And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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In less than 24-hours, the estimated number of people who will be left uninsured thanks to Trumpcare has jumped from 14,000,000 to 24,000,000.

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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The whole doctor thing is terribly flawed. Once my family had to pay $500 for a doctor who spent fifteen minutes with them doing pretty much nothing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I'm not trying to attack Republicans again, but . . . :sigh:

It's not just the administration (if you can call it that) that's hopeless, it's the whole party . . . they take everything so dead-dawg seriously that it's almost pathetic. This goes beyond just them bellyaching over everytime Alec Baldwin impersonates Trump on SNL because they have no sense of humor, but they clearly have no sense of what satire is either, because a Texas lawmaker is proposing a satirical new bill that would fine men $100 everytime they have a date with Rosie Palms. But again, the only one who seems to have caught onto to the satire are the Democrats, but the Republicans are actually outraged over the bill and the lawmaker behind it . . . the satire has flown right over their heads. Talk about a party of poopers.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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I'm not trying to attack Republicans again, but . . . :sigh:

It's not just the administration (if you can call it that) that's hopeless, it's the whole party . . . they take everything so dead-dawg seriously that it's almost pathetic. This goes beyond just them bellyaching over everytime Alec Baldwin impersonates Trump on SNL because they have no sense of humor, but they clearly have no sense of what satire is either, because a Texas lawmaker is proposing a satirical new bill that would fine men $100 everytime they have a date with Rosie Palms. But again, the only one who seems to have caught onto to the satire are the Democrats, but the Republicans are actually outraged over the bill and the lawmaker behind it . . . the satire has flown right over their heads. Talk about a party of poopers.
See that's the difference between Republicans and Democrats. Republicans are concentrating on solving real problems like taxes, jobs, healthcare, etc. :attitude:


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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I'm not trying to attack Republicans again, but . . . :sigh:

It's not just the administration (if you can call it that) that's hopeless, it's the whole party . . . they take everything so dead-dawg seriously that it's almost pathetic. This goes beyond just them bellyaching over everytime Alec Baldwin impersonates Trump on SNL because they have no sense of humor, but they clearly have no sense of what satire is either, because a Texas lawmaker is proposing a satirical new bill that would fine men $100 everytime they have a date with Rosie Palms. But again, the only one who seems to have caught onto to the satire are the Democrats, but the Republicans are actually outraged over the bill and the lawmaker behind it . . . the satire has flown right over their heads. Talk about a party of poopers.
Ha! That bill is funny. I would separate Trump from Republicans. Trump is the wimp that can't take a friggin' joke. All other Republicans, except for Spicer, has pretty much taken things in stride. In fact, Republican John Boehner got a good laugh recently with his prediction of this very predicament. He doesn't believe Congregational Republicans will ever agree on a healthcare programand history supports his claim. The truth is that modern republicans aren't really looking to solve health care, middle class taxes or create long term employment. They're about cutting corners, covering their own butts, lining their own pockets and campaigning for their next election cycle. It's the Democrats that all too often fail because they try to do too much for too many that they lose focus and momentum. The Dems need to stop the infighting. We've seen how it lost us the election and we see what infighting is doing to the likely failure of Trumpcare. We are stronger together. That was such a good slogan, but it seems that it'll take someone else to take it over the finish line in three and a half years.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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All other Republicans, except for Spicer, has pretty much taken things in stride.
That, I don't see. From my observation, they either take things super personally, whine and bellyache over something, or just blame "biased liberal media" for everything.

And come to think of it, I was struck by a realization today: is there a single woman in the Republican party with an actual functioning brain? I mean Sarah Palin? Michelle Bachmmann? Kellyanne Conway? The three of them put together couldn't ante up enough brainpower to match Trump, and Trump's brainpower isn't that impressive either.
In fact, Republican John Boehner got a good laugh recently with his prediction of this very predicament.
That's hard to swallow, considering what a douchebag he was when he was Speaker of the House during Obama's Administration.