll have snow and mistletoe and presents on the tree.
Christmas Eve will find him where the love light gleams.
He'll come home for Christmas, if only in my dreams.
All: He'll come home for Christmas.
He can count on me.
There'll be snow and mistletoe and presents on the tree.
Christmas Eve will find him where the love light gleams.
He'll come home for Christmas, if only in our dreams.
Robin: If only in my dreams.
(Everyone sighs)
Mrs. Bear: Well, it's getting late, everyone. I'll start Christmas dinner for everyone.
(Sleigh bells ring)
Be-bop: Hey, listen! It's sleigh bop-de bells!
Gobo: It's coming from outside!
Ma Otter: I don't see anything.
Scooter: At least the storm is stopping.
Susan: What do you think it is?
Maria: I don't know.
Miss Piggy: Do you think it's Kermit?
David: I think it's possible.
(Everyone rushes outside and listens to the sleigh bells)
Grover: Is is froggie?
Red: I still don't see anything.
Emmet: Wait. I see something and it's heading this way!
Twitch: What is it?
Bob: It's really hard to tell from here.
Kermit (distant): Hi, everybody!
Lugsy: Did you hear that?
Wendell: I sure did.
Robin: Wait a minute. It's...it's...
Kermit: Merry Christmas!
Fozzie: It's Kermit! He's safe!
Robin: He's all right!
(Muppets and human cast cheering)
Kermit: Hi, everyone!
Robin: Uncle Kermit, you're all right! How did you manage to survive in the blizzard?
Kermit: I found shelter in a nearby farmhouse in town.
Doc: I found him outside while I was searching for him.
Uncle Matt: You must have had quite an adventure.
Kermit: You're telling me. Sheesh!
Miss Piggy: Oh, Kermie! I'm so glad you're okay!
Kermit: Me, too, Piggy. It's good to be home.
(sings) Oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
'cause no matter how far away you roam.
When you long for the sunshine of a friendly gaze,
for the holidays, you can't beat home, sweet home.
All: If you want to be happy in a million ways,
for the holidays, you can't beat home, sweet home.
(Kermit and Miss Piggy slip and fall on the icy patch)
All: Careful of the icy patch!
(All laugh)


