I have actually decided to try to work out chords for the songs that I will choose because I decided that it was just not right to not include more that just two Fraggle songs. So... like I already said, I will be working out chords for parts of some of the Fraggle songs, and those are (But not limited to) Children of Tomorrow, Pass it On, Pukka, Pukka, Pukka Squeetily Boink, Wemblin' Fool (Because they did it at Jim Henson's funeral) and Lost and Found. I don't have forever to do this medley; I already have some parts of a few Muppet songs chosen. To be precise, I'm Going To Go Back There Some Day, Bless Us All, Rainbow Connection, Pictures In My Head, Saying Goodbye, Something Better and I also plan to do the full, Fraggle, Muppet, and Sesame Street Themes, a selection of Fraggle songs, and Just One Person.
Now bandit, to answer your question, I am trying to capture the spirit of Fraggle Rock. Are there any other songs that I should include parts of that I am forgetting?