And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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Isn't AMERICAN DAD supposed to a satire of an uber-conservative American family? That's the impression I always got.
It is, but people make the same mistake with it that they did with All In The Family, thinking it's a validation of conservatism and not understanding that it's a mockery of it.

Old Thunder

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Aug 13, 2015
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In fact, I think @1000 Eyes will appreciate this, I keep seeing more and more Satanists coming forward on social media, saying how they're amazed at how they've suddenly become the good guys and Christians are becoming the bad guys in terms of how they treat other people who do or don't agree with their beliefs, views, lifestyles, etc.
Yeah I've been noticing this too. It makes me both smirk and frown because I do have a deep respect for Christianity because of my upbringing and as I've said before, I know a lot of Christians (most of my home church) who are really good people. Sadly they've become overshadowed by those who aren't.

But yeah, I'm also happy that my kith and kin are becoming the 'normal' ones in this day and age. :big_grin:

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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I'd still rather Santa in The White House. He'd take global warming very seriously, he believes in sharing his wealth, and under him, the term "snowflake" would be a compliment. The drawbacks: Many voters wouldn't believe in him, privacy could get compromised since he sees us when we're sleeping and knows when we're awake, and most problematic of all, he may not be a natural U.S. citizen, but rather a North Polean.
Do I vote Kermit or Santa? Kermit or Santa? Kermit or Santa? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Yeah I've been noticing this too. It makes me both smirk and frown because I do have a deep respect for Christianity because of my upbringing and as I've said before, I know a lot of Christians (most of my home church) who are really good people. Sadly they've become overshadowed by those who aren't.
That's pretty much what's happening with almost every group in America when you think about it. This is why Kaepernick and others are protesting, because people like them are overshadowed by those who are perceived as "punks" and "thugs" by Trump and his supporters who think they're all like that. Same with how "all Hispanics are drug dealers and rapists," or "all Muslims are terrorists," or "all women are lustful," so on, and so on. But, you can't generalize them in return, because they're, "not all like that." :rolleyes:

Muppet Master

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Jan 14, 2014
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Wow, been over a year, time really flies. Honestly, at this point, i could care less about what trump is doing. I just want the 2020 election process to begin, the debates are going to be comedy gold, even better than '16.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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It is, but people make the same mistake with it that they did with All In The Family, thinking it's a validation of conservatism and not understanding that it's a mockery of it.
There's two sides to "All in the Family". Originally it was to show Archie Bunker as this ignorant, racist chauvinist pig. The dynamics came from his constant conflicts with liberal Mike Stivic.
While some ways it mocks Archie's conservative views, over time it showed how big a hypocrite Mike Stivic could be.
He could be just as ignorant, chauvinistic to his wife Gloria, and as closed-minded as he accused Archie of being.
One very telling episode: early on, Mike was pushing for Affirmative Action, since he was the voice of the downtrodden black man, and Archie is a bigot for not accepting things this way.
About five seasons later, Mike is a family man with a wife and kid to support. He was trying to get a promotion at work, but it's given to a black man instead, and Mike gets seven degrees of butthurt.
Now he claims to be the victim of the liberal views he always pushed for.
For all of Archie's flaws, I find him easier to identify with now than I ever could with the Meathead.

Still, the episode with Sammy Davis, Jr. is still 25 of the funniest minutes in television.
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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See, those are way too complicated and/or superficially insulting. Simply calling this guy Dumb is true, it would get him on the defensive about his IQ (that always makes him look idiotic), and basically dismisses him as a nobody. Nobody wants to admit to voting for the dumb guy either. The other names, well, they don't really hit the mark. This one's perfect because nothing matters after being labeled an imbecile. Well, except for the (alleged) rapist that he is. Again, I'm not one for the name calling. It's just that he continues to do that to others and there's got to be some democrat who'll eventually come up with something that will stick for him.
Take it from the one guy who admitted voting for him. Another interesting twist- during the campaign, all the people he made fun of (Little Marco, Lying Ted, etc.), since then, he's claimed he's gotten to know them, and "they're all wonderful people", and delusional enough to think he has them on his side.

I'm waiting for Christmas Day when he sits down with Crooked Hillary and carves the roast beast.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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@Censored wins the internet today.

But will it feature any overweight, leprechaun pirates who have low self-esteem because they have trouble peeing? :stick_out_tongue:
Isn't AMERICAN DAD supposed to a satire of an uber-conservative American family? That's the impression I always got.

Some Christians would argue with you about the tree. Some say that the angel atop the tree represents the angel who spoke to the shepherds and told them of the birth of Christ; the star atop the tree represents the star that lead the shepherds and the wise men to Bethlehem; the lights around the tree represent the other stars that were glowing in the night sky (and conservatives say multi-color lights are politically incorrect because the stars in the sky weren't colored), and that the triangular shape of the tree itself represents the Holy Trinity of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The tree itself, aside from the ornaments placed on it, is in celebration of the winter solstice. The evergreen leaves signify the promise of spring after winter. So, the entire framework that everything hangs from on a Christmas tree is secular. It was made popular by the Germans and then imported into the United States. No matter what some zealots argue, the fact that we decorate trees at Christmas comes from secular roots.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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My brother is gay and I know through his experience and I want to tell all of you gay/bi/pan/etc. people, please, do NOT come out of the closet in high school. Wait until at least college. It is a very nasty and messy process and it's very risky and you could end up getting rejected and ridiculed even by your best friends.