Alright, I don't know what I was thinking! Here's the deal...
When you first began this, I didn't know who you were, and admittedly your announcing it in three different places made me a little suspicious. Apon reading your post though, you sounded like a pretty nice guy,
and I thaught, "This sounds cool. I'll have to check it out." For some reason I didn't until last night...and I absolutely loved it!
I love the montage, (the Earth Day one was so beautiful!) I never even heard of the Jim Henson awards, and I have a couple of friends who have preuses, so that's really cool! By the way, I loved your singing, and I can't wait to hear what other ones you've got! I've only heard the April ones so far, I'm going to try to listen to the May ones later today.
I'd love to send you something, but unless a miracle happens, it'll have to be an e-mail.
An idea that might make it interesting, not that you're not already doing a fabulous job yourself, migh be to have a cohoast, that you can do a little bantering with, bounce ideas off of, and maybe could take over some of the responsibilities and segments. What do you think?