This took me 2 days to post, because I wanted to think of a good list.
10 signs that you are MrsPepper!!!
10. You're a grumpy CEO who hates it when people skive off their duties
9. You're a canuck and darn proud of it!
8. You love the Royal Canadian Air Farce and watch the full episodes online when you miss them
7. You've played Floyd, Sal, and Travelling Matt in various games on Muppet Central
6. You're an aspiring artist, yet never share your stuff with your MC buddies
5. You often distract yourself
4. You love eclectic things like Wolverine (<3) and the Xmen, the Ninja Turtles, the Antiques Roadshow, anything Renaissance, citrus fruits, Quiz shows, and Corey Feldman
3. You have a closet love for reality tv shows, especially The Apprentice (it's on tonight!!!)
2. You are very paranoid and worry about everything, and are way too stressed out for your own good
And number one...
1. You love the Electric mayhem's bass player!