Pretzelmania? Yep, sure have. It's one of Hatter and Hare's finest episodes, would you agree? Their chemistry also shows in
Take my Tonsils... Please! (Just for fun: "Bradley bought banana bunches- 'ack!'"

Oh definitely, the pretzel episode's a classic, lol. And it's kinda nice to see Hatter and Hare just being friends in "Take My Tonsils" instead of the traditional mischief making. I did like the moment where Hare awkwardly tries to comfort Hatter because you just rarely see them that way.
One of my other favorite Hatter and Hare episodes is "The Red Crown Queen Affair." I mean normally they're always trying to get out of having responsibilities but here they really push themselves to solve the case of the Queen's missing crown (of course it helps that the Queen threatened to take away their tea party privileges otherwise, lol).
Plus it has one of the best lines of the series:
Dee: And you call yourselves detectives!
Hatter: As long as we can get away with it...