ALF will be debuting as a political commentator on "The O'Reilly Factor" with Bill O'Reilly this Friday night (11/30) on Fox News. It airs at 8 and 11pm Eastern in the USA and is also broadcast internationally (Check Listings). This looks like the start of a regular guest spot for him if all goes well.
Bill O'Reilly, really? Wow, that is strange. For anyone on the planet that doesn't know who Bill O'Reilly is, he's a very conservative megalomaniac (no, not Melmachian) that grand-stands on cultural issues. He's a guy who only sees in black and white extremes and actually buys into his own shtick.

<---(Think Sam the Eagle but without the Muppety goodness!)
He is a guilty pleasure of mine to watch just as people (on another end of the spectrum) watch Howard Stern just to see what crazy thing he will say or do next. The difference is Bill-O is a "true-believer" of his own self-righteous "bloviating”. I watch him, not because I agree with him, but because I don't.
It's always fun to see someone act so crazy on television. I try to catch him at least once a week. I hope ALF has some zingers ready for Bill-O!

If I know ALF, I'm sure he does.