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2008
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Part 9:
Everyone settles in the house happy that Kermit and Doc are safe and sound.
Miss Piggy: Oh, Kermie, I'm so glad you're here with all of us.
Kermit: I'm happy to be back, Piggy.
Robin: We were all worried about you.
Mrs. Bear: Yes, we thought you were lost forever.
(Everyone agrees to the statements)
Kermit: Well, now there's no need to worry. I'm back with all my friends that I love so dearly. While I was out there, all I could think about was you guys.
Gonzo: Really?
Kermit: Mm-hmm. Now I'm safe and warm.
Robin: Hey, I propose a toast to my Uncle Kermit.
Miss Piggy: Yes, it just wouldn't be Christmas without him.
Fozzie: To Kermit!
All: To Kermit!
Kermit: Well, everybody, now that we're all here, it's time for our annual "Carol Sing"
Take it, Rowlf.
(Piano plays)
Rowlf: Happy holiday. (Happy holiday)
Kermit: Happy holiday. (Happy holiday)
Miss Piggy: May the calandar keep bringing happy holidays to you.
Big Bird: Happy holiday. (Happy holiday)
Bert and Ernie: Happy holiday. (Happy holiday)
Fozzie and Mrs. Bear: May the merry bells keep ringing, may your every wish come true.
Robin: Christmas time is here, happiness and cheer.
Fun for all that children call their favorite time of year.
Bean: Snowflakes in the air, carols everywhere.
Olden times and ancient rhymes of love and dreams to share.
All: Sleigh bells in the air, beauty everywhere.
Yuletide by the fireside and joyful memories there.
Christmas time is here, families drawing near.
Oh, if we could always see such spirit through the year.
Gobo and Wembley: When it's nice and bright and it brings delight,
let your heart choose right, gonna...pass it on!
When it feels real good like a feeling should, when it's understood, gotta...pass it on!
Red: When you're givin' love away, love will come again to stay.
What you give is what you gain when you...pass it on!
Mokey: When I give a gift to you, I know you're gonna give it too.
That's why giving's what we do as we...pass it on!
All: Pass it on! Pass it on!
Wish upon all the good things that you do.
Pass it on! Pass it on!
When it's gone, it will bring good luck to you.
When you're giving love away, love will come again to stay,
What you give is what you gain when you...pass it on!
When I give a gift to you, I know you're gonna give it too.
That's why giving's what we do as we...pass it on! Pass it on!
Gonzo: Good king Wencelas looked out on the Feast of Steven.
When the snow lay round about deep and crisp and even.
All: Brightly shown the moon that night, though the frost was cruel.
When a poor man came in sight gathering winter fuel.
Caroling, caroling now we go, Christmas bells are ringing.
Caroling, caroling through the snow, Christmas bells are ringing.
Bob: Joyous voice sweet and clear, sing the sound of heart to cheer.
All: Ding dong, ding dong! Christmas bells are ringing.
Ding dong, ding dong! Christmas bells are ringing.
Caroling, caroling near and far, Christmas bells are ringing.
Following, following yonder star, Christmas bells are ringing.
Lugsy: Sing we now, this happy morn.
For the King of heaven is born.
Bean and Twitch: Ding dong, ding dong!
All: Christmas bells are ringing.
Rowlf: Have a hooly, jolly Christmas.
Robin: It's the best time of the year.
Scooter: I don't know if there'll be snow, but have a cup of cheer.
Ernie: Have a holly, jolly Christmas
Bert: and when you walk down the street,
Gordon: Say "Hello" to friends you know and everyone you meet.
All: Ho ho, the mistletoe hung where you can see.
Miss Piggy: Somebody waits for you, kiss him once for me. (Kisses Kermit)
All: Have a holly, jolly Christmas
Kermit: and in case you didn't hear,
All: Oh, by golly, have a holly, jolly Christmas this year.
Robin: It's in every one of us to be wise.
Robin and Kermit: Find your heart, opne up both your eyes.
All: We can all know everything without ever knowing why.
It's in every one of us by and by, by and by.
Old friends, new friends home with a family.
We'll be together at Christmas.
Snowflakes, sleigh bells bringing back memories.
We'll be together at Christmas.
Rowlf: Some things change with passing years,
Kermit and Miss Piggy: Let this feeling stay.
All: Old friends, new friends hoping we'll always be here with each other together on Christmas Day!


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2008
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Kermit: Well, everyone, I'd say we've had a wonderful Christmas together.
And thank you for spending the holidays with us and from our family to yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
(Music Plays)
All: We wish you a merry Christmas,
we wish you a merry Christmas,
we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Good tidings to you, wherever you are.
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
We wish you a merry Christmas,
we wish you a merry Christmas,
we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Miss Piggy: Oh, Kermie. Look up.
Kermit: Uh-oh. Mistletoe.
(Piggy kisses Kermit, everyone laughs and smiles as it happens)
Miss Piggy: Merry Christmas, Kermie!
Kermit: Merry Christmas, Piggy!
All: Merry Christmas, everyone!
Animal: Christmas! Christmas!
(Everyone laughs)


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Well, I do like the fact characters got more interaction than they did in the original. I also liked the inclusion of the humans. The signing carol was a very nice touch, but Statler and Waldorf's joke just rubbed me the wrong way. It seems like they're mocking the concept of using sign language, which is strange since they've mentioned on the show their hearing is starting to go. Rather than call it "sour", they should have mentioned it was an improvement over hearing people singing off-key or something. Furthermore, it's incredibly derivative. It strays so little from the formula from the first one, it really should have been the original script (in that it's good what you did and I frankly preferred some of your changes, but most of your scenes are just the MFC scenes with different character interactions).

Overall, I liked the opportunities you saw from MFC.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey bettech... I applaud your effort. Have to read the story... Perhaps you might've wanted to peruse either superboober's Another Very Merry Muppet Family Christmas Story or even my own story, A Muppet Family Gathering first though (the link's in the Fanfic Library Index thread). At any rate, thank you for sharing this with us. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2008
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I'm glad you liked my story and sorry about the comment about the sign language, I didn't mean to offend anyone with that. I just didn't know how to bring out a heckling joke around that time. But I enjoyed writing it.