5 Years: Thank You

Barry Lee

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2003
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What you are about to read maybe long, but these are my true deep thoughts, so sit back, and read.

Hey everybody,

Well, in a few weeks will be my 5th anniversry on Muppet Central, some of you know me, and some of you dont. But I thank everybody for the warm company, and ziffels, and penguins aswell. (Muffins too) I was born with a rare syndrome called Nagers Syndrome, (click there for more information about the syndrome aswell) its very rare, and the effects of the syndrome dont affect you mentally, but they affect you physically, its hard to live life. Im often down, and just blah at times. Its really hard to deal with the disorder. I have friends, but no "close" friends that I could really talk to. My mom works at my school, so I can't really have privacy. I'm expected alot, and it makes me upset. I joined Muppet Central by the fact that I was a muppet fan, ever since I was young, the muppets (and art) were the only things that would bring a big grin to my little face. I have had over 20 surgeries, ive been through alot, my friend commited suicide, ive been let down by many girls, im not that good in school, but Art, My Parents, and the muppets keep me going.

When I joined, I was young, around 11 or so, very immature, and tYped LikE ThiSS. My typing has improved no doubt, and I have meet many friends, as well as enemies. This place has become a savior to my life, without muppets, art, MC, and my family, I wouldn't be here today. Seriously, I would be somewhere else, the Muppets saved my life, and some of you may not know it, but its true. Muppet Central has given me the freedom to post fanfics, and muppet info etc. As well as meet new and wonderful, (yet unusual) people.

I just want to thank everybody, I want to thank some specific people though, first of all, my first real friend on muppet central was Vic Ramano he truely inspired me with a lucious art and his awesome personality. Then there is Jedix, Krazedmuppet, Super Scooter, and Anything Muppet, these people are just awesome, I talk to Jedix and Katie (Krazedmuppet) almost every single day, they are my good dear friends, and so is Super Scooter and Anything Muppet aswell, they always cheer me up whenever I am down, and I apprieciate it. I also wanna thank Skye, Redboobergurl, Bill the Bubble Guy, and the rest of muppet central for just sticking with me, I have been a jerk to some people on here, but thank you guys for at least giving me a chance.

Again, I thank everyone.

I will also post some old cheesy thread later.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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You're most welcome Barry.
I think this is a beautiful post. I'm so very pleased MC helped to enrich your life and you can continue to depend on us all for any more support you require in anything :smile:

All the very best wishes to you Barry. :smile:

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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I bow to you good sir. You're a far more creative and artistic person then I can ever hope to be, and to have met you and known your warm personality and to be considered your friend is a great honor.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Barry, you're so welcome. I'm so glad that MC has been one of the things to help in your life so far, and I'm so glad I've gotten the chance to get to know you! You know that we are always here for you if you need it.

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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Hey, you've been awesome to have around here, Barry. You're a great kid. Congrats on 5 years... or is it 4? :wink:


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2005
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Barry, my friend, you have been one of the greatest guys I've known on here. You are so dedicated to the Muppets and you are so very persistent in everything you do what with this unfortunate physical disorder you have. In fact, you were one of my two first friends when I came to MC (D'Snowth and you) and you have always been there to help me out when I was down at times and you would always be there to cheer me up with a song from your collection. To be honest, I think you are one of the greatest inspirations in my life ( and this is no embellishment or stretch), you have just helped me believe in myself and you have been a true true friend, something that really is hard to come by today in this god awful society, filled with spiteful cretins. You are a legend, Barry S. Lee, a living legend and a true inspiration to me and us all. Your kind words, actions and thoughts are rich with love and the best morals and has truly changed the way I think, in a lot of ways, and the way I am. And for all the stresses of school in addition to the disorder really keeps me impressed, that you always maintain such a loving, positive attitude towards life. God bless you Barry Lee. :smile: :big_grin: :wink:


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Thank YOU Barry. I've had a great time getting to know you better and you are a good friend of mine here. Congrats on five years, it's totally awesome!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Way to go Barry! You're an awesome guy and a great member here! Glad that I've gotten to know you recently, and here's to five more years! :big_grin: :excited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2004
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Aw, Barry! You make me want to cry.......

Barry Lee

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2003
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Aww. (hugs to everyone) Thank you for the warm compliments everybody, you guys are very awesome, and i am truely greatful to meet each and everyone of you guys, seriously.