Since the original performers either chose to leave, had to leave, or aren't with us anymore, I appreciate the efforts of all who keep the characters alive. And of couse there are many things from the last 20 years I have thought fit right in with the classic Muppet feel, such as Muppet Christmas Carol - Jim's crew still knew how to pull it off. And these days, I still thoroughly enjoy the new stuff. I like Letters To Santa, etc and am very glad to see the Muppets living on with fun specials like that - with their touch of poignancy at times as well! But if someone else is bothered by the difference in the character, or if they just don't find the new stuff as touching, magical, or fun, I respect that. I personally like it all, but I do have a soft spot for the past. But I still feel we are such a lucky fans to still have the TMS era Muppeteers we have (Dave and Steve with the Muppets, and Jerry on SS) and the newer performers (even though that's 10 years or more) and look forward to more Muppet mayhem