And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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Also hey, isn't it cool that with the Steve thing dying down this thread is suddenly active again? :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I should point out that those sentences you quoted aren't specific to the garbage in Charlottsville that happened over the weekend. I would never defend that. My comments were intended more about the general atmosphere of the country right now. I don't have a lot of patience or tolerance for anybody that peddles division or hatred, regardless of what side. But some pretend that the division is only coming from one side.
Fair enough. I was angry earlier, I'm sorry you bore the brunt of it. And yes, we can't complain about division but then say "It's the right/left's fault!" Kinda defeats the point. :wink:

At this point, I do think the checks and balances are working to reign in Trump's weirder instincts, so I'm not too worried overall. The division of the country didn't start with him, and won't end with him. And that is ultimately more important to fix. That's why I say the Dems and Reps don't seem different to me. Both so invested in taking sides.

And for the record, rest assured I don't consider MC a nook of racism. :wink:

Muppet Master

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Jan 14, 2014
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Also hey, isn't it cool that with the Steve thing dying down this thread is suddenly active again? :stick_out_tongue:
Kinda makes me sad since I liked actually talking about muppet stuff instead of politics. But, the Steve stuff ended up getting even more heated than this!


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Aug 8, 2003
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God forbid, this is why I'm glad I didn't grow up in the South.
We are weird down here, I'll give you that, but I will say this, the subject of the Confederate flag really is an H-O-T hot debate down here, because there are many, many people who do genuinely argue that the Confederate flag is not a symbol of racism, but a symbol of "Southern Pride."


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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We are weird down here, I'll give you that, but I will say this, the subject of the Confederate flag really is an H-O-T hot debate down here, because there are many, many people who do genuinely argue that the Confederate flag is not a symbol of racism, but a symbol of "Southern Pride."
I did object to removing Dukes of Hazzard reruns from TV because, yea, it's obvious they were using the flag as generic symbol of the South. Not promoting racism.


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Feb 14, 2007
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Interestingly enough, I have done some research on the flag for my research writing project in college and did find some good sources mentioning it was originally representing Southern pride. I personally feel like the KKK ruined the image of the flag.

What does bug me a little though is that the flag is banned and yet we can still buy the swastika logo on flags online. :rolleyes:

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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I mean, I grew up in a 'technically' Southern Baptist church, but then VA has a lot of differences throughout it. The church I went to (maybe I've BS'd myself into thinking it's a great church) was overall a good church. For instance, they'd explain why being gay is not according to God's will, but if you were gay, you could still be accepted (I don't think any came to the church though).

Things like this I'm okay with - explaining why you think something is wrong but leaving it at that. Not some God Hates... you know... ugh.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Interestingly enough, I have done some research on the flag for my research writing project in college and did find some good sources mentioning it was originally representing Southern pride.
I think the south still kind of holds the grudge of losing the original Civil War, even today - I know the subject of succeeding from the union has come up again recently.
I personally feel like the KKK ruined the image of the flag.
Yeah, I think Evangelicals and fire-and-brimstone Christians feel the same way about what the gay community has done to the rainbow.
What does bug me a little though is that the flag is banned and yet we can still buy the swastika logo on flags online. :rolleyes:
Unless it's for historical re-enacting and things like that, I think that's actually supposed to be illegal.