I just wish Fisher Price had made a Muppet Theatre playset for the 1978 Muppet figure line...as the 3" Muppet figure line would be the only conceivable size to make such a mammoth playset for.
1) No way in heck should Palsiades have to try and make sure the playsets fit into the stage...thats just ridiculous. The playsets are looking to be of all shapes and sizes, and wouldnt make sense.
2) I envision the theatre playset to have a main part(the theatre curtain and stage, with a panel on each side that closes into itself(ie: the Statler/Waldorf area balconies) like any good ol 80's figure playset(heman, etc) ..with possibly a backstage area.
The problem is these figures are so large(like 5"+) that any theatre would be anightmare to draft and tool.
The theatre should IMHO be:
-------------------o.--------------------------------.o -----------------------
ooooooooooo. o.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.o.(((statler/waldorf)))
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------------------- o --------------------------------o------------------------
*edits* Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
Darn you realignment templates! This was spose to be my mad 5 minute leet ACII graphic skillz illustration of my Muppet Theatre idea...ack...well, its 3am...you get the picture