I've got a whole bunch, so I'll have to do the by-artist thing as well. Here goes:
Beach Boys: Love You, Pet Sounds, Today!
Monkees: Headquarters, Pisces Aquarius..., Instant Replay
Brian Wilson: Orange Crate Art, Brian Wilson (my all-time favorite album)
They Might Be Giants: Lincoln
Elton John: Live in Australia, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Buddy Wasisname: The Miracle Cure, I'm Looney (
Thomas Matheson: Thomas Matheson
Wendy Carlos: Switched-On Bach, Secrets of Synthesis
Traveling Wilburys: Traveling Wilburys Volume 1
Cat Stevens: Teaser and the Firecat, Tea for the Tillerman
Crash Test Dummies: The Ghosts that Haunt Me
Peter Tork: Stranger Things have Happened
Hal Roach: It's That Man Again!
Soundtrack: The Terminal