I get what you are saying and you're entitled to your opinion - i don't think it makes it any more 'right' or 'justified' though but i'm not trying to stop you by any means. Saying that you feel it's right to download DVD rips because if you wanted to buy everything you desired it would cost a lot is nonsense. I might want a Ferrari but just because i can't afford it that doesn't mean i go and steal my next door neighbours. You can't have everything you want in the world. Saying once a TV company has made the money they spent on making a show they shouldn't be able to make any more is a little unrealistic too. If you owned a house and rented it out to tenants once they had paid you enough rent to cover the cost of the house would you give it to them? I doubt it. Besides, nowadays big TV shows can cost more to make than the companies initially profit and they are commisioned on the potential to make more back in the longterm. TV shows aren't public property at all, i don't get why they should be. With network shows other people pay to make them, not the viewers, and it's a business - why shouldn't someone profit from all the time/sweat/creativity/planning they have put in? Not to mention by putting shows out on DVD the people buying the rights to do that have to pay the TV company (and so should be able to profit) and the TV company has to pay the actors residuals etc. The media isn't a charity. It's not as straightforward as there just being some mass rip off putting old shows onto DVD to make mass profit. If there was some regulated way of downloading this stuff on the internet on a pay-per-view basis it'd all be the same, nothing is free. Again i'm not trying to stop anyone from downloading, it's their business. I just don't see point in justifying doing it. We all know it's wrong, but it's easily done, free, low risk and easily accessible. I can't blame people for doing it, but it doesnt make it right. At the end of the day my real concern is for fans, i want the sales to be high enough for there to be a Season 2 !
Still, i'd be interested in hearing what you have been told about the ALF discs and where from. I have seen four reviews so far. Three gave it almost top marks and said how great it looked/sounded and that it was good value. The one poor review complained about the technical quality, but this was written by someone who called the family the 'Turners', didn't know the show had gone into syndication, and criticised the disc because some of the jokes seemed a bit dated - which they would because the show was done in the 80's and it's the whole point of a cult show like ALF being released.