Again, Jojo and Jojo alone is really the only reason Horton was as successful as it was.
I'd say Jim Carrey's name being attached to it was a big part of it. I liked it, but Steve Carrel, Amy Pohler, Carol Burnett, and ...well, everyone besides Jim Carrey carried the film. Not that I dislike him, of course... he's more memorable in
live action. As a voice actor, he just sounds like Matt Frewer. They coulda got Matt for a fraction of the cost and no one would have known the diddly dong difference. But the animation was absolutely beautiful and the best part of the movie. The Anime sequence, while making no sense at all and being a Big Lipped Alligator Moment, had lush 2-D animation.
Never got around to seeing Lorax. I was fifty fifty about it and just skipped it. I've heard extremes on both sides. It's either a very good movie or the worst movie ever. That's a
lot of swinging room. From the clips I've seen, I really dig the look of the film. But looks aren't everything (cough! Pocahontas).
Now if there's ONE Dr. Seuss project that's begging to be made into a movie (as long as they did it right), it's "Pontaffle Pock, Where are You?" The story had a lot of potential for a 90 minute film, and as much as I absolutely love the special in question (Joe Raposo did the music
and actually sang one of the numbers) the special seems a bit condensed. They could stretch the Fairy man hunt for Pontaffle out alone.