It's going to simply be called "The Muppets". I'd be amazed if they actually change this, since this is how they are titling all revival franchises on the big screen.
Sure, because they want to reinvent everything and expect you to forget that a lot of other movies preceded it. And since this movie is being definitively called the name of the TV show it's based on or whatever, it's automatically referred to over any other previous movie because few people will bother to say the full name of longer movies with subtitles.
Example- So, are you a fan of Star Trek?
Do you mean "Star Trek", the 1966-1969 TV series, "Star Trek: The Animated Series", "Star Trek: The Next Generation", "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine", "Star Trek: Voyager", "Star Trek: Enterprise", "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" or any of the 9 movies that followed it or do you mean the confusingly-named 2009 "Star Trek" movie?
(In which case, the answer is yes to most all of them. Still not very fond of everything in "Star Trek: Nemesis" and definitely didn't like everything in the 2009 "Star Trek" movie.)
Why do the Muppets need such a revival? Do people seriously not know who The Muppets are? They just had a Christmas TV-movie last year with "The Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa". You can find Muppets T-shirts at Hot Topic and Wal-Mart and Target pretty often. "The Muppet Show" Seasons 1-3 is on DVD. Sesame Street is still running strong. And now The Hub is airing many of the Muppet movies as well as "Fraggle Rock" again.
I don't see that a reintroduction to the characters is really necessary. I know younger kids that are familiar with the Muppets.
And honestly, even if kids aren't- can't they just take a chance that if they make a quality kid-friendly movie that adults can enjoy as well with the trusted and proven Muppets brand that young kids will fall in love with it and want to see more of The Muppets? (Beyond the ones they see on Sesame Street, that is.)
I was thinking maybe something like "The Muppets Together Again" might be a nice title. Something that would make it more definitive as to the plot. "Introducing The Muppets"?
"Muppets Magic"?...
And I can also see the similarities to "UHF"- a pretty funny movie, by the way. I definitely love some Weird Al songs- getting him a cameo would definitely be cool- I'm sure he'd be up for it.
And thanks for those who clarified about Muppet Studios vs. Muppet Theater. That makes a bit more sense now.
But as to whether the Muppets work full time at the theater or not- that's always seemed to be the case from my understanding. I guess they've had different ventures with "MuppetTelevision" and "Muppets Tonight", etc. - but it seems like the weekly show at the Theater was always maintained as well. At least in "It's A Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie" it sure seemed like they would all be broke and homeless if they deferred their paychecks for a year. I mean- they've done it before in "The Muppets Take Manhattan".
Maybe the Muppets should follow the route of "UHF" then and just name the movie after their production studios? "Muppet Studios"?
And I appreciate the explanations regarding Walter, but I still don't see him as being all that funny of a concept. But that's just my personal humor style, I guess. Perhaps it will be funnier than I think. It will be especially nice if Walter decides to browse the Internet for Muppet news and run across

Anyway- moving right along (footloose and fancy free)-
I wonder when there will be a teaser trailer available for this? That will help a lot in getting more of a feel for this movie.